
  1. Inside the MSRC – Building your own security incident response process

    This is the third and last in a series of posts that looks at how Microsoft responds to elevated threats to customers through the Microsoft Security Response Center’s (MSRC) Software and Services Incident Response Plan (SSIRP). Our previous posts discussed how Microsoft protects customers...
  2. Windows 8 idk how to delete posts help

    how do i delete this LOL
  3. D

    Windows 8 sorry

    windows said i needed 2 posts to reply to someone
  4. Reporting Posts feedback

    Thank You First of all a big thank you to all those users who take the time to report unwanted posts like spam for example. Most of the time we manage to catch many of these posts but as it's an international forum many of us are from differing countries with different time zones so some errant...
  5. Windows 8 Can anyone recommend a FB app? Pleeease!

    I have a laptop and a Surface RT with Windows 8.1. I have a Nokia Lumia 920. I have an iPad2. My Facebook News Feed is very important to me. The News Feed on my Lumia's People Hub is perfect. Always posting all updates for my friends and the Pages that I have liked. I also have two iPad...
  6. Our Signatures In Posts Not Visible To Guests. Why Not?

    I have noticed that our signatures are visible on our profiles when viewing as a guest or not logged in.Though I cannot not in our posts unless we log in. So in order to see our posts signatures we have to be logged into the forum. So I just want to ask why is it that our signatures in our posts...
  7. Just a curious question

    I received alerts which told me that some has "quoted " my post. Why do I have to know that ? A simple alert will suffice. Why a special category under Alerts ? Thank you.
  8. 2013-07-25 Maintenance Notice

    Please be advised that extensive maintenance took place tonight. If you had an account whereas you had never posted before, and it was over 30 days old, you have been deleted as a zero poster! You can always create a new account. Members with at least one post will never be deleted. Many soft...
  9. forum read

    How do you mark the forum read? How do you make the forum unread? I clicked on the forum as "read" and now when I click on "new post" it's just a blank page that says there are no new posts at this time. When clearly, when searching through all the topic forums there are new posts being added...
  10. T

    Forum usage

    Do you get confused about which forum you are on and what you have posted where? Maybe even what you have read and where? I was curious about how many forums do members here belong to right now? On average how many post/threads do you make in a day? What are some of your favorite forums...
  11. filter post

    Is there any way to filter out all those windows 8 news post...some of it doesn't have anything to do with windows 8.
  12. P

    icons next to post

    Sorry if its a dumb question to ask but I have just registered and notice that next to my posts there is the penguin and chrome icons. I would like yo change these to things I actually use so could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks
  13. posts

    Well I just broke the 1000 post mark....just think it only took 3 years....
  14. Current posts.

    What the heck! No members posts for four days?? Is everyone clearing out for the RTM??
  15. MVP/MCCA Recognition "badge" and posts here counting toward those awards

    Two things really. 1. Is there some way to recognize members who have MVP or MCCA designations with some type of badge or indicator next to their post identification information? I found a sneaky way to edit the comment below member status (as you can see though I missed how that was...
  16. Centered posts

    Hmmm, all posts are appearing with the text centered - but only with IE. FF and Chrome are displayed with the text left-justified, as expected. This is only happening with IE, and only on this site. Running IE without add-ons does not correct issue. Problem seen on two computers.
  17. C

    Related to Skype Webcast email I recieved

    I'm not sure if I would be welcomed in the Skype Webcast. There are other issues I have heard about but here is my issue. I leave it here for you to discuss or ignore. With the risk of receiving another infraction over the same topic, I present the main reason behind why I quit visiting...
  18. Subscriptions disappear

    This may be one of the many cases where already answered questions are presented again... Anyway, I seem to have lost the announcements of new posts made to topics I have partaken in. I can see the subscriptions in my profile, but when I mark them... it doesn't stand. I can't seem to be able to...
  19. Windows 8 Windows 8 How-To Posts

    Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed Link...
  20. Windows 8 IE10 and No return capability in forum posts..

    This has happened before, but IE 10 appears to be stopping the line return in posts. It was fixed before in an earlier situation, does anyone know what setting it might be? There were supposed to be 3 paragraphs in this post. Thanks