
  1. I think I found a bug in GetWindowPlacement()

    Hi. I think I found a bug in GetWindow{Placement(). I save and restore the window placement using the registry as an intermidiary. For save... ``` (In WndProc) case WM_DESTROY: { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; ZeroMemory(&wp, sizeof(wp)); wp.length =...
  2. Windows 11 Disable or hide "ribbon" in file explorer

    Hello, Is there any way to disable the giant and unnecessary "ribbon" (I think it's called that at least) in windows 11? In win 10 there is a little arrow to the top right which you can minimize it with, and there are also tools that let you disable it completely, but I can't find anything at...
  3. Windows 10 Windows 10 keeps performing search in folder after clicking show desktop

    Hi, it's been a while since I posted here, I used to post when on Windows 7. I would be grateful if anyone can help me with the following W10 search issue: If I open a folder and initiate a search in the search bar at top right, once the search has completed, if I then hit the back button, then...
  4. VIDEO Windows 7 lookalike behind Windows 10?

    I was writing some basic batch code and discovered F11 and ALT+ENTER worked to maximize cmd. However, if you spammed it fast enough, you could see something that looks a bit like windows 7 pop up at the minimize and maximize buttons. can someone explain this?
  5. Windows 10 Windows size

    hi! can i reduce the size of the window buttons (such as close, minimize) at least a little? rummaged through all the functions, there is no such thing ... only to increase ... all the drivers are 100% all windows, video drivers and everywhere installed and updated to the throat. ifound only...
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    Rk Launcher Problems

    So I recently installed Rk Launcher for my windows 10, which is exactly like rocket dock, to change up the desktop look and I am running into some errors. 1. Some software won't open and show an error message about their path(shown below). I want to know how I can fix this so they will work...
  7. Linux Tweaks program- great to manipulate your desktop min. /max. button activation.

    I have to admit, I already installed tweaks already so I'll go through the flow. program: Gnome Tweaks (installed automatically.) I opened a terminal window and threw the command at it; apt search Gnome-Tweaks and what you'll find in return... Sorting... Done Full Text Search... Done...
  8. Windows 10 Tip: Five keyboard shortcuts you may not know about

    We’ve showed you 10 things you can do in Windows Mixed Reality right now and how to clear your workspace in two simple steps – today, we’re going to show you five keyboard shortcuts you may not know about! 1. Hold down Windows logo key + comma to take a quick look at the desktop 2. Lock...
  9. Windows 8 CMD Virus

    ok i was playing Csgo and it kept minimize my game.... and i just knew it...its cmd popup and gone..... i was trying to use Rkill but nothing changed i still getting this cmd....its so annoying :( . *Nb:Sorry my english is so bad
  10. Windows 7 How to minimize the pop up while saving a file .

    Hi All , We were able to do minimize the pop up while saving a file successfully on our local machines which are Windows 8 and above, by going to task manager and locating the application and right clicking and then choosing "minimize". however when we are trying to do the same in windows 7...
  11. Windows 10 Tabs are glitching

    When I move a tab or minimize an app or something, the screen is left behind but does not disappear, but is not clickable. When moving the tab it leaves behind the old pixels. I would attach a screenshot but unfortunately the background appears black as if it isn't there at all. Is there any way...
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    Windows 10 My all programs are showing, help!

    The Windows 10 update went fine expect when I open start menu my all programs are opened. Please tell me there's a way to minimize them.. Also the update deleted Ccleaner. lol wtf
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    Windows 7 Windows 7 Professional Task Bar

    When I minimize a window or application in Windows 7 Professional it does not get pinned to the task bar. The only way I can access open windows is by pressing "widows tab" and then selecting the appropriate window. Is there a way I can pin all open windows to the task bar and then preview them...
  14. Windows 10 Right clicking on any drive in Windows Explorer minimizes.

    Hi This is a weird one, I'm pretty sure it wasn't doing in the morning. If I right click on the root of any drive it minimizes Windows Explorer. It doesn't crash, just minimizes to the task bar. That stops me from looking at properties etc. I can right click on any other folder or file just...
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    Windows 7 Excel Formula bar is causing blank sheets

    I currently have a user who is running Office 365 Pro. There are multiple people in her group but she is the only one to have this problem. When she opens Excel, all the spreadsheets are white. If she minimizes the spreadsheet and then maximizes it she can see the spreadsheet with no problem. If...
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    Windows 7 Windows randomly minimizese my tabs

    Every few minutes my tab will minimise and I will be at the desktop and occasionally the pop up in the picture will show an no matter what I press it will continue to happen plz help
  17. Windows 7 Open tabs

    When i open e.g. word and i minimise it i cant open it again CAn you guys please help getting on my nerves.n :frown::frown:
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    Windows 7 Java Application sandbox

    Hello, I have a Java application. Sometimes an egg timer appears and I can do nothing. But when I minimize the application and then maximize again, then it works. Has an idea? The error happens only in a Java application
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    Java eternal hourglass (sandbox)

    Hello, I have a Java application. Sometimes an egg timer (sandbox) appears and I can do nothing. But when I minimize the application and then maximize again, then it works. Has an idea?
  20. Windows 7 Having a display problem... screen appears and disappears

    Hey Guys I'm Sid ! I'm new here, Please forgive me if m posting my problem in the wrong forum... i feel very frustrated every time i scroll any web or a word doc or anything in my laptop with window 7... the page goes up and down, some part of the page disappears and when i minimize the page it...