Windows 10 Automatic Repair Loops Self-troubleshoot Fail, New Error


New Member
May 4, 2016
Hi All,

This morning I woke up and my desktop computer running Windows 10 was somehow in a self-repair loop. After searching online, seems many people have had this happen, I followed these short instructions.

see attached image

Then upon a restart, I know get this new error. Not good at all..

see attached image

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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  • IMG_2592.webp
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I believe you are getting that message because you deleted the boot loader entry from your BCD store and it doesn't know what to load. Boot back into the recovery and do the following from a command prompt
  • bcdedit /create {default} /d "Windows 10"
  • bcdedit /set {default} device partition=C:
  • bcdedit /set {default} path \WINDOWS\system32\winload.efi
  • bcdedit /set {default} osdevice partition=C:
  • bcdedit /set {default} sysemroot \Windows
  • bcdedit /set {default} locale en-US
  • bcdedit /set {default} inherit {bootloadersettings}
  • bcdedit /set {default} nx OptIn
  • bcdedit /set {default} allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
  • bcdedit /set {default}...
Hi tbsarchitect;
Glad you got it working and sorry you had to reinstall. This is probably 2 late for you to know now, but RULE #1 for Techs doing Windows or any OS upgrades is "UNPLUG ALL EXTERNAL HARD DRIVES AND USB DEVICES LIKE PRINTERS AND WEBCAMS!!"

Since you attempted an online W8-->W10 upgrade, this is like a Kiss Of Death with multiple drives plugged into your PC!! That's an absolute No-No!!:noway::noway:

so now you know not to do that. Am also posting for other people who got same or similar boot error. The above is usually the cause!!:l:


Big Bear, I didn't do an online install. I used a usb drive with Windows Media Tool, and also, I did unplug any uneccessary drives.

Thanks for the suggestions.

kemical: I do not have a usb or disk, I upgraded from 8 to 10 online through Microsoft
>>>from your Quote in earlier post above, how would you upgrade from Microsoft site without the use of the MCT tool on disc or usb??:confused::confused::confused: that's why we were confused!! This was in response to your latest post today Thurday 5/5/16.<<<


holdum333: I tried restarting multiple times, the only screen that pops up is IMG_2592.JPG.

Big Bear, I didn't do an online install. I used a usb drive with Windows Media Tool, and also, I did unplug any uneccessary drives.

>>>Oh, that's Great! Nice job there!:up: Always good to check as many folks worldwide seem to make that mistake including the majority of my Clients! <more $$ for me!><<<

Hi! It seems you have a legit license to me. Looks just like mine! ;) You should be good to go. My friend @BIGBEARJEDI is very thorough and always explains these things in detail. I think his advise was for others as well as you!;):) You'll get use to BBJ:ahaha:

This is some b.s. Got off the phone with a lady from India, tried to explain what happened, came down to the fact that if I can't locate my Windows 7 Product key back from who knows when, I have to pay another hundred or so for a brand new license. This is ridiculous.(I have been running genuine Windows 10 since the free upgrade)

Yeah Holdum, I ended up just reformatting my SSD and did a clean install. So all apps gone :(

Wish someone from Microsoft would happen to look at this thread and sort this issue out. I just finished grad school and do not have money to light on fire repurchasing windows again, need to pay off my loans

Hi! If you up graded to W10 from windows up dates the first time, I'm not understanding why you can't activate W10 now?? Some times contacting MS again gets good results. May be other members will reply latter!

Hi again tbsarchitect,
I might be able to help you with your Activation problem. First, we need complete hardware specs on your machine; make/model if an OEM computer (Dell, HP, Acer, Gateway, Toshiba, etc.); is it a Desktop PC or a Laptop/tablet? It would be helpful for you to download the free SPECCY diagnostic program from and post the resulting text file back here to this thread so we can analyze it for you. If you don't have an OEM computer, then you have a self-built PC or we call this a Gaming Rig since Gamers often build their PCs to run high performance components for online or local Gaming purposes. Since we've been focusing on software and you are having lots of problems with W10, we now need to address your hardware and see if you have any issues there.

Another question; did your PC or laptop/tablet come with Win7 pre-loaded from the factory or did you install it from purchased boxed retail media (Legit Microsoft retail box & DVD with Hologram), or downloaded ISO file? Did your computer have an earlier version of Windows on it prior to Win7 such as Vista or XP? We are now asking all these questions because we are not mind-readers and can't see what you have in your home or apartment or dorm (you said you were in Graduate School!). We'd like to help you avoid paying for a W10 upgrade if we can. However, you must realize that even if you do get a legit Win7-W10 upgrade, it's only free until July 29th 2016, this year. After that time, you will still need to pay for your W10 to continue using it on the Internet via Credit Card after that point in time. You may not be aware of this distinction. Folks who run the W10 upgrade from W7x/8x-->W10 don't read the fine print on the Microsoft EULA (End User License Agreement) on W10; they assume it's the same as all previous versions of Windows back to Win3.1x or something! SO NOT TRUE!! For you this is a going to be a problem, because even if we get your machine activated on W10, it will stop working on July 30th and you'll have to cough up your $100; in fact, since you selected to install W10 Pro; that's going to be $199!! <sorry!>o_O Pro version is more; Home version is $119.

