Windows 7 Yet another "can't install - missing install.wim" user.....


New Member
Feb 6, 2009
I'm not sure WHY I thought this would be painless, but...

Downloaded Windows 7, 64-bit from the official site.

Burned it to a DVD using the less-than-a-year-old Samsung burner. Tried the install and got the familiar "missing install.wim" message.

Burned ANOTHER DVD using 2X just in case THAT was the problem.

Same thing on install.

Spent hours doing the download a second time...

Went through the same process again. Same result again.

Tried the process to create a USB drive, but THAT fails because it won't use bootsect.exe from XP 32 to create whatever's needed to install Windows 7 64........

Anyone have a solution that actually works for getting this installed? If not, is MS going to do something so the install will actually work from normal, fairly new hardware?

Bad question? Question that's been answered successfully already?

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OK, if no answer on what to actually DO about the "missing install.wim" problem, let's try a different one...

I've got XP32 (the XP64 partition is where Windows 7 64-bit is going). How do I install Windows 7 64-bit from a USB drive? I can't run bootsect.exe 'cause it complains it's not a windows 32 file. I can't do the install from the DVD 'cause it doesn't work. I presume a less-than-a-year-old system with an e6700 processor and a year old Samsung DVD burner isn't too old for this to work. Yeah, I KNOW it's worked for some people, but if there's not a reasonable way to get this software installed I need to know it so I can just delete the .iso and not waste my time on another Vista-like mess.

Same thing happened to me. So I tried burning another dvd and the second one worked perfectly, go figure. You might want to try burning your iso file with a different burning program.

I also had the same problem with the 32 bit version as well. I burned about three or four disks before I got one that would work.

I've burned 3. That's already 1 past my limit. iso's been deleted until MS comes up with a fix or a reasonable workaround.

This is silly. There are posts all over the internet about this problem. If MS wants people to load this and test it, and BUY it (remember Vista?), they need to fix this IMMEDIATELY. Not everybody that loads Windows 7 is going to run out and buy brand new hardware when they're using equipment that's only a year old.

Just to show (once again) that I AM the dumbest human ever............ I just couldn't leave Windows 7 alone. SO, by dumb luck I found out that I could install the 32 bit version from my booted 32-bit version of XP. ON THE DVD. It won't install FROM the DVD, but hitting setup when the system is booted it installs fine from the DVD....

All's well, goes through the install on the "c" drive (this is where XP64 was back when I was using it). Gets somewhere toward the end, happily churning along and fails. Hit reset and it pops up a screen that it's resetting, and bounces past it so fast I couldn't even read what the other choice was.....

End result, it cleaned off the C drive. My XP32 is on the D drive, and I no longer have a bootmgr or anything on C so I can boot.

Which would be annoying but not a disaster EXCEPT that reinstalling XP on this box is a major PITA. It's an MSI 965 Platinum, and you have to do the F6 "install jmicron drivers" to get it to install. Which would be OK EXCEPT that it ONLY looks at "A" for the drivers, which means a floppy..... I've now spent a little over 24 hours, gone through 3 floppy drives, a half dozen floppies, and had to use one of the backup computers to get a floppy that would load the drivers.................

In THEORY I believe I'm supposed to be able to repair the old installation but what a pain in the neck....

SO, if anybody out there has any useful ideas how to actually GET Windows 7 to install from the DVD I'd love to give it a try 'cause right now this thing is a big boat anchor... I swear, if it wasn't such a pain to get stuff working in Linux, I'd switch...
