
New Member
Jan 30, 2013
Hello everyone,

I keep receiving BSODs when i am using utorrent or just surfing net. I have tried everything to avoid these BSOD but fail.

I have tried the disk scan which shows me no error

The ram test with 500% without error

Using SlimDrivers which shows me my driver is the latest

Run the Intelburntest without any error

Monitering the temperature, all are below 30 degree

I even fully reinstalled the OS for 2times

But I just receive BSOD when I am lightly use the computer(utorrent+surfing net). However, when I am heavily use it, it doesn't appear any BSODs(playing WOW+watching films).

Here is my recent minidump. Your help is appreciated.\

Operating system : windows 8 64bit (x64),
Motherboard Mfr : gigabyte 880GM-UD2H
CPU : AMD Athlone 3.0G X3 RANA 440
BIOS Version, F8
Memory (RAM) Mfr. : ADATA
Model number : XPG DDR3 1600 8GB 4GBX2
Video Card Type : nvidia 650Ti
Hard disk : Adata SP900 SSD 128G
Power Supply Unit (PSU) Mfr. AYWUN
Wattage: 550W


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OK, after 10 hours of testing, 4 to 5 BSODs occur
the last 2 mini dumps are the latest which I uninstall about every promgramme that I usually used.

I have run the ram test and hard disk test without error.
I have changed the ram slot, and changed the ram one by one
I have run intelburntest without error
I have run video memory test without error

I have found that after some reboot of the system, the computer may totally turn off which I cannot turn it on at the front of the case, unless I turn off the main power switcher of my PSU at the back and wait for about 10 second, then turn on the PSU, turn on the the front case switcher.

Is it the PSU's problem which causing the BSODs? Since I have found that the BSOD's only happens when I...
An latest BSOD has happened after I uninstalled MSI Afterburner and Core Temp, re installed net driver.

I am now running verifier.


You had a BSOD due to your ESET Firewall while those programs were still installed.
Then you removed the problem programs and you had a BSOD that doesn't directly blame anything.

I would suggest:
1) Wait and see if you get another BSOD (sometimes removing the problem can cause a BSOD - so we want to be sure that you're still having them).
2) Upload that memory dump with your next post
3) Then run Driver Verifier according to these instructions: Link Removed

The following is for informational purposes only.
[font=lucida console]**************************Tue Feb  5 06:09:52.063 2013 (UTC - 5:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\020513-12636-01.dmp]
Windows 8 Kernel Version 9200 MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]9200[/B].16461.amd64fre.win8_gdr.121119-1606
System Uptime:[B]0 days 5:43:11.885[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]win32k.sys ( win32k!xxxReadPostMessage+16c )[/B]
BugCheck [B]3B, {c0000005, fffff9600023df0c, fffff8800f987000, 0}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 00000000c0000005, Exception code that caused the bugcheck
Arg2: fffff9600023df0c, Address of the instruction which caused the bugcheck
Arg3: fffff8800f987000, Address of the context record for the exception that caused the bugcheck
Arg4: 0000000000000000, zero.
PROCESS_NAME:  XBrowser.exe
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]0x3B_win32k!xxxReadPostMessage[/B]
  BIOS Version                  F8
  BIOS Release Date             10/11/2010
  Manufacturer                  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product Name                  GA-880GM-UD2H
**************************Mon Feb  4 19:35:11.083 2013 (UTC - 5:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\020513-12714-01.dmp]
Windows 8 Kernel Version 9200 MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]9200[/B].16461.amd64fre.win8_gdr.121119-1606
System Uptime:[B]0 days 10:09:55.903[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for epfw.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for epfw.sys
Probably caused by :[B]epfw.sys ( epfw+1a30b )[/B]
BugCheck [B]1E, {ffffffffc0000005, fffff801b388ed35, 0, ffffffffffffffff}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: ffffffffc0000005, The exception code that was not handled
Arg2: fffff801b388ed35, The address that the exception occurred at
Arg3: 0000000000000000, Parameter 0 of the exception
Arg4: ffffffffffffffff, Parameter 1 of the exception
BUGCHECK_STR:  0x1E_c0000005_R
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]0x1E_c0000005_R_epfw+1a30b[/B]
  BIOS Version                  F8
  BIOS Release Date             10/11/2010
  Manufacturer                  Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  Product Name                  GA-880GM-UD2H

