
  1. T

    Windows 10 wism: Whose temps are these?

    Hi All, Whose temps are these? CPU, Mobo, HD? rem Admin <cmd> rem Results are in kelvin *10 rem °Celsius = (result / 10 ) - 273.15 wmic /namespace:\\root\wmi PATH MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature get CurrentTemperature 3010 3030 Converting: (3010 ÷ 10) − 273.15 = 27.85 (3030 ÷ 10) −...
  2. raxor1234

    Windows 10 [!!!] BSOD/Black screen after wake up from sleep

    Please help, it's eating me alive! My pc crashes (BSOD, black screen (display dosen't even turn on, LED "hard drive working" indicator dosen't even flash, it's off) or to wallpaper then I scroll up to enter my password/pin and I can't type anything, then after a few seconds, boom BSOD...
  3. G

    Windows 10 Memory Management, occasional IRQL BSOD

    So I followed the instructions to posting a BSOD help thread, I hope I did this right with the dump file, as this is all new to me. Details on the BSOD, this occurs when my system goes under a medium or high load, and is always 15 after my PC went under load, WITHOUT FAIL the last 8-10 times it...
  4. P

    Windows 7 Are there (still) much differences in quality of RAM module manufacturers?

    I am thinking about upgrading my mobo with some more/other DDR3 RAM modules. In former times there were heavy differences in quality between different manufacturers. Do these quality differences still exists or are they meanwhile on an almost same level (because it has become a mature...
  5. M

    Windows 7 The Dreaded AHCI Issue with a Twist...

    Hello; My first post. I normally run Win7 from a mechanical HDD. I recently added an SDD for another operating system and changed my BIOS to configure SATA drives to AHCI. WIN7 is still on it's original HDD. Everything I've read about win7 and AHCI mode is more than a year old. Is there...
  6. R

    Windows 7 Bad Mobo?

    Running a Dell Inspiron N4110 Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit i-5-2410M CPU @ 2.30 GHz 2.30 GHz So I broke my screen back in December got a replacement one and tried to fix it myself. Apparently as computer tech guy told me not only well the screen need to be replaced, so would the mobo. I had...
  7. J

    Windows 8 Help! Problems with clean install of Windows 8 Pro x64 using an ISO or IMG DVD on my new PC build.

    I recently downloaded Windows 8 x64 using Microsoft Dreamspark for Acedemic Institutions. I followed the installation instructions on the Dreamspark website and created both an ISO and an IMG DVD, but each time I try to install it on my new PC build, using either of the disks, I get an error...
  8. M

    Windows 7 Memory Problem!

    hi i recently built me a new computer installed everything SaberTooth 990fx R2.0 mobo and 32gb of corsair memory windows 7 64bit everything was working fine till i decided to bios update then after successfully doing soo my computer would not load windows it would say the boot drive is...
  9. E

    Windows 7 Random BSOD mostly when playing

    Hi guys, i built a new machine few day ago... Now i'm getting random bsod time to time... Hardware: OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 CPU: Intel i5 3570k MOBO: Asus Sabertooth z77 GPU: Radeon 6970HD Ram: 16 GB GeiL Evo Corsa SSD: OCZ Agility 3 120GB (OS installed here) (firmware 2.22) HDD: Samsung...
  10. whoosh

    VIDEO The Ross Got New Mobo Song

  11. D

    Windows 7 Restoring Previous Programs And Settings After Clean Install

    Hey all, I just upgraded my MOBO, CPU, and memory and added an SSD to my build. Basicly a whole new computer. I kept the PSU, DVD drive, GPU, and HDD from previous build. I tried to get around a clean install by enabling the generic drivers for the MOBO in device manager before final...
  12. L

    Windows 7 At a loss... =(, bluescreens after multiple upgrades...

    Hi, everyone... I am receiving the same bsods on my PC even after I have tried upgrading every possible hardware that might of been the culprit.. Please scroll to the bottom for tl;dr. I've had this pc for about 2 years now (got it from a friend) and it was working fine until I connected it to...
  13. C

    Windows 7 When trying to install Windows6.1-KB958559-x64-RefreshPkg

    I have spent two days on the web reading everything I can find on this subject and have tried many of the suggestions but simply cannot get this update to install. The event viewer has many red errors and some of them say .... Windows update could not be installed because of error 2147942413...
  14. M

    Windows 7 BSOD during battlefield 3

    Hi everyone! Please find my PC specs as below: CPU: i7 2600k 3.5ghz MOBO: Gigabyte g1.Sniper 2 RAM: Corsair CL8 vengence 8gb (4x2) SSD: Corsair Force 3 60gb (Windows 7 pro 64 bit installed here) VGA: Sapphire 2gb 6950 x 2 (in crossfire) HDD: Western Digital 2TB SATA 3 black PSU: Corsair...
  15. J

    Windows 7 BSOD at first boot, recurring 1 year now

    Link Removed Formatted a couple of times. What I notice when a BSOD is going to occur is that windows live fails to load, then internet pages wont load then boom BSOD. Most of the time its from a cold mobo boot. sometimes bsod straight other times i can do stuff for a 10 mins then bsod. Problem...
  16. Y

    Windows 7 Re: Windows 7 freeze while in setup_2

    First of I'd like to say hi to all as im a newbie on the forum Well I'm all out of ideas with my dilemma. I have a amdx2 64 dual core +5200 installed and for some strange reason, all i can install now is xp pro sp3 media edition/xp pro sp3 and xp pro sp3 64bit edition. Before I had an amd...
  17. V

    Windows 7 Lan Problems..

    Ok, everything was running perfectly fine till a few days ago when i had windows updates to install & after the reboot it said updates had failed & it continued to fail & revert the changes made which took forever to do & i managed to get the updates to install 1 by 1 in the end. But ever since...
  18. S

    Windows 7 Random Reboots (In Windows, BIOS, etc.)

    I am having trouble with "random" reboots of my system. Reboots can occur while playing games, watching videos, in BIOS menus, in safe mode, or running diagnostic software. The screen will go blank, and a BSOD is seen rarely. I first noticed a random reboot while playing Starcraft 2 about 2...
  19. Regork62

    Windows 7 Installation freezes after "Windows is loading files"

    I recently finished building my custom pc, and tried installing Windows 7 Home Premium on it. I got to where it says "Windos is loading files", the white bar filled up, then it would repeat but slower. So far so good, but then it took me to the screen with the background, where one would...
  20. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Black screen with Cursor hang

    Hi I just installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Things were working well for a week and now my win7 installation just hangs after the welcome screen with a black screen and mouse cursor. There is no CPU activity. The mouse moves. Using any keyboard shortcut key cntrl-alt-del etc... doesn't do...