
  1. Command line shortcuts edit

    Hi, I have on my cmd terminal a server quit shortcut of "ctrl + break", but my laptop doesn't have break button, I tried ctrl + every button in keyboard but it didn't work. Can I edit this cmd shortcut ?
  2. Windows 10 How to connect powershell or CMD with proxy credentials?

    Hello everyone! I really need help here. I work at a government company and need to connect with a proxy. On browsers there is no problem, but when i need to install something with npm or choco i cant do it via powershell or cmd as administrator. I have my credentials and the proxy ip and port...
  3. S

    Windows 7 VS code not opening

    I have windows 7 64 bit 500 GB hard disk with one primary and two other partions.I had installed the latest version of vs code the 'system installation' for all users .it opened correctly the first time.But then I tried the command code . in powershell terminal to open vs code without enabling...
  4. Windows 11 Anyone else running Windows 11 notice this?

    Hi everyone. While Windows 11 has solved several problems that I've had, like not being able to sign in to Widows Terminal as Admin, there is one thing that I think is kind of weird. One is that it will sometimes open multiple copied of programs that it wouldn't do before. I discover that if I...
  5. A

    How do I restart Marco or Firefox from the ctrl+F2 screen please?

    Dear All, I am using the latest Ubuntu 64 20.04. After several hours of playing video the firefox broswer crashes, the screen freezes, however I can still hear sound. I cant close it via alt+F2 however I can switch to the terminal screen on ctrl+alt+F2, what I want to test is either restarting...
  6. PowerShell's Help doesn't let me Spacebar to scroll.....

    Hey guys, I am currently learning PowerShell in a college course. Right now we are learning to use the Help system efficiently. One thing that is bugging me is that running 'Get-Help' is supposed to output help and automatically scroll to the bottom of the displayed help while just running...
  7. T

    Windows 10 How to open a file with a specific program from cmd

    Hello, I am trying to open a file [FILE] with a program [PROGRAM]. I have a shortcut of those two on my desktop. When i drag and drop [FILE] on top of [PROGRAM], it works as expected, meaning that [FILE] gets openend correctly by using [PROGRAM] to open it (Similarly to how you would drop a...
  8. How to import mysql database in phpmyadmin - windows server 2008

    I am playing around with windows server 2008 and learning how to use it. Just a hobby on weekends. I was able to successfully install: php, mysql & phpmyadmin Now the problem is i'm trying to import a database into phpmyadmin, the database is 42.6mb therefore i am unable to import...
  9. VIDEO How To Change Text Color In Command Prompt!

  10. Windows 7 search the Windows 7 index programmatically (where do I put the SQL)

    I would like to Querying the Index Programmatically (Windows) and I found this link that shows several ways to do it. Basically, I have hundreds of ten-digit numbers and about 300 excel documents. I want to know which documents contain which numbers. I don't care if the output goes to a terminal...
  11. I was bored, so I made this - enjoy

    Since I did not have much to do, I thought it would be fun to explore other operating systems. After all, with the recent developments in Windows, you never know where this will end up. I looked at a variety of Linux distros. They have an adorable price of $0 and are easily installed in VMware...
  12. R

    Windows 7 Cygwin on Win7

    Hello guys, I've wanted to use RLDev on windows 7 so I downloaded Cygwin but the problem is, Cygwin.bat is not working. I can use terminal; mintty.exe but the packages that I download before installation (make, binutils etc.) don't working. I need help guys :(
  13. Windows 7 transparent cmd?

    Is there a way to make the cmd window transparent like in Linux platforms?
  14. Why I use Linux as my main OS

    I have been a linux user for about 7 years now, I am a loyal user of Linux and barely use Windows and I have some very good reasons. First of all Linux has not been as troublesome to me as Windows has, if there is an issue with it its actually easier to fix (even with the terminal) then Windows...
  15. D

    Windows 7 BOOTMGR is missing

    BOOTMGR is missing but it's not the same as the other threads My computer is now useless. I had windows XP, and recently decided to upgrade to 7, skipping Vista. I have all my important files backed up, and I intend to reformat the hard drive and start fresh. I put in the Windows 7 disk...
  16. Gun parts found in Tampa International Airport terminal restroom

    TIA spokeswoman Brenda Geoghagan says the parts belonged to several firearms and were found in a woman's bathroom in the airport's main terminal, outside the security checkpoint. Read Full Story: Link Removed due to 404 Error
  17. P

    Windows 7 Set individual cmdprompt windows sizes (num of rows/cols) for different batch scripts?

    When I start a DOS batch file *.bat procedure then a cmdprompt window opens with the default number of columns and rows. In old WinXP I could pause the batch script and change the number of columns/rows of this terminal/cmdprompt windowa as well as other parameters like font size. AND...
  18. Zephyr Announces Support for Microsoft Windows 7 SP1

    Critical Release Will Usher in Large Scale Corporate Adoption of New Standard Houston, TX (Vocus/PRWEB) March 16, 2011 Zephyr is pleased to announce the support of Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) with its PASSPORT family of 3270, 5250 and UNIX terminal emulation products. Windows 7 SP1...
  19. T

    Windows 7 List of commands to use in command prompt

    Can I get a list of commands I can use in a command prompt, please?
  20. L

    Windows 7 Where can I download a Polish Terminal font for fonts?

    Where can I download a Polish Terminal font for fonts? I will try to reply asp