Windows 10 Another Leaked build 10134 (and 10135)


Excellent Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
Oct 16, 2009
It looks like another leaked build is out. If that is the case and we end up getting an official release in the next week, would that be the last build prior to the RTM?

If I was Microsoft, I would release an RC about 2 to 3 weeks prior to the RTM. Depending when the RTM would be finalized, we may be getting close to that time...

The latest builds, including 10134 are setting Local Networks as Public. Since the IP address is within my LAN, why is it showing Public? Does anyone know of a setting to get it back to Private? Could this be related to using the Microsoft sign-in or not?

I have not yet tested Cortana.

The memory error seen during restarts is showing up during the install.

The Recovery Partition for a clean install is larger, 450 MBs with the MSR partition going from 128 MB to 16 MB.

The Tiles do not disappear when moved, the other tiles fade while moving one.

I have been able to resize Edge without it closing, but I do not yet have all the favorites in the favorites bar.

I just don't see a lot of difference. The Network Beta app is still...
Looks like we need some more acronyms. I would have thought RC could cover it. ;)

I will check the leaked build but don't expect much change. I have heard they are currently working on 10139..and we might get 10138 or so in the next week.

Oh well, I suppose it really doesn't matter... as longs as it is stable..


It still seems to me that they have a long way to go in getting a build where everything works.
I'd really like to have a build that is somewhat like a finished product, one of these days prior to the real final build.

I'm still at 10074 because I've heard so many complaints about the last couple of builds, as soon as I hear about one where most things work I'll update again.

It doesn't seem that Cortana is close to having the capabilities she is supposed to have.
I want to be able to send email messages via voice interaction.

Right now she responds when I speak to her, but won't say my name or do anything after confirming that she hears me, unless I click on the button on the taskbar.

Maybe the next one will be it?


Well, I was starting to install the build and I noticed the EULA was different. The download was a WinMan type build so not sure exactly what I got into but I decided not to proceed. If this were to be one of the primary builds, perhaps this is because the final release is getting closer but I was not willing to agree to those rules.

The latest builds, including 10134 are setting Local Networks as Public. Since the IP address is within my LAN, why is it showing Public? Does anyone know of a setting to get it back to Private? Could this be related to using the Microsoft sign-in or not?

I have not yet tested Cortana.

The memory error seen during restarts is showing up during the install.

The Recovery Partition for a clean install is larger, 450 MBs with the MSR partition going from 128 MB to 16 MB.

The Tiles do not disappear when moved, the other tiles fade while moving one.

I have been able to resize Edge without it closing, but I do not yet have all the favorites in the favorites bar.

I just don't see a lot of difference. The Network Beta app is still showing "Coming Soon".

The settings listing in the Start Menu is still missing with a clean install.

The next step is signing on with a Microsoft account. Anyone want me to check something, speak up.

are setting Local Networks as Public
I've noticed that also.
Network discovery is turned off by default and I suspect that it is Microsoft revisiting their idea of keeping us safe. You can still access the internet but no network discovery and no file and printer sharing by default settings. You have to turn it on yourself.
My settings icon / shortcut is gone (first time for me) although I just use the All Settings selection from the notification icon so I don't really miss it.
You can now rearrange the items in your favorites bar in Edge, but as soon as you close it and reopen it, they go back to alphabetical order again.

I noticed that the 10130 ISO is also available now

I was kinda hoping for something like a CTP release prior to the GA. Evidently the July 29th date is the General Availability Release. The RTM is suppose to be later this month or very early July.
Exciting times.
I have downloaded and Burned the ISO for 10130 and I'll need it to run "DISM" as that's the only way DISM can be run effectively on Windows 10. I have run sfc /scannow a couple of times and it finds problems that it can't resolve.
I wish Microsoft a lot of luck if they are to release the final by 29th July because I am still finding quite a lot of bugs in build 10130.

I wanted to check the Public Network designation, so I logged in with the Microsoft account and it changed to Private. Not sure what might be going on there.

