So you can still log into Windows 8 without having to have a password, just like you can on Windows 7? At least that's some thing. But the problem is that Windows 8 looks nothing like Windows. And a lot of Windows users, including me will have problems using it,with that Metro,tile theme. That is what has turned me against Windows and and that is why I don't want to use it.
In England they stopped selling Windows XP and Windows Vista computers and laptops and you can now only buy Windows 7. Although some shops do sell Windows XP and Windows Vista but very few. I hope they don't stop selling Windows 7 when Windows 8 comes out. And then we will be forced to buy Windows 8. And that is one thing I and other Windows users should be worried about.
See this post here I found on the PC World website
Why You Should Ditch Your Windows XP Laptop Right Now | PCWorldWhy You Should Ditch Your Windows XP Laptop Right Now | PCWorldHe says,"But if you insist on holding on to that XP laptop, you will have something to worry about that's far, far worse than a new drive that won't work: if you don't buy Windows 7 now (if you are not a Mac or Linux user-and if you're reading this, you likely aren't), you'll probably end up stuck with the disaster that will be called "Windows 8." What's going to be wrong with Windows 8? Well, pretty much everything. The interface is as ugly as hell. Unless you really, really like the Office ribbon. That task bar? It'll be a space-hogging ribbon in Windows 8. Not only that, but the ideas for the platform are to be shared with Microsoft's OS for phones. Do you really want a tiny phone-OS-like operating system powering your laptop computer with its heavy, obnoxious ribbon?"
He is right. But a lot of people don't like Windows 8, not just me. So why do we not do some thing about it. Complain to Microsoft or put up a petition against Windows 8? Or have a street march against Windows 8? If enough people complained then if they did make Windows 8,they would have to make it like Windows 7. With a start menu and normal desktop like the other versions of Windows. And I don't think they should have stopped selling Windows XP or Windows Vista either.As a lot of people still use those versions of Windows. It should be out choice what version of Windows we use. after all,Linux user can choose what version of Linux to use. So why can't Windows users?
On Windows 7 they have the Aero theme which I don't like,but only because it is loud.So I use Windows Classic and then change the taskbar and start menu and desktop to a color of my choice using the color picker. But Aero is only the look and if I have the Aero theme.I have a start menu,and a normal Windows Desktop I can use. Not like on Windows 8,where you get no start menu or not a Windows one,anyway. And that horrible and difficult to use tiled desktop. That does not work like Windows at all.
I gave up using Linux because on Ubuntu they don't have a start menu and they have tiles on the desktop. And I could not find the settings. Now they want to make Windows look like Linux or Mac.That's why I don't want Windows 8. But if they make it like Windows 7,fine. But why do we need Windows 8, when they have only just made Windows 7 two years ago, and everybody who uses it is happy with it? People have gotten used to Windows 7 and some have spent money on Windows 7.
A few weeks ago I got the chance to look at a Windows Vista laptop in a shop that sells reconditioned laptops. And I was surprised to find it worked as good as Windows 7. In fact Windows Vista and Windows 7 are identical to one another. So much that all of the Vista software works on Windows 7 as well as Windows XP's.I have got Windows Movie Maker 6 and 2.6 for Windows Vista as well as Windows Mail,Windows Vista sidebar,Windows Calendar and more all run on my Windows 7. And also Windows live Messenger for Windows XP runs on Windows 7.Well if you read the small print Windows live Messenger for Windows XP is for all versions of Windows. And is last years version of Windows Live Messenger before 2011 version.
Can Windows 8 be as flexible and user friendly as Windows 7 is. No,I don't think so. And I would not be surprised if you could not run all of your Windows XP and Windows Vista software on Windows 8.Like you can on Windows 7.And maybe you can't run Windows 7 software either.
A lot of people complained about Windows Vista,but to me it seems the same as Windows 7. and if I had to choose between Windows Vista and Windows 8. Of course I would have Windows Vista. As it is like other versions of Windows. But Windows 8 is not. Andrea Borman.