So here's the issue: Radeon X1550 256 MB PCI installs fine and shows up in the Device Manager, but when I right-Click on the desktop and click on "Screen Resolution", under the "Display" drop down menu, I ONLY get the "1. Generic PNP Monitor on Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" that is listed. The...
I am using sony vaio laptop and recently i connected a monitor to it.Now on the laptop screen there are blanks on both left and right side of the screen it is not using the entire screen.Can any one help?
I recently upgraded my my Dell XPS M1530 to Windows 7 from Vista where I was running Dual monitors, the laptop screen and an external 20" monitor. After the upgrade I cannot seem to run two screens. If you left click on Screen resolution it only recognizes the external monitor but it stays...
Hey Guys,
Hopefully one of you can help me cos im getting really frustrated. I have tried searching online for solutions but to no avail. My laptop is just under 12 months old and other than the battery dying already I have never really had any problems until last week. Its a Dell Inspiron...
bios update
computer problems
cursor position
dell inspiron
desktop background
display issue
full size windows
monitor calibration
power settings
sleep mode
software bug
tech support
update drivers
user help
video drivers
window management
windows 7
Simple Q before I explain the set-up/problem.
Does HDMI output always overide DVI when activated? I'm looking to get DVI as monitor 1 and HDMI as monitor 2.
My set-up is:
PC with Gigabyte GT 440 (GV-N440TC-1GI) card/GPU using DVI and HDMI outputs.
From GPU DVI goes...
We are having problems on a Dell Vostro 230 desktop with dual monitors with Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 4350 graphics card.
Dual Boot (2 HDS) 32bit and 64bit Windows 7.
2 Monitors connected to the card:
- Monitor 1 LCD 20" Monitor via DVI lead (set as Main in windows & ATI Catalyst Control...
My problem lies in the fact that I can only be fullscreen with my monitor when it's in the native resolution(1680x1050). If I lower the resolution, the image actually crops to keep it's true value instead of being in fullscreen. The weird thing though, is that I use a VGA cable, so I don't have...
Has anyone found a way to change the physical size of login screen icons?
I have 2 users on my Win7 32bit main PC.
The icons for Laura and Mario look tiny on my monitor (24" set to 1280x1024).
If there was a way to set the monitor resolution for login screen to say 600x800, but have it...
One of our staff members is running Windows 7 on a laptop (with docking station) and uses a USB VGA dual monitor device. Upon start up, the second monitor does not register any images (it remains black). Power is clearly running to the monitor and it is turned on. Strange part is, if she...
device compatibility
display issues
docking station
dual monitor
graphics driver
monitor setup
power issues
startup problems
tech help
usb vga
user support
windows 7
I have an Acer TM8572G with Nvidia screen manager and is using an external LG W2443T monitor as primary monitor on an extended screen setup. The monitor is attached via ordinary VGA socket to the laptop.
It has happened a few times that the LG monitor scales itself to about 15% wider than the...
Looking for some help. Sorry if this is in the wrong place, just registered to do this. Trying to get my computer to let me use my second monitor. I've updated my drivers and restarted, used DriverFinder and updated from there to. Using:
Win7 Home 64bit
My tower is HPE-500y HP Pav Elite 2
computer support
display settings
dual monitor
home edition
monitor setup
tech newbie
updated drivers
windows 7
I'm running Win7 Pro 64 with SP1 on a Sony Vaio Z (VPCZ1) laptop, and I want to connect to an external monitor, preferably via the HDMI port. However, I cannot properly connect to external displays at all. For whatever reason, my computer isn't automatically detecting that the monitor is plugged...
I have a new laptop with Windows 7 installed, but I am not enjoying using it at all, as everything is huge! I don't just mean the text, the icons and all graphics are effected, and tweaking hasn't helped at all. (reducing the text size is easy)
I have to scroll so much to view a...
display settings
graphics drivers
internet explorer
large icons
software update
tech support
user experience
web browsing
windows 7
I can't seem to play DVD's using Windows Media player. I get this "Windows Media Player cannot play DVD video. You might need to adjust your Windows display settings. Open display settings in Control Panel, and then try lowering your screen resolution and color quality settings." I thought maybe...
codec pack
color quality
display settings
dvd playback
media player classic
video driver
vlc player
windows media player
This morning one of our computers started acting strangely. Any window screens we have open, whether an Internet Explorer window, My Computer screen, etc, the top bars are flashing in and out. It is similar to the flashing like when it is trying to alert you of an error message / box you...
Hello all
I went to change my wallpaper the other day and when i right-click and press the personalization section i get an error message saying "doesn't support this interface"
The same thing happens with the resolution problem section too
But when i go to the control panel and click...
I have two 4:3 monitors side by side. Both of them are set to 1280x1024. My desktop is extended across both.
I downloaded a 2560x1024 image and set it as my background. I went into personalization/etc. and set it to 'Tile' as Google results repeatedly said I should.
No matter what I do...
I am using dual monitor software Ultramon and it's working fine with all the folders and software. But when I try to see video by using windows media player or VLC player, the video doesn't fit in dual monitor properly. The video shows in the middle of the two monitors and both monitors...
display settings
dual monitor
software compatibility
video playback
vlc player
windows media player
I am having trouble getting my dual monitors to work. I am currently using a laptop, ASUS G73, with a ATI Radeon 5870 graphics card. My laptop recognizes the monitor (DELL E173FP), but nothing has appeared on the monitor. I've tried moving things onto the monitor, adjusting screen...