user accounts

  1. Rapaaja

    Windows 7 Windows 7, I can't add user accounts

    Windows 7, I can't add user accounts The ASUS X73T computer with WIN 7 64 bit began to announce that the version of Windows I use is not genuine even though it is the machine's original system. The factory settings for the reset machine and the operating system were activated with the original...
  2. D

    Windows 10 Help with fixing "Error 0x80070780: the file cannot be accessed by the system".

    Recently, my windows 10 computer suddenly stopped functioning properly i.e. no applications would load and I wasn't able to open any files. I decided that I'll need to perform a factory reset on my computer. I rebooted the computer in safe mode so that I could back up all the files (I'm only...
  3. K

    Windows 10 How to delete account?

    I have an account saved on win 10 but I want to change another account and delete it, then I can not delete it please help me! Thanks As shown above I can not find the delete button
  4. F

    Windows 10 Admin and standard account

    Apparently when setup is complete, the user is the administrator. It's been so long since I set up a new system I don't remember how it played out. Should I set up a standard account or is win10 so protected (which I have heard) that I can just have one user account, admin? Thanks.
  5. F

    Windows 10 How To Disconnect School Account?

    This summer, my daughter was home. She needed to update her resume for some auditions, so she used my computer. Once she was on my computer, in my account, she logged onto her school account (with school OneDrive, etc.). No problem. Now she's back at school for her final semester. And I'm...
  6. DanielV

    Windows 10 Disable software on one users account only

    I have a piece of software (Norton antivirus) that I want one of the accounts to use but not the other: How can I disable the software on one account but not the other? (both accounts are admin and I'm on windows 10) Thanks
  7. L

    Windows 10 Need advice on 2 issues having

    hi, I am 65yrs old and have just got Windows 10 on my laptop and am having a few teething issues to say the least but there are 2 that I would like to get sorted out. 1/ 2016 Microsoft Outlook is starting up when I start computer and I don’t want it to,,,,, NOW outlook is not in startup folder...
  8. W

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 help?

    I did something stupid two days ago and because of that I have problem download file. I have my own account and I was admin but I have a guest account as well, I was stupid enough to let the guest account be admin and now I can not change it. I want my account to be admin just like before but...
  9. J

    Windows 10 Passwords

    I have removed log-in password requirement (netplwz > uncheck password requirement). Then when I reboot, the password is no longer required. However, if I log off (ctrl-alt-del), a password is required to log back in. I have Windows 10, and the issue occurs on both my HP and Lenovo PC's. How do...
  10. Curious


    Hello, When i log in sites Microsoft Edge he ask me if i want to save the user and password. If i answer "YES", everything OK. If i answer "NO" he never more ask me to save the password. This is a problem for me, because in future i would like to say "YES". How can i configure for every time i...
  11. Woodroce

    Windows 7 Windows Accounts Nightmare

    I wanted to set up another account in my Windows 7 PC for my daughter so she could have her own desktop , bookmarks and everything. I somehow ended up with all my stuff going under her user name. All my settings are now associated with her and I am on a new account! I don't know how to go...
  12. AnonymousUser

    Windows 10 Hiding an active user account in Windows 10?

    I am trying to hide an active user account from sight in:: Desktop> Right-click This PC> Manage> Local Users and Groups> Users> Q. Is there a way to make one of these user accounts hidden from sight without the account itself being disabled? (Tried to add an image but this site apparently...
  13. P

    Windows 7 Take Ownership only for files+folders of user "karl"?

    Assume I have a huge directory tree with lots of files and folders. Some of them belong to (simplified) user "karl" (or unknown user "S-1-5-21-107808153") others not. When I execute now a command like takeown /f * /a /r /d y then ALL files+folders get the "Administrators" account as owner. I...
  14. P

    Windows 7 Switch ownership of "normal" folders (tree): Disadvantages?

    When I inspect my file system some of my "normal" (=non system) folders then I can see owners like "S-1-5-21-15185678....." or "S-1-5-21-107808153 Why do only approx 30% of all folders have "S-1-5-21-151..." as owner and all others "Administrator"? I dislike these "S-1-5-21-......" owners and...
  15. brkkab

    Windows 10 Weird issue in Creators Updae

    I've come across a weird issue in Windows 10 Pro x64 1703. In C:\Users\ Windows 10 repeatedly shows 2 weirdly named User folders. I look in Control Panel>User Accounts and as expected I'm the only user. I delete these 2 bogus folders numerous times a day and they contantly re-appear...
  16. jPaulB

    Windows 10 Multiple users on my C: drive? Where do they cone from, and can I delete them?

    Hi Everybody, I have a basic question. This is probably all very normal, but as far as I can remember there are only three possible users on my compute .... "me", a "guest", and a mysterious "Administrator". But, My "C:\User\" DIRECTORY shows a bunch of users I don't recognize, and although...
  17. News

    MS17-016 - Important: Security Update for Windows IIS (4013074) - Version: 1.0

    Severity Rating: Important Revision Note: V1.0 (March 14, 2017): Click here to enter text. Summary: This security update resolves a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows. The vulnerability could allow remote code execution if an attacker with access to the local system executes a malicious...
  18. W10G

    Windows 10 am not able to add additional person in user accounts

    few weeks ago I fixed a problem where the user accts feature became corrupted...and now somehow I cant add additional person(s) in family acct creation. the dialog box opens, but just keeps loading. Link Removed
  19. northangrywolf

    Windows 10 a question for Edge

    I don't creat any account in my laptop, but I cant launch the Microsoft Edge, I was told " u cant launch this program with this account." what can I do ?>
  20. T

    Windows 10 How I can manage the accounts on PC

    Hello everybody! I have more local accounts on my PC and I want to know, how I can change that when I install an application and an shortcut on desktop, I don't see it on the other account? Thanks for every Help!