
  1. S

    Windows 7 Windows line in and/or microphone latency solved - March 2013

    The bitter truth of realizing the latency (delay) in the monitoring of line in/microphone inputs in Windows Vista/7/8 is being regarded as the most unsolved mystery in the windows audio environment. This accounts for all those musicians (like me and other people who were enjoying music through...
  2. P

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Ethernet over USB works but is very slow to acquire IP Address

    I have a Windows 7 64-bit Professional machine connected to the internet through a Netgear N300 Router. I also have a small Linux based camera that does Ethernet over USB. When I plug in the Linux device to the Windows 7 machine, it takes about 50-60 seconds to obtain an IP Address on the...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Latency/framerate lag spike every 30 seconds

    I've been ignoring this problem for several months, but now I'm just about fed up. Basically, every 30 seconds some sort of FPS lag spike will happen, and it'll last for about 2-3 seconds. It doesn't just happen when I do a certain thing, it'll happen no matter what I'm doing while the computer...
  4. Greenemachine

    Windows 7 Internet application issues - fresh built PC

    I just last month built a new Shuttle PC for a relative (specs below). The problem I am having is that whenever you Try to open a Internet application such as Firefox, IE, or AOL it takes a good 90-120 or so seconds to open the application. Once it opens the actual internet is fast as usual...
  5. V

    Windows 7 Latency Issues after upgrading to Windows 7.

    Hey guys, I've been having some issues with latency issues recently. It all started after upgrading from Vista to Windows 7. I have tried upgrading all my drivers, and even downgrading my Network driver thinking it might fix the problem, but to no avail. I am a big online gamer, so you can...
  6. F

    Windows 7 Delayed connection to any network

    On my new Lenovo V570, I've been having an issue where it takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes to connect to my local network. It will show all the available networks in the list, and either if I wait, or if I try to click my automatic network and click "connect", it still takes a large...
  7. M

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Mouse stutter driving me crazy

    Ever since installing Windows 7 (64 bits) my mouse stutters. Skipping every now and then, staying in one position while I move the mouse, etc. I do a lot of photo editing and it's really annoying and makes my work almost impossible. Hope someone can help me out. I already tried some stuff on...
  8. J

    Windows 7 Improve my wireless network

    Hello recently i discovered a tool : then i used it, and it discovered some problems with my wireless network. but i am not very competent in computer knowledge Link Removed I am having high latency issues, and sometimes the internet drops.
  9. Mike

    VIDEO Interesting Touch Screen Lag Research

    If you are moving your finger at 1 meter per second on an average 100 millisecond touch screen, your object will eventually become about 10 centimeters behind. At Microsoft Research, they have been trying to decrease the latency associated with touch screens. Albert Ng and Paul Dietz of the...
  10. iroken22

    Windows 8 Windows 8 Latency

    I have been using the windows 8 consumer preview since it came out. I am having issues with a higher than normal latency. WINDOWS 8 Link Removed WINDOWS 7 Link Removed If you look at the photo you will see that my latency is at about 1000-1300 on average. In windows 7 on the exact same machine...
  11. J

    Windows 7 Unstable ping?

    Hello Recently when i play an online video game. my ping becomes very unstable usually my ping is around 90 but now it jumps from 90 to 700 i dont really know what is causing this i use home wireless internet. I tried to continuosly ping the ping is unstable, it has spikes. thanks
  12. M

    Windows 7 Networking 3 Computers

    I want to network 3 computers so they all share the internet and network, I am with telstra bigpond and have a thomson TG782T modem/router. They currently all have internet working but i play world of warcraft on one of the computers and it has a crazy amount of latency/ms (2k+). Also the...
  13. N

    Windows 7 Cpu Overclock Limiti 221MHz

    Hello, I tried to Overclock my CPU from 2Ghz(2000mhz) to 2.5ghz. It's limit is 2.2 ghz (221mhz) When i put the FSB more than 221, then the PC won't start up and i have to unplug the CMOS jumber to load the default values. I tried to increase the voltage, but it dosen't seems to work. I also...
  14. News

    Increased latency occurs on an HTTP connection to a computer that is running Windows Vista, Windows

    Fixes an issue in which HTTP requests to a computer are delayed. This issue occurs if Internet Information Services (IIS) or an application that uses the System.Net.HttpListener class is installed on the computer. More...
  15. S

    Windows 7 Frequent wifi drop on win 7

    Guy i'm new on win 7 and not expert in any tech stuff, pls guide me ... Any one facing window 7 (64) wifi issue ? facing crazy wifi connection drop and high latency ping (router, in working condition, ping usually is 1 - 3 ms, but after sometime my ping will increase to few...
  16. P

    Windows 7 Stutter, crackle, cutout - latency sound issues - my take on it

    HTPC underwent a CPU & mem upgrade, went from XP Pro to 7 Ultimate 64bit Fighting for 2 days with sound issues in many players, most prominent in streaming flash content like Youtube (less problematic, still annoying in Winamp, Foobar, WMP) NO issues with even fullHD stuff in VNC. System: Ram...
  17. N

    Windows 7 Genius Sound Maker Value 5.1 Crackling Sound

    Hello, I upgraded my Win XP to Win 7 like 1 month ago. Downloaded all drivers (from their sites) updated them... then i open WMP 11 and start playing some music. After listening to that i heard some weird sound lag, I believe its called crackling. I searched on internet found some solutions...
  18. Kylethedarkn

    Windows 7 Delay In Accessing Hard Drives?

    Hello, I've been having a problem for a while now that I've decided should probably be fixed, and it is this. Whenever I go to access a hard drive, that isn't my SSD, I'll click on it or a program will try to open files from it, and nothing will happen for a few seconds, then I hear the HD's...
  19. J

    Windows 7 ingame freeze on win7 when playin without USB (siberia v2)

    Hello there ! My cod4 freezes everytime when im tryin to play with speakers and not with headphones.. (ss siberia v2) now i tried a lot of things.. and basicly i cant listen to music or anythin on my speakers when i put my usb (siberia v2) on.. coz they have their own sound card.. So I...
  20. HamAndYam

    Windows 7 Massive Amounts of Network Traffic / Packets

    Hello, I purchased a new Dell XPS 17 and have previously been a long time user of XP. One big reason I am already not a fan of Windows 7 is because while some things have improved other things have gotten worse. By far this is the worst problem: In XP my Duration online can be 1-2 days and...