Would somebody please tell me what in W7 is scanning my downloads for infections?
I do not have any security software installed yet.
This is driving me crazy.
I did a fresh install as part of my XP Pro to W7 Pro upgrade.
I then removed the XP old files.
Hello - My failure to find a solution to this problem has led me to post here.
I will try to provide as much information as possible.
My internet is completely shutting down, almost always when I am using a lot of bandwidth (usually when torrents are running, sometimes during typical...
How do folders or locations end up in the frequent list of an application pinned to the taskbar? For example, there are several items in the frequent list for Windows Explorer. How do I add items to that list? I would like to add the download folder but I don't see how to do that manually.
i see this beutiful black theme everywhere but cant actually find a link to download it, could someone tell me where to find this
OnlyBlack – Windows 7 Black Theme | Stuffheaven
I am a student of computer field, I use to play and download games through internet. After downloading games I found that the games do not work properly and also the system. Is this due to a virus? So, is there any idea to download games and other things without any virus?
find the file from server...
However, if I right click it and save as it works fine.
Also, when I click the link and it doesn't prompt me it actually downloads as I can look in C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Downloads and the files are there.
Any ideas what's going on with this? I've turned...
browser issues
download link
error handling
file downloads
file management
internet explorer
internet options
operating system
php files
protected mode
software behavior
torrent files
user experience
web development
I just did a clean install of Windows 7 Professional (64 bit). Everything loaded fine, but my internet connection is running a lot slower than it did under Vista 32 bit Ultimate. I've tried re-loading the old Vista driver, loading the latest one from Windows Update, turning off auto-tuning, but...
Hello All,
I have 3 monitors, the middle one is set as my primary monitor and the 2 at each side are extended desktops.
All my icon's sit on the middle monitor including my start menu as it's set to the primary monitor.
My problem is that when I download anything to desktop it doesn't download...
Hi the problem i have is i have been using vista for only a few months so fairly new, downloads were working fine but now i get this with every download i try to open-example-c:\users\stan\Downloads\7z exe (for example)is not a valid win32 application -now i now the downloads should open...
I have setup a brand new Windows 7 RTM (MSDN subscriber) installation just to test the OS. I have another XP machine also with IE8 & FF3.5 in the same LAN segment and with the same access to the internet and the same applications installed. Corporate firewall rules apply exactly the same...
Just built a brand new beast of a machine. Using Win 7 right off the bat (no vista or XP on this machine) and I immediately have net issues.
The majority of the time webpages will load without issues, the rest of the time they crawl or will time out. When it comes to downloads (say, firefox...
A problem running iTunes in background (downloading or syncing) then attempting to watch Media player.... results in no sound on the latter program... and visa versa if opened in oposite order... Anyone else come across this or know anything about it?
Please help
Here's the latest from WZOR.....
In anticipation of the issuance of the final version of Windows 7, and after a serious collision yesterday, Microsoft, we are forced to temporarily remove all the surplus that can be placed in a moment the work of our resources.
Starting today (09.07.09) We...
Microsoft has halted downloads of its free Microsoft Security Essentials beta software. The software was first made available on Tuesday, June23. The company reached its cap of 75,000 downloads in less than 24 hours. The final version of Microsoft Security Essentials is expectedto be...
Hi, I installed Windows 7 the other day, and it's been running smoothly and I haven't had any problems with it thus far, except for one. It seems to happen only when I'm downloading things, be it direct downloads or torrents. I've also linked it to Firefox, as for some reason it seems to crash...
beta client
browser issues
computer problems
direct downloadsdownloads
operating system
software compatibility
system freeze
technical support
temporary fix
user experience
windows 7
Hi all,
I've been reading extensively here on the site, if i missed anythin my apologies..
What is good software (whether free or not) to use for p2p sharing and the like for windows 7?
I dont know why, but i kinda dont feel like using limewire or ares, i get vibes from them... bad...
Since installing windows 7 on my laptop windows 7 downloads seem to be about 50kb faster. Is that technically possible or have I been away from xp too long?
Every time I try and download something (especially games), it starts, finishes, then "deletes" itself. I cannot click on it nor find it anywhere on my computer or where I saved the file (my downloads folder). I have tried to download games on internet explorer 8 but it says I cannot download...