I clicked print on a 100+ pdf file, after a minute or so which i guess is the printer gathering enough info for it to start, i get a bsod reference pointer error. This happens every time i try printing the whole file and another pdf that is 90 pages long, yet a small 30-40 page portion print...
I was able to download what I thought was Windows 7 64 bit from Microsoft's Website. I Hated Vista 64 bit so bad that I really didn't care what damage it did. It works so much better that I can't believe it. Faster also. Here is my problem. I was able to install it over the top of Vista 64...
family treemaker
office 2007
user file
windows 7
I cant seem to be able to open PDF files in Firefox or IE. Whenever I click a link, it just comes up with a dialog box with a question mark (see attached screenshot).
I tried unticking the box "display PDF in browser" in adobe preferences, but this did not work.
Does anyone know how to fix...
I was using Vista x32 Home Premium, WDS4 and IFilter to index text content in 20,000 PDFs with no problems.
I just installed Windows 7 RC x64, which is supposed to have the WDS4 functionality built-in. I have swicthed on pdf content indexing in the Indexer control panel, enabled content...
directory access
file indexing
home premium
indexing service
text content
windows 7
I'm trying to run Instaform Invoice and Estimates Pro v2.0. When I go to email an invoice(or anything within the program), I get an error message that says "could not configure PDF driver Error Code:-8". It worked in XP and I have checked the compatibility....apparently it is 32 bit but I was...
I can not search pdf files using built-in Windows Search. I have Adobe Reader 9.1 installed which comes with the proper ifilter. But, when I go to indexing options it says "Registered IFilter is not found". I even downloaded and installed the standalone IFilter provided by Adobe but still...
We may need to convert Powerpoint to PDF format in our office sometimes. What do you think is the best way to convert? Of course you can convert your Powerpoint to PDF online. But don’t think it is time-consuming and may results failure especially when you have a comparative large file...
My apologies if I ask something not belonging here but this is my first posting about Windows 7. Luckily I had Windows 7 installed last week and can use it due to dualboot. My Windows XP crashed yesterday due to some anti-virus program.
I am trying to install above mentioned suite but get answer...
Can anyone tell me how to get a program listed in the "Open With" manager so I can set a default? I've tried several times and it just won't list the programs I want. The first time I tried it (with a pdf), I thought I got it listed and hit enter without checking and now all of the pdf's start...
Hi there
Problem with IE8 (32 bit version) on X-64 W7 build 7077.
Double clicking a PDF link doesn't open the document -- get a little popup saying Internet explorer has stopped working -- and then it just reverts back to the previous link.
I can download the PDF file (save target as)...
I use Windows 7 6048 x64 and enjoy it but now I found one thing that disturb me.
I need to open PDF file from Internet source but can't do it!! The document have alot of levels and links and my reader open only first (main) page. others not accessible.
I tried FOXIT, Adobe Acrobat and...
adobe acrobat
windows 7
My resolution is stuck at 800x600 while under the setting it says its "1900x1200" Now keep in mind that I am an I.T guy myself so that this is not a normal driver problem. Please advise. Thank you!
edit: it happened after i opened a PDF file. i have a 8500GT with the newest driver. Under the...
To read pdf files, I have to save them first and then open using Adobe. Loading and reading no longer happens automatically and I suspect the problem has arisen since installing Service Pack 1.
Brothers Label Printer QL-570 works adequately but causes hang-ups in various programs. Can I globally turn off add-ins (how pray tell) or must I do it within each software program it was installed in? How again. Word launched a pop-up stating which add-in was causing the hang-up with a 'turn...
When I try to print a document from the print menu the option to print to PDF is not there. I had this option in other versions of windows. Is there a setting I must fix in order to get this option back?
I installed Adobe Reader 9 but the browser plug-in will not work with IE8 or Opera 10 Alpha. Since the problem occurs in both browsers, there must be some incompatibility with the Adobe Reader 9 browser plug-in and Windows 7 Beta. I did try a repair install of Adobe Reader 9, but that made no...
Toshiba with Vista Basic 32 bit
If I scan a document and save as a PDF file when I try to import it into Windows Mail using insert file attachment, it freezes the computer
Using the same process I am able to import tiff, bitmap & JPEG files with no problem
I have another computer using XP Pro...
Adobe has released Version 9 of the Adobe Reader software for viewing PDF documents. The changes include faster performance, improved security and new features such as native flash support.