
New Member
Apr 5, 2010
ASPIRE 5740-6378 laptop
Intel Core i5 430m (2.26 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB)
Intel HD GPU
4 GB Memory
320 GB Hard Drive

Windows 7 64bit

Problem 1 – Music Library reload

Sometimes when wmp12 opens and I access the music library it will say there is nothing there until it begins the loading process It would seem that all of my music appears as it is found, but this is a process of waiting that has not been in previous versions of wmp and I do not see its importance here.

Problem 2 – Duplicates in Music Library

After loading there will be duplicates of songs found In library. Whole albums are shown with 2, 3 even 4 duplicates

Troubleshooting done:
Right-clicked on the offending duplicates and found its file location to match the file location of all the other duplicates of the same song, with no duplicates existing in the file, only in the library. I can select them and delete them from my library and my computer but there will still come for different songs randomly it would seem when I leave the wmp on for extended periods of time and try to go back thru the library.

I welcome any assistance and thank you.

I am having the same issue. My library is duplicating everything in it, eventhough there are only single copies of each file/song on my hard drive. This is rather annoying and I can't seem to find a solution. No previous version of WMP has had this problem in the past. I do not see any options relating to this inside media player.

Have you found a solution yet?


I'm relieved to hear that others have the problem with sometimes up to 6 7 duplicates in the WMP libraries, my friend and I have had the same problem for years when using WMP different versions for our large Music Data Base (MP3 of all our CD and some LPs) and there seems to be no solution. At first we also got copies on the drives we used but here he seems to have had some help using the Vice Versa Compare. I recently recieved a external memory with the Music Data Base cleaned of all copies from him, came home and when running it to WMP (version for Windows 7) the library at once showed umpteenth copies of the same songs. Is there no help for this? Perhaps to scrap WMP and use simpler systems like VLC?
