Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Pro BSOD caused by ntoskrnl.exe


Active Member
Oct 20, 2014
Hey everyone. I'm new to the forum as I just signed up today and I've had Windows 8.1 on my SSD for about a few months now and I recently got a BSOD involving the ntoskrnl.exe while playing a game.

Here's my crash dump.

Also please try to help me with as many solutions with this error as possible BEFORE having to result in that Dreaded Driver Verifier. I've tried using that program a few months back and it did nothing but lock my PC on constant BSOD's and I couldn't even turn it off.

I do not like that program at all and I could not even reset the settings because it said none existed.

All help is appreciated and I await your responses! Thanks in advance!


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*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
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Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck C000021A, {ffffc001b9ac95a0, 0, 0, 0}

----- ETW minidump data unavailable-----
Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::OKHAJAOM::`string'+b69 )

Followup: MachineOwner
I had to google this Bugcheck as it's quite rare and I'll copy and paste the main cause...
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*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
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Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck C000021A, {ffffc001b9ac95a0, 0, 0, 0}

----- ETW minidump data unavailable-----
Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::OKHAJAOM::`string'+b69 )

Followup: MachineOwner
I had to google this Bugcheck as it's quite rare and I'll copy and paste the main cause:
This error occurs when a user-mode subsystem, such as WinLogon or the Client Server Run-Time Subsystem (CSRSS), has been fatally compromised and security can no longer be guaranteed. In response, the operating system switches to kernel mode. Microsoft Windows cannot run without WinLogon or CSRSS. Therefore, this is one of the few cases where the failure of a user-mode service can shut down the system.
Mismatched system files can also cause this error. This can occur if you have restored your hard disk from a backup. Some backup programs might skip restoring system files that they determine are in use.
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You might also have some system corruption. Use search to find command prompt, right click on it and run as admin. Type:
sfc /scannow
Press enter and await results.

You also mentioned a SSD. Is the firmware fully updated and are you running in AHCI mode?

Third party applications can also cause this error so anything you have installed must be viewed with suspicion.

aswRdr2.sys Thu Apr 17 12:02:56 2014: Avast TDI Redirect Driver: Avast AV is known on occasion to cause the odd issue please remove and install MSE for the interim:

cpuz137_x64.sys Mon Feb 17 14:22:16 2014: CPU-Z or a related application please remove. If removing these applications do stop the bsod then you could always add them back one by one and see if the issue re-occurs.

WinRing0x64.sys Sat Jul 26 14:29:37 2008: Many different programs that center around the using of the WinRing libraries (RealTemp, Corsair Link2 (known BSOD issues w/Win8), Razer GameBooster, Fusiontweaker (Google Code), etc). I also seem to remember another user having similar files to this one and the cpu-z file above and it ended up belonging to a particular application which monitored the pc... Ring any bells? (sorry i forget the actual name of it.. I'll have a look back and see if I can find it)
Found it.. It's an app called:
Advanced System Care from IOBIT.. Sound familiar?

Driver wise you look in pretty good shape apart from this driver:
E1G6032E.sys Tue Mar 23 21:08:16 2010: Intel Ethernet. Please update:
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Post any new dump files.

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*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
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Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck C000021A, {ffffc001b9ac95a0, 0, 0, 0}

----- ETW minidump data unavailable-----
Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::OKHAJAOM::`string'+b69 )

Followup: MachineOwner
I had to google this Bugcheck as it's quite rare and I'll copy and paste the main cause:

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You might also have some system corruption. Use search to find command prompt, right click on it and run as admin. Type:
sfc /scannow
Press enter and await results.

You also mentioned a SSD. Is the firmware fully updated and are you running in AHCI mode?

Third party applications can also cause this error so anything you have installed must be viewed with suspicion.

aswRdr2.sys Thu Apr 17 12:02:56 2014: Avast TDI Redirect Driver: Avast AV is known on occasion to cause the odd issue please remove and install MSE for the interim:

cpuz137_x64.sys Mon Feb 17 14:22:16 2014: CPU-Z or a related application please remove. If removing these applications do stop the bsod then you could always add them back one by one and see if the issue re-occurs.

WinRing0x64.sys Sat Jul 26 14:29:37 2008: Many different programs that center around the using of the WinRing libraries (RealTemp, Corsair Link2 (known BSOD issues w/Win8), Razer GameBooster, Fusiontweaker (Google Code), etc). I also seem to remember another user having similar files to this one and the cpu-z file above and it ended up belonging to a particular application which monitored the pc... Ring any bells? (sorry i forget the actual name of it.. I'll have a look back and see if I can find it)
Found it.. It's an app called:
Advanced System Care from IOBIT.. Sound familiar?

