
  1. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Computer Only Sees Other Windows 7 Computers

    I have 4 computers and a QNAP TS-209 NAS in a WorkGroup environment. Two of the Windows 7 computers see everything - the 3 Windows 7 computers,the Windows XP computer, the TS-209 and the OKI C5100N printer. One of the Windows 7 computers only sees other Windows 7 computers (just as if it were in...
  2. P

    Windows 7 Documents missing location tab

    A user uses their My Documents on a NAS, so have a mapped drive ie: S: I attempted to change Start - Documents - properties to s:\My documents, but Win 7 reported "unable to add because not indexed" I later found Users\User\My Documents - properties - location to s:\My documents, however...
  3. P

    Windows 7 Mapped Drive problem

    A User stores their "My documents" on a NAS unit I have a mapped a drive through to My Documents ok however after each reboot the Mapped Drive is not connected & the Username & password must be entered in the connection window, a connection is then established ok I have checked "Save...
  4. Mucho Salez

    Windows 7 NAS Storage Problems- Requires a Password and username none I have set up seem to work

    I have recently installed a NAS storage device to my network, I am try to "map network drive but cannot get further than the username and password screen. Ican see the drive when I browse to install however I am prompted to put my username and password in when I click to add. It is asking...
  5. D

    Windows 7 Cheap 1tb NAS that works with Windows 7

    As the title states I am looking for a cheap (£100!) 1TB NAS for use with Windows 7. I would like it work first time and not have to spend hours tinkering with the insides of the computer. Is this possible?
  6. T

    Windows 7 Windows 7 64 bit and NAS

    I have a NAS (Western Digital MyBook World Edition) and recently I've upgraded my OS to Windows 7 64 bit (from 32-bit Vista) and I'm experiencing strange problems with NAS presently. When I start it up while Windows is working the system discovers it and allows access, but when I shut the...
  7. S

    Windows Vista Can't Connect to Any Network Shares from Vista Home Premium Laptop

    Hi, I have a Dell Core2Duo laptop with Vista Home Premium 64 with SP2. It's connected to my network wirelessly however I've tried it wired too but that made no difference. On the network are a number of devices; 2 windows 7 Home Premium 64 machines and a brand new netgear ReadyNas Duo, all...
  8. SteveMann

    Windows 7 "Enter Network Password"

    First, this is a small home network. No PC on the network has ever been assigned a password. I am trying to install a NAS box, and after entering the default username/password for the NAS box, Windows Security pops up with a "Enter Network Password" box. What "Network Password" is Windows...
  9. G

    Windows 7 Network discovery is slow, and cannot connect to NAS share

    Hi, everyone, I am having some issues with Win7 Starter on my ASUS EEE PC being able to carry out network discovery on my home network. When I go to Network, the status bar across the top fills veeeerrrry slowly. Also,the computer cannot readily identify other computers on my home network...
  10. Dave McKeen

    Windows 7 Very Slow File Operations- Copying, Deleting

    Hello! I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I've been seeing very slow file operations since making this PC my main computer earlier this week. My system specs are listed below my signature. In addition to the specific example below, the problem appeares copying image files from a CF Card...
  11. bigbossfr

    Windows 7 Windows 7 + .bat file on a NAS : doesn't work

    Hi, I have a NAS (synology) and windows 7 computers. I can acces in share folder in my Filestation, all is fine. The BIG problem is : i can not execute .bat file on this share folder. It is a big problem. If i create a share folder on a Windows 7, .bat files work. On the Filestation : doesn't...
  12. A

    Windows 7 Windows7 and NAS

    I have an issue I cannot resolve. I just installed Windows 7 on one of our computers and everything went great. I can connect to all my network drives and my NAS but when I try and run an application file I get an error “The parameter is incorrect.” I can copy this folder to my local drive or my...
  13. D

    Windows 7 IRC and Event Viewer Logs Indicating Possible Network Issue

    Guys, I'm currently having an issue with my Win7 64 bit Pro computer. Transfers to other computers on my network is slow and sometimes the icon in the taskbar shows that it's disconnecting and reconnecting. I've also noticed that uploads to the internet are either slow or just never...
  14. S

    Windows 7 What does the Win7-installation to my USB-data-drive?

    Hello, I am just installing windows 7 aon my Samsung Q45, which previosly ran on Vista. Now I am wondering, what the hack Win7 is performing on my attached data-drive (Simple-Drive 2TB, USB 2.0) which I left accidentally connected to my lappy. It says "functions are beeing installed" -...
  15. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 loses contact to my two NAS'es very often

    Recently I bought a Windows 7 pc. After years with XP and Vista - and NAS'es Qnap TS-109 and Maxtor Shared Storage Plus - I am suddenly very unsatisfied:( Once every day (or moere) my pc loses contact with the NAS'es. Only way to get connected again is to cut power since restart is not possible...
  16. D

    Windows 7 Slow LAN Transfers to NAS Box

    Hi Guys, I have a Win 7 65-bit computer and a Thecus N2200 NAS Box which has just 1 x 1TB disk (ie not raided or anything - JBOD) On my Win7 computer I have created mapped drives to the 2 directories on the NAS box where I transfer shows I've recorded on my TV Card. These directories are...
  17. L

    Windows 7 Unrecognized ID3 Tags in WMP12

    My WMP12 library recognizes the ID3 tags for about 80% of my collection, but for the other 20% it lists the album and artist as "unknown." I have looked at a couple of other threads (e.g. Link Removed and Link Removed - Invalid URL) but haven't been able to fix the problem. When I right...
  18. D

    Windows 7 Mapping from Win7 64-bit to WinXP Pro - No Logon Servers Available

    Guys, I've recently changed my home computer over from WinXP to Win7. On my WinXP system, I had a permanently mapped drive to my "My Documents" directory on my work laptop (WinXP Pro). Once I had plugged my laptop into my home network (and powered it up of course), all I would need to do on my...
  19. D

    Windows 7 Mac home network not viewable. Help...

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and I did a quick search to see if anyone else asked this but came up with nothing. Here it goes... My home network is nearly entirely Mac based (with the exception of a few printers and back up drives). At one point I was able to see my Windows 7 machine on...
  20. R

    Windows 7 Can't find NAS to set up Backup

    Just upgraded to Win 7 Pro. Have an HP desktop on a wired network. Attached to the router via an ethernet cable, is an Iomega Home Media Network Hard Drive. The software for the NAS creates six network drives that are mapped to my computer. When I open "Computer" they show up under...