I have a new (3mnths) Compaq running Vista 32.
The HD is split into the usual two partitions - C for Data and Windows and D for Recovery
D is has now only 1.3GB free and I need to increase the size.
I have tried to do this through the Vista Disk Management Console but the extend volume...
Well its not new. I got it in Feb 06 but there is no disk. It has a recovery image on the HD but what happens if, no when my HD goes bad? I don't have a DVD burner, is there any way to get the OS on an external drive to reinstall or put on a burner later so I don't have to worry about a HD failure?
Hey, last night I got this KSOD a lot of people seem to be having problems with lately. I was doing nothing serious, just msn and browsing online, and the computer locked up so I had to do a manual restart. It said to check for errors, so I did, and got a blue screen, error, restart and try...
black screen
blue screen
external hard drive
factory settings
manual restart
operating system
recovery tools
safe mode
system restore
technical support
I recently bought a maxtor 500 gb external hdd and i just cant get it to work with windows 7, i got a computer at home where i want to keep it that has windows 7 rc , I have tryed everything i can think of to make it work but nothing does, I cant see it in my computer or with the explorer, but I...
computer management
databackupdata recovery
disk management
drive letter
external hdd
hardware compatibility
storage issues
system event log
unexpected error
user experience
windows 7
windows vista
windows xp
Hello all:
I've found several others having the same problem as I on this and other forums but no answer yet.
I have a home network that includes an XP-based home server of sorts. I hang my Drobo off that server and share it to my home Network. On all my other PC's I access it as my "N" drive...
error messages
file sharing
home network
manual connection
network configuration
network drive mapping
network drives
network troubleshooting
persistent connections
reconnect issues
shared drives
sharing settings
system setup
user credentials
windows 7
windows explorer
xp server
Know those wrinklies who are technology challenged - well I’m one!
I have what appears to be a simple problem - I cannot delete/move any files on a DVD. (Other CD/DVD seem ok)
I have an Acer with Vista HP, when using Win Explorer - Properties report disc full - but I know...
while manually uninstalling office 2007, & registry cleaning/windows doesn't start up
Dear Folks,
I'm a newbie. I have toshiba satellite A215-s4807, with vista home premium (32-bit).I had 2 MS office installed in 2 different partitions in the hard disk. My hard disk is partitioned to...
manual uninstall
office 2007
registry cleaning
startup repair
system recovery
system restore
technical support
toshiba satellite
uninstall issues
windows vista
Step by step tutorial. Took me about 6 minutes.
Installs from a flash drive tend to take about 75% of the time it takes with a DVD. On my C2Q Q6600 it meant 20 mins instead of 29.
This is for those who are having issues with running from a DVD, or just want to try it out/get it done faster...
bios settings
boot priority
bootable drive
c2q q6600
command prompt
disk partition
flash drive
format ntfs
installation files
mount iso
os installation
step by step
tech tips
usb drive
windows 7
Hello, ,
If I install Windows 7, possibility that i will lose all my files?
Thanks you.
Sorry for my bad Englisch i am a dutch people (14 years).
Greetzz Mathijs!
I would like to add a share from my NAS to a Windows 7 library, specifally the picture library. My NAS runs a set of mirrored drives where I store pictures, documents etc.. Stuff I really don't want to lose.
Anyway, when I try and add a share from the NAS to the library I am told it can...
I have Vista Ultimate running on a Lenovo T61 and I'm trying to do a complete PC back up image and I keep getting this error: "The backup failed. Not all volumes containing system data are included in the backup. 0x80780018" I never even starts to write data to my DVD drive. Anyone else...
backup failure
complete backupdatabackup
dvd drive
error 0x80780018
lenovo t61
pc backup
system data
vista ultimate