gaming community

  1. NaiyaShamiso

    Sex and the Faction

    Let’s talk about that friend of yours; you know that one, everyone has one. I’m talking about that friend that meet their one and only on the internet. No matter if it was over a Massively Multiplayer Online game (such as World of Warcraft, Perfect World International or Diablo II) or some...
  2. M

    Windows 7 When I shoot or crash in new games my pc crashes

    Hey guys, this is my first time doing this so please be patient, I bought GTA complete pack from steam from steam the other day and patiently waited for the 40gb of files to download and they all ran fine but when I play GTA IV it runs fine until I shoot someone or crash in a car. When I...
  3. Krypto

    Who Thinks Game Devolopers rely on patches too much?

    Who thinks devolopers of todays game rely on patching and after release expansions way too much. Games are being rushed to met certain release dates and they are filled with bugs they are not taking the time to debug there games and do in-depth beta testing they think put it out we can patch it...
  4. D

    Windows 7 What do you think about Call of Duty map pack pricing?

    Article here: Link Removed - Invalid URL We have just gotten to the stage (or more Link Removed uses have) where if we purchased all map packs for Black Ops, we would have spent more money on the map packs than the game itself. Have a read, what do you think?
  5. W

    Windows 7 Hard to be a God Insufficient privileges

    Hey guy's, I just got a new game called Hard to be a God and it seemed to install fine "except from AVG's false win32 Heir Virus that I get on EVERY game" So I click on the game and it comes up with Insufficient privileges. You must be an administrator to run this for the first time. I...
  6. S

    Windows 7 Need For Speed:The Run...Give you Opinion??

    This is upcoming game in Need For Speed Series ..give you opinion about this game
  7. W

    Windows 7 Problems with Fable 3 and Dirt 3

    I can't launch Fable 3 or Dirt 3 for some reason. It doesn't give me a error or anything when i try to launch them but it just "thinks" for a while and does nothing, but the odd thing is that Fable used to run without any problems whatsoever it just stopped working after i got about half way...
  8. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 7 What was your first computer?

    Hi Guys Since this is Windows discussion I'm interested in what everyone had for their first computer, and when and why you got it. My first computer was a Radio Shack Model 100 or something like that, running Windows 3.1. I had previously worked on one barrowed for the summer from the...
  9. cybercore

    Video Game With Characters So Real They Can Lie

    Video games aren't known for their emotional depth. In recent years, games have gotten bigger, the graphics have gotten sharper, stories have gotten fancier and Hollywood actors have begun lending their voices to leading characters. But there has always been something missing -- despite all the...
  10. Firecracker

    Windows 7 I'm Furious

    I'm Furious as to why Game company's like EA and Activision are allowed to release Game patches that are 2.5GB every month and force us to download them. I dunno why this BFBC2 patch is huuuuge when it contains half a dozen patches. It doesn't help with Australia having the rubishest internet in...
  11. W

    Windows 7 call of duty 4 crash

    Okay so for some unknown reason my Call of Duty 4 game crashes my pc and i have to force restart it. Prior to installing cod 4 i played some cod 2 which worked fine in single player and multiplayer without patches but when i installed the patch 1.3 (up to date patch) it would crash when playing...
  12. reghakr

    VIDEO 6 Types of StarCraft II Players

    There are two types of people on this planet (and off of it, we suppose, if we include spacefarers in this statement): those who play StarCraft II online, and those who are sadly misinformed about all things cool. We feel bad for them, but we understand that not everyone can be as awesome as...
  13. kemical

    Windows 7 Dead Space 2 Demo coming

    December 21st - 5 weeks ahead of release Sources are confirming that Electronic Arts will indeed release a demo for the upcoming Dead Space 2 on December 21st (December 22nd for PlayStation 3 owners) which is five weeks ahead of the upcoming release. While we don’t yet know what the demo...
  14. kemical

    VIDEO Duke Nukem is back.....?

    It's taken 13 years, tens of millions of dollars, and a couple lawsuits, but the videogame that created the Vaporware Award is finally, officially on its way. Publisher 2K Games and developer Gearbox Software announced this afternoon at the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle that the Chinese Democracy...
  15. fugno

    Windows 7 Free games on the net.

    I thought it would be cool to consolidate all the free game we have found on the web. TrackMania - This one is cool it has a 3D setting if you have a pair of 3D glasses laying around. You will need a Steam account to download it. TrackMania Nations Forever on Steam Orbiter 2010- A space...
  16. Grub

    Windows 7 Strange user profile issue, I'm stumped.

    Hey all, I've been looking around the forums for a while for a similar thread and couldn't find one so i thought i'd just post it. So. I am currently playing a game (ArmA 2) that has real issues with allowing a profile change. When you first install the game it just grabs the Users...
  17. kemical

    VIDEO Steam is releasing Alien Swarm for free

    Steam is releasing Alien Swarm for free By Hilbert Hagedoorn, July 19, 2010 - 8:31 PM Today Steam is releasing Alien Swarm, which will cost you nothing. Two years ago, Valve hired a group of modders behind the popular Unreal Tournament 2004 co-op mod called Alien Swarm as ggmania...
  18. M

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Update Fixes Console Lag

    After months of complaints, EA and DICE have finally released a patch for the PS3 and Xbox 360 Bad Company 2 servers. The update is "optional" but required to play online. Approximate download size is 450 MB. This is the second multiplayer update to be rolled out in just over a week, finally...
  19. P

    Windows 7 Very strange issue while playing game, see screenshot

    Hello, Every now and then while I play a game in full screen, I get this very annoying search box thingy (see screenshot). I'm guessing I'm pressing some sort of key combinaison for this thing to appears? It's so annoying, I don't know what to do. Say I'm playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 in...
  20. kemical

    Windows 7 The 'real' death of Dr Breen.

    I was saddened to hear of Robert Culps death. A distinguished actor, one of his many performances was the role of Dr Breen in Half-Life 2 which gave the game some real depth and one of it's most evil characters.... Link Removed due to 404 Error R.I.P.