Hi. I've just upgraded from Vista 64 to Windows 7 Home Premium (64) and am now unable to follow some hyperlinks, download files from the internet, or even activate my account to this site from within the activation Email. I move the mouse over the hyperlink (or download icon), the mouse arrow...
I have a problem with my system and websites. For instance, I typed in the title above and clicked on the box to the right, to check if it had already posted...all I get is the time circle, it never loads.
This happens to most sites I visit. I also get the problem when I search for sites and the...
Hello I just bought a new computer and it came with windows 7. I am trying to download itunes however when i get the install process I lose the window and any other commands or prompts don't show up anymore. I have tried to disable the firewall I downloaded the 64bit which is what I have. I'm...
I'm trying to make a MK Sub Zero theme for my Windows 7 but I can't find good sounds. Can someone make me a sound theme. I'm not sure if you can download sound theme things or not but if not can someone post sound downloads and tell me what they are in the theme. This might not be in the right...
I used to be able to download no problemo with vista and bit torrent.But when I upgraded to 7,I can't seem to be able to download anything!I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling bit torrent,but stilll no joy.All I get is a pop-up message on the taskbar after a few seconds saying; "all...
I'm having some serious issues right now. I just download some music with Frostwire and with bittorents and I can't find them. The ones with FW are showing when I look at them WITH FW but if I go to the destination (Program files (x86)\Music) they are not showing up. Same thing for the...
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Hi Guys.
Today, I recieved my new Sony VAIO F Series laptop, which is running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.
However, I cannot install any updates, or download any programs and run them.
For example, I download Firefox and during the installation process the file says its corrupted.
Or, when I...
New computer, did windows 7 upgrade, everything working fine. Then a day ago, my internet downloads are slower than my uploads. Not an internet issue, becuase other computers working on a wireless network, are working fine. I have checked for spy/virus several times and everything appears clean...
I have just upgraded my HP Pavilion notebook to Windows 7. But when I try to download the iTunes program the Windows Internet Security block the process because of "Unknown publisher". I have tried through Tools>Internet Options to reduce the security level (Medium appears as low as it will...
There is no easy way to send your downloaded photoes or pictures into 'Mine pictures' .
You must either drag them or use 'copy' function which is ceratainly very uncomfortable
Since those files jpg. and the like, there should be an easy clickable option to get them from
Documents-Downloads to...
Is there any way to prevent the computer from sleeping if high network or CPU utilization is occurring? In example, if a long download is occurring or if the computer is processing a video?
I have been seeing that windows 7 has been freezeing for many people. My probelm is that I cant download anything without the download freezeing at any random percentage. I cant dl google toobar, firefox, java and more without it stopping and freezeing. I try to restart the downloads and same...
I have recently been having problems with windows 7 when trying to use the internet. It will work fine for a while but then all of a sudden it will stop finding web pages and any downloads etc i have going on. After restarting it works fine again but only for a short period of time.
I checked...
MY RALINK 802 n/g/b Drahtlos-LAN-USB Adpater (Azure Wave Technologies) always causes a crash from my internet connection and the whole network card itself.
My System is Windows 7 64bit Premium Home.
I tried updating the driver from Ralink corp.
with no success.
After 1-2...
azure wave
blue screen
home premium
power management
tech support
windows 7
Hello, people! :)
There's this strange bug I'm encountering with my Windows 7 install. It happens when you're using the Flock Web Browser (it's based off of Firefox, so Firefox might do the same thing; I haven't tried it yet) and you minimize the downloads window. Messenger just pops up as if I...
hello all im running win 7 rc verstion 7100
i read some places that i can use this tell march of 2010
can any one confirm that ?
also is there down loads to bring it closer to the full release win7?
there is no upgrades from microsoft for this
also i am useing a real ser# number direct...
does anyone help me?
I'm installed Windows 7 on my laptop (Gateway ML 3109) and
I'm currently using a Gateway ML3109 laptop. It came with Vista already installed.
I installed Windows 7 32bit now and I'm having problems with the video drivers.
Can anyone help me where can i get download for...