Driver wise you look in pretty good shape apart from this driver:
E1G6032E.sys Tue Mar 23 21:08:16 2010: Intel Ethernet. Please update:
Link Removed

Post any new dump files.
Hey kemical! Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

I'll run a Sfc scan now, but to answer your other questions.

The Firmware is fully updated but I'm not running in AHCI Mode.
I use Avast! but I really don't want to get rid of it unless you can recommend a better Anti-Virus because it's been good unless this is the culprit.

Why would CPU-Z cause an error like that? I use RealTemp to monitor my TEmps, Razer cause I have a Razer Mouse and Keyboard, and only use Advance System Care for the Ram Meter which could sound like an issue.

As for the Intel Ethernet, I tried updating it but I don't think they even have a new version for Windows 8, as I looked unless I didn't look right.

I'm unsure as to why third party apps could cause this type of error but I'd be suspicious of the Advanced System care for sure.

Any other suggestions about the other bug checks and such you found, and about removing avast?

Not really apart from I've written already in the above post. Try just some the changes and see how you go. If the bsod still occurs then try the others.
Post any new dump files.

So I haven't had a BSOD yet since I uninstalled Avast and installed KasperSky but my PC still acts a little weird.

Just earlier Skype logged me out oddly, and then later it crashed, and sometimes when a Program randomly crashes, my mouse and keyboard freeze up and I can't move anything.

Also randomly my PC WILL (mainly upon exiting a game) cause my screen to go completely black and not respond. The only thing I can do is reset my PC from the Reset switch...

Any ideas?

Try running both these commands one after another. Open an admin command prompt and type:
sfc /scannow
Press enter and await results.

Once that's finished run this command:
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Press enter and await results. Be patient with this one as it can take a little time.

sfc /scannow came back last time with no issues.

I ran the Cleanup-Image and it finished fairly quickly. Stayed at 20% for about 3-4 minutes and then it finished. Does that mean anything?

Well usually it says completed successfully... Didn't it say that when you ran it? It's a bit like SFC but this will download new files to replace corrupted ones.. Other than that usual things to check when getting freezing issues are,
Temps.. Make sure your not overheating
Check gpu drivers and if need be update to latest whql of which there has been releases by both Nvidia and AMD recently (can't remember your card sorry)
I'd also consider moving the settings to AHCI as your SSD will be much happier for it.

It said it completed successfully, yes. My Temps when playing games on my OC'd CPU is 70 MAX load usually. My OC is stable, and it's been tested. My GPU drivers are up to date and my GPU is an EVGA GTX 660 2GB FTW card.

I should put my SSD in AHCI mode though.

I did wonder if you were overclocking and if the bsod continues the first thing you should do is to return to default values if only to discount it.

kemical, buddy... I don't think AHCI is possible on my PC.. x.x I set it in my BIOS just now and it caused a BSOD on Windows Start. Wouldn't even load into the OS. I have 2 other HDD's in this PC as well, I tried changing boot priorities, and it couldn't find the SSD, and eventually the only way I could get into Windows was changing it back to IDE... any suggestions?

Yup. The SSD and my old 500GB is in SATA 3 and my 2TB Game Drive is in SATA 6

Hmm... when you say SATA 3 and SATA 6 are you referring to the actual speed of the SSD slot?

SATA I (revision 1.x) interface, formally known as SATA 1.5Gb/s, is the first generation SATA interface running at 1.5 Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 150MB/s.

SATA II (revision 2.x) interface, formally known as SATA 3Gb/s, is a second generation SATA interface running at 3.0 Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 300MB/s.

SATA III (revision 3.x) interface, formally known as SATA 6Gb/s, is a third generation SATA interface running at 6.0Gb/s. The bandwidth throughput, which is supported by the interface, is up to 600MB/s. This interface is backwards compatible with SATA 3 Gb/s interface.

Most modern HDD's are SATAII or SATA 3gb/s. SSD's on the other hand are usually SATAIII or SATA 6gb/s. You should swop your drives accordingly although I doubt this would stop you running AHCI but then again you just never know....

Maybe it's my mobo, I have no idea, but maybe I should disconnect my old 500GB with Windows 7 on it and then get the PC to boot up with just the SSD and Game Drive, in there in AHCI and maybe that'll work?

I did a little checking via google. Read this post and try the solution re the registry tweak:
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The registry guide for Windows 8 was a bit different but I found it and switched the values and it worked! So I'm in AHCI mode and I think it's running MUCH faster actually. Would you also be able to tell me the difference between ACHI and IDE btw?

Also just want to give you a BIG thanks for all your help, even though there's a chance I might get a BSOD again from further testing or PC freezing, I feel you deserve a much needed thank you for all your help thus far! ^^
