
New Member
Mar 29, 2008
Personally, like many of you, I have a hate-love relationship with this new, extremely hyped OS. I have become quite familiar with it, working with it now for about 3 months, mainly in the areas of media production. OK, on the upside... Vista's security is such that it rivals Fort Knox. So much so, that even the user (owner) must negotiate with the system for special permissions to do simple tasks like delete a folder, and we're not just talking critical root folders here, but even deleting a simple menu folder requires that one give up their eye teeth and left kidney before getting a pass. Next, I have come to appreciate the nifty improvements in navigation; jumping from the Documents folder to the Program Files folder for example is a breeze, due to the added navigation buttons at the top of the windows. Several other niceties are the auto-refreshing of file lists, multi-choices in folder/file viewing, expanded search options, an improved email server, and a sleeker overall 32 bit appearance in graphics. OK, now for the bad news...Aside from the aformentioned security annoyances, there are a whole slew of others, including some really buggy ones that sent me fleeing to my local computer store to buy a reduced price copy of Windows XP, only to find that I cannot install it on my brand new HP Pavilion v6500 laptop...aaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!!! Next, call me festidious, but I would rather prefer that my folder/file views are left the way I had them, thank you, and not rearranged to Vista's liking each and everytime I return to a particular window..."and who's been sleeping in my bed?!" (By the way, Neuton's fundamental law of gravity dictates that if you stand an open folder on it's side, that is vertically, all of the contents will indeed fall out.) Unfortunately, it gets know all of those beloved, endearing programs you paid a pretty penny for? Get ready to unload a fair amount of them at your next garage sale, because Vista treats them like terrorists trying to sneak across the Mexican border. (Darn, wouldn't you know it, I forgot to take my crash course in 16 bit vs. 32 bit compatibility.) And what is up with Windows Media Player 11? I just want to listen to some music, not get roped and lassled into buying the new Britney Spears album. And the layout looks like it was designed by an Anime art student. (Not that there's anything wrong with Anime.) And so, here I sit in my high-chair, being force-fed mashed split pea; which tastes pretty bland, because I have already had my dessert...mmmmm, yummy.

P.S. Bill, I had a premonition that another pie was headed straight for your mug. And it wasn't Lemon Muringue either.
Hi, to answer your first question, try this free PDF download from Just click the link on the left-hand side of the page for the Vista guide.:
Link Removed
Just in case you need the utility to read PDFs I'll include the link also:
Adobe - Adobe Reader Download - All versions

The second question has more to do with the 'UAC' (user account control) than Defender. Turning it off is a much argued point. Many users hate the utility but then again other people feel the need to have this extra protection, at the end of the day it's up to you. To turn it off you need to go to User accounts via the control panel, just unclick the box , reboot and enjoy a less restrictive os.
The above guide has more to say on this...
Asta-La-Vista Hi!!! Have you read "Windows Vista Inside Out"? Perhaps that can help you trouble shoot some problems you are currently facing..... It is very frustrating right now in Vista because everything keeps changing, remember Vista is not even a year old yet. It is certainly a very beautiful job, I've become very attached to my little Vista Notebook---so, I'm sticking it out. Things can only get better!!!! Sincerely, Celestra P.S. (Think like a Vista, not an XP)
Unfortunately vista is here to stay. Microsoft had a good idea, and I was excited about it when it came out. But for some reason they took a step in the wrong direction. They made a ram sucking OS that somehow manages to piss everybody who uses it off. I personally hate it, but thats just me.

I am committed to learning Vista in as much detail as possible, but am floundering like mad with this being the 3rd day. Couple questions: 1] What would be the best article book for starters?
2] How do I get Defender to stop asking permission to load various programs, etc.?
Hi, to answer your first question, try this free PDF download from Just click the link on the left-hand side of the page for the Vista guide.:
Link Removed
Just in case you need the utility to read PDFs I'll include the link also:
Adobe - Adobe Reader Download - All versions

The second question has more to do with the 'UAC' (user account control) than Defender. Turning it off is a much argued point. Many users hate the utility but then again other people feel the need to have this extra protection, at the end of the day it's up to you. To turn it off you need to go to User accounts via the control panel, just unclick the box , reboot and enjoy a less restrictive os.
The above guide has more to say on this matter and can advise you probably better than I can. Welcome to the forum and hope you get to enjoy vista, oh, please don't hesitate to ask if you have any further questions...
I love it and have come to except the fact that some of my older programs will not work just as I did when 95, 98, ME , and especially when I upgraded to XP. It seemed like NOTHING was compatible with XP.
Thanks very much for the help and welcome.
I will finish filling out my profile. My custom machine is coming. Nothing super fancy, but will be a huge boost forward from the Dell I am using right now.
1 gig or RAM to 4 Gigs should help me too (4 gigs is on what is coming).
Right now I have a dual boot system. For some totally unknown reason I can download Adobe just fine with XP, but it will not install no matter what I do with Vista. Even when I am logged on as Admin still can't get many things to download and install correctly win in Vista. Coincidence maybe?? Vista is installed on one IDE drive and XP is on another IDE.
Hi!! I think I have a better solution to your heartaches than Kemical. You're going to have to look it up on the Internet..... ( It's titled: Suppress and Skip "needs your permission to continue" Prompt with...) This sounds like a good Tweak, let me know. For books: How about, "Windows VISTA Administrator's Pocket Consultant" Or, if you prefer as less intellectual approach "Vista for Dummies" Sincerely, Celestra
Looks like a good tweak for the UAC prompts, although I'm a sinner myself and don't use it..

I will look for the book on Admin. The Dummy series and a couple about that level were just too basic for me. I am commited to learning this OS, inside and out.
I need to become proficient quickly. Eventually want to be a Certified user.