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[font=lucida console]**************************Tue Feb  5 06:09:52.063 2013 (UTC - 5:00)**************************
fltsrv.sys                    Tue Apr 10 09:23:29 2012 (4F843451)
TuneUpUtilitiesDriver64.sys   Fri May 25 06:28:19 2012 (4FBF5EC3)
snapman.sys                   Thu Jul 26 06:05:35 2012 (5011166F)
amd_sata.sys                  Mon Sep 17 04:40:39 2012 (5056E207)
amd_xata.sys                  Mon Sep 17 04:40:43 2012 (5056E20B)
EpfwLWF.sys                   Tue Sep 25 12:08:58 2012 (5061D71A)
epfw.sys                      Tue Sep 25 12:09:02 2012 (5061D71E)
eamonm.sys                    Tue Sep 25 12:11:19 2012 (5061D7A7)
ehdrv.sys                     Tue Sep 25 12:12:24 2012 (5061D7E8)
epfwwfp.sys                   Fri Nov 23 08:38:01 2012 (50AF7C39)
RTKVHD64.sys                  Tue Dec 18 08:15:57 2012 (50D06C8D)
Rt630x64.sys                  Thu Dec 27 19:04:06 2012 (50DCE1F6)
nvlddmkm.sys                  Sat Dec 29 01:47:52 2012 (50DE9218)
**************************Mon Feb  4 19:35:11.083 2013 (UTC - 5:00)**************************
[B]ALSysIO64.sys                 Sat Jul  9 20:27:45 2011 (4E18F201)[/B]
[B]RTCore64.sys                  Tue Sep  6 08:24:50 2011 (4E661112)[/B]
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The minidump that I previously posted was occurred after I uninstalled core temp , MSI Afterburner, re installed latest network driver and rebooted the system.

I got two BSODs while I was running Driver Verifier for about two hours.

The BlueScreenView shows it caused by tcpip.sys and dxgmms1.sys.

Is it the network driver related? should I buy an new external lan card to replace the on-borad lan?


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I would first suggest uninstalling your ESET Smart Security
Then use this free tool to ensure any remnants are removed: How do I manually uninstall my Windows ESET security product? - ESET Knowledgebase
Then install a free antivirus for protection while testing. Some links here: Link Removed
Then ensure that the Windows Firewall is enabled (go through the Action Center in the System Tray).
Then monitor for further BSOD's

I also suspect TuneUpUtilities and/or Acronis - simply because they are also present in each of the memory dumps. While this is not a firm diagnosis, it's certainly a significant coincidence IMO.

If the BSOD's persist, and they continue to blame the networking sub-system - then I'd suggest trying another LAN card (and disabling the onboard one in the BIOS). FWIW - IMO it's always good to have a spare LAN card on hand in case yours goes down.

Please note that these aren't listed as Verifier Enabled memory dumps - so it's most likely that this is a hardware issue (although a Windows issue is also possible, just less likely).

