
  1. W

    Windows 7 Backup and restore problems Window 7 pro

    I keep having trouble with my backup/restore thing. It will backup but but it won't hit the target(external drive) Error Backup skipped backing up E:\ 0x810002F Can someone Please help me!!!!
  2. Clivep

    Windows 10 Edge Manage backup restore - help !

    Need to restore Edge Manage backup for the first time. Should be simple and obvious - it isn't. You finish with a file with .edb suffix and no clue what to do next to actually restore the backup favourites. Baffling. Screengrab attached.
  3. D

    Windows 10 windows factory reset

    Hi, my laptop show black screen afterfailed restore windows. It is run windows but didnt start anything. I cant restore to factory options. i cant run .exe, regedit, cmd. Sorry for my not good English.
  4. News

    Windows 10 Tip: Five keyboard shortcuts you may not know about

    We’ve showed you 10 things you can do in Windows Mixed Reality right now and how to clear your workspace in two simple steps – today, we’re going to show you five keyboard shortcuts you may not know about! 1. Hold down Windows logo key + comma to take a quick look at the desktop 2. Lock...
  5. F

    Windows 7 Using Macrium Image Saver

    If I buy a new pc and wish to put all my files from my old pc onto it - how do I do it?? The are all backed up with the Macrium program on my external drive. Do I just plug it into the new pc and "hit" restore? Thank you.
  6. grw800

    Windows 10 How to restore an automatic album in Photos?

    I inadvertently deleted the On This Day automatically-generated album from Photos, and now I'm not getting a new one each day. How can I restore this?
  7. sinan

    Windows 10 undelete files

    Hi. In earlier windows versions, If I remember correct, I could restore deleted files easy, In recent editions I could not find it anymore, I have bought recuva, It works just fine but it took hours to scan, most time I need to recover single file only and do not need to wait hour(s) to get...
  8. Hermitkrab

    Windows 10 How to Restore Erased Bookmarks in Edge Browser Following PC Reset?

    Hello, Guys. I recently restored my PC and lost all bookmarks in my Edge Browser (shoulda backed 'em up). Is there any way to restore them? Thanks. Toshiba laptop Windows 10, version 1709
  9. E

    Windows 8 How do i restore from a external Hard rive in windows 8.1

    I followed lots of instructions, none work, I saved the image files to a external hard drive, I see no way to choose that anywhere in the restore settings, ive tried all of them. One suggests a driver then gives a massive list of folders of which none seem to have a driver. I don't seem to have...
  10. R

    Windows 10 System Image

    Hello, I made an image of everything on my computer on a external drive on 07/06/17 and now I discovered that a file is missing in my computer. I suspect this file may be on the external drive. So If I restore the contents of this external drive, what happens to the existing software...
  11. S

    booting to external drive

    For years I’ve used Clonezilla on external drives to create and manipulate drive image backups like this: First, using Gparted I make two partitions on an external drive, first partition 300MB fat32 for Clonezilla live boot, and the balance ntsf partition to store the images. Next I use...
  12. B

    Windows 10 System (win10+software and settings) bare metal bavkup: veeam alternatives

    Hi guys, I've been using veeam agent for windows to backup and restore my laptop system and not very happy and looking for alternatives. From macrium to acronis or aomei backuper what would you recommend that works when a restore is necessary? Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  13. B

    Win 10 restore from veeam bare metal image

    Hi guys, My pc crashed, I've repaired win 10 but lost all programs and settings. I have a veeam bare metal image from 2 days ago, stored on a folder in another partition but have no idea how to restore system using this image. Some help please Cheers Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  14. B

    Windows 10 Windows 10 Newbie -- Image Creation/Restore

    going to install windows 10 for the first time once complete, will install office and some other applications. pull down any/all updates as needed at that point I want to make an image of the hard drive I have heard that Windows 10 comes with the ability to do this, store to an external drive...

    Windows 10 CU Crashes my Crashplan!

    Hi all, I'm still researching this, but in the last month or so since I updated 3 of my W10 test machines to W10 CU v1703, (b15036.296) on 2 of those machines, my CrashPlan cloud storage backup stopped working entirely!! I was wondering if any other W10 users who are also using CrashPlan...
  16. G

    Windows 10 Restoring media back to windows 7 from windows 10

    I recently had to restore a windows 7 computer. When I restored my media files, they were already formatted to windows 10. Now the windows 7 computer won't read any of the playlists. As much as I've tried, I can't find a way to get the playlists to work again in the older format. Any ideas how...
  17. G

    Windows 10 How do I recover my backup files from a cd

    I had to reset my pc and it asked me to backup my files before I did it, so I backed up all of my files using 2 cd's. Now how do I get my backed up files back onto my pc from the cd's?
  18. F

    Windows 7 Replaced failed drive - new one incomplete restore

    Hi - I am very proud that I was able to remove failed drive and replace it with a new one. I am not a tekkie person. This is for Dell 2305 all in one system. Anyway, I ran the system recovery disks that I made when I purchased the system 5 years ago. Everything was getting installed - system was...
  19. Hermitkrab

    Windows 10 Unsure if I'm running Anniv. Edition

    Hello again. Sorry to keep pestering you guys, but you've been so helpful. Here's a minor problem: I recently restored my computer to an earlier date (12 Dec.), which fixed a problem with Cortana. Now, when I look at "system"all it tells me is that I'm running Windows 10 Home. Previously, as I...
  20. W

    Windows 8 Couple of questions before cloning W8

    Hello I'd like to save an image of Windows 8 onto a second partition using Clonezilla, and have a couple of questions before proceeding: 1. Why does W8 create two partitions (350MB and 147.3GB) instead of just one? 2. When running fdisk in Linux, why does it display so many /dev/ramX...