Cortana still seems to be acting up. It responded a couple of times but I notice the audio stream is enabled which keeps a system from sleeping. I think they have disabled that in 10130. It seems to work OK if you click the mike button, but this is not how it appears to behave on a phone, according to Microsoft's presentations.

Mail seems to be acting up.

When I was adjusting the tile positions on the Start Menu, I thought I saw other tiles moving when they did not need to, such as Windows 8 does. And I could swear I had tiles which I had unpinned but had returned.

JimBobBill, I have stopped even trying to run an SFC. Too many changes happening right now. Maybe after the RTM things will calm down.

It seems leaked build 10135 is out now... I wonder why all these builds all of a sudden..

Some of the leaked ones may have a Media Center component, or at least that is what the build description says.

I'd like to see a build that fixed existing bugs instead of introducing new ones. I downloaded the ISO for 10130 did a clean install and have 2 old programs that did start in earlier versions using Task scheduler but won't start now even using the Task Scheduler and changing settings there. Not important programs but annoying. I'd like to see something that looked like a finished product soon.

It seems leaked build 10135 is out now
Tried both 10134 and 10135 and IMO 10135 is the better of the two leaked builds.
Seems most of the common annoyances are at least better if not fixed.....
Got the settings icon back in the start menu (after a reboot).
I can't speak to any specific driver issues, the ones I get from Windows Update seem to work fine in my instances.
I also can't speak to Cortana. Personally I'm patiently waiting for the release before playing with it.
Otherwise it seems to be perfectly serviceable.

EDIT: Caveat..... both were clean installs with defaults left alone (express settings, etc.)

Maybe a couple of questions. First, the 10135 download seems to be .16 GB larger than 10134. Any guesses as to why, such as Media Center capability?

Also, if one of the two current 10130 updates have not installed, will that have any effect of the build coming Friday? I will feel better if I see another Windows 10 update, but so far the failed (or requires restart) update was the last one.

Any guesses as to why, such as Media Center capability?
Nope.... no idea why it might be larger. There are no media center components in the Services Console and they've been pretty firm about doing away with that in Windows 10 anyway.
As far as updates in this clean install of 10135 there are none so far except for three Defender updates and then the driver for the Realtek HD Audio.

Can't speak to "the build coming Friday" as I haven't seen any details about it.

As far as your windows update history and the "requires restart" one, are you not getting any Defender updates either anymore?

I am getting Defender updates, but I believe they come from a different source and may not indicate the viability of the OS update process.

Maybe I can compare the two builds and tell where the increase went, maybe more drivers.

I just tried installing 10135 from a USB drive. Whether using a USB 2.0 or 3.0 port, it indicates a "Driver" is missing.

Maybe the download is bad, but I will try next to burn a DVD to see if that works.

My Z-87 system seems to be doing OK. Still some of the situations like Cortana only listening for one second after pushing the mike button. I am able to run my games using SLI and the display has been stable.

My X99 system was still Blue Screening in 10130 and carried on in an upgrade install of 10135. I have just done a clean install to see if the Blue Screens continue. This system is multi-monitor and has had problems with most builds, although there was at least one where it worked normally.

Overall, I agree with Trouble's assessment in that it is improving, but not yet free of some nagging problems.

Hopefully the next official build release will be more polished and ready for release to the public so we can check it.

My Z-87 system seems to be doing OK. Still some of the situations like Cortana only listening for one second after pushing the mike button. I am able to run my games using SLI and the display has been stable.

My X99 system was still Blue Screening in 10130 and carried on in an upgrade install of 10135. I have just done a clean install to see if the Blue Screens continue. This system is multi-monitor and has had problems with most builds, although there was at least one where it worked normally.

Overall, I agree with Trouble's assessment in that it is improving, but not yet free of some nagging problems.

Hopefully the next public release will be more polished and ready for public release so we can check it.
Whilst installing on a virtual machine,