The following is for informational purposes only.
[font=lucida console]**************************Tue Feb  5 08:14:16.690 2013 (UTC - 5:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\020513-19437-01.dmp]
Windows 8 Kernel Version 9200 MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]9200[/B].16461.amd64fre.win8_gdr.121119-1606
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:37:35.582[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for Rt630x64.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for Rt630x64.sys
Probably caused by :[B]NETIO.SYS ( NETIO!NetioDereferenceNetBufferListChain+121 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C1, {fffff98022582d00, fffff9802258235e, cb42f8, 32}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: fffff98022582d00, address trying to free
Arg2: fffff9802258235e, address where one bit is corrupted
Arg3: 0000000000cb42f8, (reserved)
Arg4: 0000000000000032, caller is freeing an address where nearby bytes within the same page have a single bit error
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]0xC1_32_VRF_NETIO!NetioDereferenceNetBufferListChain[/B]
**************************Tue Feb  5 07:36:16.495 2013 (UTC - 5:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\020513-13104-01.dmp]
Windows 8 Kernel Version 9200 MP (3 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]9200[/B].16461.amd64fre.win8_gdr.121119-1606
System Uptime:[B]0 days 1:16:31.387[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for Rt630x64.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for Rt630x64.sys
Probably caused by :[B]NETIO.SYS ( NETIO!NetioDereferenceNetBufferListChain+121 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]1E, {ffffffffc0000005, fffff8800186f673, 0, ffffffffffffffff}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: ffffffffc0000005, The exception code that was not handled
Arg2: fffff8800186f673, The address that the exception occurred at
Arg3: 0000000000000000, Parameter 0 of the exception
Arg4: ffffffffffffffff, Parameter 1 of the exception
BUGCHECK_STR:  0x1E_c0000005_R
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]0x1E_c0000005_R_VRF_NETIO!NetioDereferenceNetBufferListChain[/B]

3rd Party Drivers:
The following is for information purposes only.
Any drivers in red should be updated or removed from your system. And should have been discussed in the body of my post.
[font=lucida console]**************************Tue Feb  5 08:14:16.690 2013 (UTC - 5:00)**************************
fltsrv.sys                    Tue Apr 10 09:23:29 2012 (4F843451)
TuneUpUtilitiesDriver64.sys   Fri May 25 06:28:19 2012 (4FBF5EC3)
snapman.sys                   Thu Jul 26 06:05:35 2012 (5011166F)
amd_sata.sys                  Mon Sep 17 04:40:39 2012 (5056E207)
amd_xata.sys                  Mon Sep 17 04:40:43 2012 (5056E20B)
EpfwLWF.sys                   Tue Sep 25 12:08:58 2012 (5061D71A)
epfw.sys                      Tue Sep 25 12:09:02 2012 (5061D71E)
eamonm.sys                    Tue Sep 25 12:11:19 2012 (5061D7A7)
ehdrv.sys                     Tue Sep 25 12:12:24 2012 (5061D7E8)
epfwwfp.sys                   Fri Nov 23 08:38:01 2012 (50AF7C39)
RTKVHD64.sys                  Tue Dec 18 08:15:57 2012 (50D06C8D)
Rt630x64.sys                  Thu Dec 27 19:04:06 2012 (50DCE1F6)
nvlddmkm.sys                  Sat Dec 29 01:47:52 2012 (50DE9218)
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Please note that these aren't listed as Verifier Enabled memory dumps - so it's most likely that this is a hardware issue (although a Windows issue is also possible, just less likely).

I have removed my new rams which were brought last month and replaced it with the old one although I tested them with 500% pass with ram test. It seems that no BSODs after that.
I will test it for a longer time.

Thanks again for your advice

I believe I have found the source of my problem, which is apparently quite common in ATi or nvidia cards.
I've Never Had A BSOD While Playing a game tho. It's always Been when I'm idling, watching a youtube video Or using firefox or google chrome or using a p2p program . After I did this I never got a BSOD ever again.

When idle the GPU lowers the clock speeds for the core and the memory quite drastically (324mhz core, 324mhz memory) compared to the default clock speeds of 954 and 2700 in order to save power. Apparently this causes problems specifically with windows 8 for some reason, where idle states will cause driver errors because of super low clocks. The fix is to set the idle clocks higher, in my case
, I referred to [GUIDE] Nvidia Inspector GTX670/680 - disable boost / fixed clock speed / undervolting , and set the idle clocks to 424mhz core, 624 Mhz memory(10% higher) which prevent this problem from occurring.

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Nice work teng1984!!!
I'm glad to see that there's a documented link to this sort of issue.
It helps me when trying to diagnose BSOD's at idle
