ram testing

  1. Optimize Your RAM Health with MemTest64: A Comprehensive Guide

    Memory stability is essential for smooth computing experiences, and one of the tools that many users rely on for testing their system's memory is MemTest64. Unlike other memory testing tools, MemTest64 operates directly within Windows, allowing users to check RAM health without restarting their...
  2. K

    Windows 10 Going back to Windows 8.1

    I used the display driver uninstaller, and installed the latest AMD drivers. I also tested RAM, which passed. Things seemed to go well, but then BSOD returned with a vengeance. Sadly, I had to revert back to Windows 8.1. It was simply too disruptive and time consuming to have to deal with. Maybe...
  3. M

    Windows 8 Random BSOD with different types of error codes

    hey, I got a new pc with win 8.1 installed on it, I always get BSOD and there are different types of error codes: most of them says it because ntoskrnl.exe+1509a0 I already fresh installed win 8.1 and still having those problems. what I did is checking the system stability with FurMark and...
  4. Windows 7 New Custom Built System with BSOD from day one

    Hello all, Last week I built a new system for my father and it has been giving seemingly random Blue Screen of Death errors since day one. We have tried testing the RAM with memtest86+ for 9 consecutive passes without errors (screenshot included in .zip) and completely re-installing Windows 7...
  5. C

    Windows 8 BOSD on a new computer with Windows 7 and 8.1

    Sorry posted this to another thread before reading. I believe it belongs here. I just built and new computer and have built many over the years. This one is giving me some problems. I am getting BOSD at least twice a hour and is making the computer unusable. I haven't been able to narrow...
  6. D

    Windows 7 BSOD all the time

    Hello i need some help im getting random bsod all the time and i dont know what to do i tried with backups and ram testing but it looks okay so i would like to ask what could be wrong
  7. D

    Windows 7 AMD A6 3670k "display driver stopped responding...

    Hey guys, Having issues with my newly installed AMD A6-3670k apu. I randomly get the screen freezing and then goes black or sometimes goes to the blue screen... to which i get a error message: "display driver stopped responding and has recovered" What i have tried so far... - Updated the...
  8. D

    Windows 7 0xC4 BSOD - Custom Rig

    Hey guys, Been getting this BSOD on and off a couple times a day during every sort of task (word processing, coding, surfing, and gaming). Attached is the info you asked for. I imagine its a driver related issue as I have replaced my mobo and gpu. Also I have run a ramtest for 16 hours. Just...
  9. D


    Columns of Horizontal Lines appear randomly and frequently on my desktop. Not always but sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. Images of the display on my desktop are zip attached along with my pc specs - (incl a detailed one called OURPC.txt). Some days they never appear. My computer freezes as a...
  10. C

    Windows 7 Multiple BSOD

    Link Removed Getting MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, PFN_LIST_CORRUPT, and more recently SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION. Attached my dump files. Basically, been having issues with this for the past year. Sometimes it runs fine for weeks, or even a month or two, sometimes.. not so much. Gave it to a local computer...
  11. B

    Windows 7 Please help. Very sporadic computer problems.

    Hello, I have had my rig since March, and it has been a very off and on experience with it, but I am finally to the point where I am reaching a boiling point with it. It was custom built by the guys at ibuypower.com. I have ran thorough RAM and hard disk tests to check for errors, neither...
  12. K

    Windows 7 Unsolved BSOD

    Hello, greetings to all. I have some problems with BSOD. About one month, month and a half my PC started freezing and BSOD errors were shown to me. The problem was i couldn't do anything on the PC, 'cos it crashed sometimes even when playing Spider Solitaire. The freezes and BSOD were random...
  13. M

    Windows 7 BSOD on Windows 7 x64 and Windows XP x32 - need help

    Hello people, I'm getting BSOD randomly. I have tried different versions of Windows, including Windows XP, Windows Vista and of course Windows 7. All of them have caused BSOD, even after clean install. I'm not expert in this field, but most of them have reported ntsokrnl.exe or something...
  14. G

    Windows 7 figure this one out

    im getting bsod on win7 i have done extensive ram testing everything turned up ok i have collected the dump files, they give some memory error the first time, altho memory test is ok, the other reports show the dump files reporting several windows drivers i have collected also system...
  15. T

    Windows 7 2 different bsod problems

    OK guys hope you can help me I just bought son a new pc installed windows 7 ultimate and keep getting these bsods, anyway a bit of background, I did have a gtx260 installed but I have removed this as I thought this was the cause and I was gonna rma it, I have tested the ram with memtest86+ , the...
  16. Z

    Windows 7 Trouble loading Windows 7 Pro

    Hi there, I've just built this computer GA-H55M-S2H MOBO running the Intel i5-750, 4 GB (2X2gb) DDR3 1333 PNY. Here's the problem, when loading Windows 7 Professional 32-bit, like alot of people it seems to take forever, but in my case I only get to the starting setup and after 6-8 minuter there...
  17. F

    Windows 7 I've got the blues...as in BSODs

    Let me start off with a little back story; I'm an computer technician who really doesn't feel like troubleshooting his machine by himself anymore. My initial issue was with hibernation; I'd put the computer into hibernate and sometimes 5 seconds sometimes upto a full minute or two it would turn...
  18. S

    Windows Vista Lockups

    I'm running Vista Home Basic 32 on a computer not even a year old. When I log in (Safe mode w/|w/o networking, and regular) it works for about 5-20 minutes then freezes. Windows installer doesn't work as I tried to install Kaspersky to check for viruses, it got to the install point and crashed...
  19. F

    Windows Vista Random freezing in Vista Ultimate 64

    I have recently upgraded my system with some new hardware, and installed Vista for the first time. It turned out to be a disaster. My computer freezes up seemingly at random, requiring a reset from the front switch. This freezing has occurred as soon as the login screen loads up, when...