Windows 7 XP to 7 issues with downloaded version of 7

Okay. Im not going to jump for joy just yet.

But before I reformatted my computer. I put my Windows 7 download and XP Professional download on a thumb drive so I could try my luck again after a clean XP Home install.

Well I just put the files on my desktop. And guess what, they now have the .iso extension after the file name. And when I right click and go to properties. Next to type of file, it lists it as an ISO file.

Not sure why it changed. But Im hoping this will somehow make a difference. Im burning a copy right now. Ill let you guys know what happens.
Ohhh my god...

I just successfully burned a copy of XP PRO that was bootable from startup. I used imageburn and the provided download from MSDN. :D:D:D

Im now going to try burning Windows 7. Really though. I am doing not one thing different from before. Im thinking that the various programs on my computer messed up the file somehow with how it was handled. Before it appeared as a .zip file that I could unzip and open. Now it is purely an .iso file. :confused:

Im not complaining or anything. But I would like to know why.

I just hope this windows 7 burn goes well. It is not listed as an ISO like professional was on MSDN, however, it appears an ISO on my desktop.

We will see.
"But I would like to know why."

I do not think there is an explanation for a .zip file becoming a .iso file by itself, not on this planet. lol.
Well, its 2:50AM right now and I was able to successfully set up windows 7!!!! :D

My burned image work. I then ran into the issue of it freezing on the Windows Startup screen. Figured that out after a little research that disabling one of my LAN ports may help. And it did. I just swapped ports on my computer and now I have internet and windows 7. Yay me. :)