
  1. ApplicationData Shortcut to itself?

    I've recently come across something that has perplexed me and I do not understand the reason for it. Under C:\Users there is a shortcut called All Users. This takes me to C:\ProgramData. In ProgramData there is a shortcut for Desktop, Documents, Start Menu, Templates but oddly, ApplicationData...
  2. M

    Windows 7 Automatic update of 'Target' and 'Start in' with Bash

    Hi, I want to automatic update Properties for a Windows shortcut from a Bash script. Especially values in Target and Start in. Typically update from e.g. 'Open Office 4' to 'Open Office 5' for those. Any idea? Thanks!
  3. Windows 10 How do I create a directory shortcut for shell use?

    Hi, I am wondering how to create a shell shortcut for a directory. %windir% for instance points to C:\Windows. I'd like to also create a shell shortcut called %rubydir% which points to C:\PROGRA~1\CMD\Ruby223. Can you walk me through what I need to do?