Some of this information you may not be aware of and that's why you are having so many difficulties. We don't make the rules here, Microsoft does, and we're simply trying to get you the answers you need. Please do not take offense, ok?

Here are some other options I can suggest as possible workarounds:
(1.) Downgrade your W10 back to Win7 that came pre-loaded on your machine; you will be able to run that until 2020 which is the announced end-of-life for the Win7 product from Microsoft. That gives you 4 years or so to keep using that machine without having to buy a Windows upgrade.:fdance:

(2.) You mention you are in Graduate School, if so, in the US, or elsewhere? What University? We may be able to help you with discount on the W10 OS. Most Universities and Colleges in the US have significant Educational discounts for enrolled students, even part-time students, all you need is your Student ID. When I was last teaching Community College, my College had a deal where students could buy Windows Vista for about $50 through the school discount with valid Student ID number. Retail cost was about $125. That was back in 2007-2008.

(3.) If your University or College isn't participating in an Educational Discount program, you can go to Tech Soup, a discounted technology sales company dealing exclusively with non-profit organizations such as Universities and Schools. Microsoft, Oracle, Corel, and many other top software firms donate their software to Tech Soup for up to 80% discounts off retail pricing. You may be able to purchase W10 through them even if your school doesn't currently have something setup directly with Microsoft.:encouragement:

(4.) Contact your University or College's Computer Science, Engineering, or Information Technology department if they have one. Many Universities in the US have formal relationships with Microsoft and often they get FREE licenses for students to use for a limited time. Microsoft distributed this widely back in 2009 with Windows7 Ultimate. Students could use it for a year or two, and then had to buy it outright to keep using it; but by then the next version of Windows would be out (Win8 in 2011 for example). When Win7 Ultimate expired students could go back to their Professor or IT contact who gave them the Win7 software and get the same deal on Win8! Free is always good, right??:D

Get back to us with your hardware specs. We'll try and figure something out for you once we have that information, if you're willing to share that with us.:l:

<<<BBJ>>> :lightbulb:

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However, you must realize that even if you do get a legit Win7-W10 upgrade, it's only free until July 29th 2016, this year. After that time, you will still need to pay for your W10 to continue using it on the Internet via Credit Card after that point in time. You may not be aware of this distinction. Folks who run the W10 upgrade from W7x/8x-->W10 don't read the fine print on the Microsoft EULA (End User License Agreement) on W10; they assume it's the same as all previous versions of Windows back to Win3.1x or something! SO NOT TRUE!! For you this is a going to be a problem, because even if we get your machine activated on W10, it will stop working on July 30th and you'll have to cough up your $100; in fact, since you selected to install W10 Pro; that's going to be $199!! <sorry!>o_O Pro version is more; Home version is $119.
Hi @BIGBEARJEDI Sorry friend, but I do not understand the above statement. Can you show me where you are getting your information. Are you saying everyone that up grades to W10 will have to pay after July 29th 2016. I don't think that's true! That does not make any sense to me!
Why would MS do that?? This is a free up grade as long as you own that PC. If you change mother boards, then you might have to buy a license or call MS to activate W10. If you do not except the free upgrade by July 29th 2016, then you will have to pay to upgrade to W10 is my understanding!

Hi Gary,

No problem. I know it's confusing; re-read my Posts #5 & #6 here:
Windows 10 Aniversary Update

Got my info from multiple sources including the PC World article reference in Post #5 link; plus other sources specified as well as Gabe Abul E-mails to Windows10 Insider Testers, and the Joe Belfiore videos from last May 2015 right before the July 29th RTM release. And, have run this by several admins here on this forum and the other 3 forums I'm on and received concurrence.;)

And yes, I'm saying that EVERYONE who performs a Win7x/8x free upgrade during the 1 year trial period will have to pay Microsoft an upgrade fee of $119 for W10 Home or $199 for W10 Pro (retail pricing) in order to continue using the W10 OS. Period. No exceptions except certain large enterprise corporations who are paying hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars annually already to Microsoft for their site licenses. You'll note that none of the Admins here or other knowledgeable folks here have disagreed with what I've stated.;) No news is Good news! :fdance:

According to Microsoft senior management, including Satya Nadella the new Microsoft CEO, this plan is to bring upgraders of earlier Windows licenses into the W10 fold, as well as to allow amnesty for people running pirated copies of earlier Windows versions XP-Win8x. However, Microsoft has stated on multiple occasions on webcasts, podcasts, TV, and other media that at the end of the Trial 1 year period ALL people running W10 on their machines will have to pony up the $$ cash to Microsoft to keep running it. Once an individual purchases the W10 post-trial license, it becomes permanent for the lifetime of the Motherboard in the machine the license was activated onto. Just like every other license on earlier versions of Windows, XP-Win8x! Like I said; Microsoft marketing gurus anticipate no less than 3 billion in revenue at the very least from this strategy over the next 7-10 years or lifetime of the W10 product whichever expires first.:polite:

I know it's confusing, but Microsoft has never done this before in their history since April 4, 1975. So, people are indeed confused by this new strategy.:confused: In the past, whenever Microsoft introduced a new version of Windows--people had to pay for the privilege of upgrading. Period. They still will have to do that! It's just that Microsoft has given people a 1 day to 1 year trial period on the OS for Free to try and stimulate sales of the new W10 OS.:cash:

Does that help? Make sense?

Cheers!!:D :nerdie::peace:
