
New Member
Dec 9, 2015
So for a while my computer would occasionally BSOD if I left it alone for too long (20-30 minutes), but inconsistently enough that it wasn't really an issue since I usually put it in sleep mode when I go somewhere anyways.

Over the last week it's started doing it a lot more though, and starting yesterday it fails to actually start up the first few times - the loading process takes much longer than normal and once it reaches desktop it usually BSOD's a few times before finally getting going. I tried most of the simpler stuff Google and a simple search of this forum suggested, reinstalling drivers, chkdisc, that stuff, but none of it seemed to have any effect so I figure I might as well suck it up and ask for help from people smarter than me.

Reliability monitor has been pretty much friggin' worthless before the last week, every single one of the critical errors were just "windows did not properly shut down" and have been since the BSODs started, but in the last few days a new one has popped up a few times, not sure if it's any help (and it may be in the attached crash logs as well - sorry if redundant info) but I'll include it just in case.

A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 141
Parameter 1: ffffe001eaf3a010
Parameter 2: fffff8019dacce48
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 12a4
OS version: 10_0_10586
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
OS Version: 10.0.10586.
Locale ID: 1033

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: LKD_0x141_Tdr:6_IMAGE_atikmpag.sys
Parameter 4 varies randomly (12a4, 16d0, 1d8 chronologically) but the other fields stay the same across all three of those events.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I can deal with getting new RAM/HDD/whatever but not a new computer haha.


is there any actual practical difference between the Western Digital Blue and Black drives in terms of practical performance?
Not much.. See this guide:
Link Removed

Also, if I do use that windows 10 build ISO you linked earlier, kemical, I can have windows 10 on the new drive too right? 'Cuz I have a legit copy (as mentioned, windows 7 upgraded to 10)
Yup, as long as you upgraded correctly then you can go ahead with a clean install. When asked for a activation key simply click 'I don't have one' ( in reality you do have an activation key but it's stored online ) and Windows will activate automatically as soon as your online.
Started in safe command prompt - tried to start a chkdsk - said drive was in use so schedule one on restart. Did so. Computer borked at 10% same as last time.

I just upgraded from 7 to 10 last November, so no install disc. Will I need one?

Hi everyone,
It looks like HWINFO64 didn't report the +12v voltage; very strange. The +5v voltage is reported.

@Cryswar: I might suggest, if kemical doesn't mind, that you remove the Seagate hard drive from that computer and attempt to run SEATOOLS on it attached to another computer. If you have another desktop PC you have or can borrow, that would be easiest, and you can throw it inside the case and test that drive as a secondary internal drive. Have done this many times with SEATOOLS. There are also other tools you can use to test that hard drive, including purchasing a SATA-USB bridge adapter to hookup your drive to a laptop if you have one of those. Here's the link to get that adapter: Vantec 2.5" / 3.5" / 5.25" SATA / IDE to USB 2.0 Adapter - Model CB-ISATAU2 -
This adapter is under $20 US.

Another way to test your Seagate hard drive without removing it from your existing PC is to download the UBCD boot disc by Benjamin Burrows from,
and run the PartEDMagic program from the UBCD Main Menu. You'll need to create the Boot Disc and there are instructions on how to do this on the UBCD website. This will bypass Windows entirely and use ISO-LINUX to run diagnostics on your computer hardware including your hard drive. Here's some screenshots that show you what you will see once you get into the GSmartControl diagnostic: GSmartControl :: Screenshots. After the SEATOOLS diagnostic, GSmartControl is the most definitive test of hard drive health on Seagate drives as well as just about all other brands of hard drives as well. I use it regularly. If you need help interpreting the results, post back and we can assist. Since you don't seem to be able to run the SEATOOLS on your Seagate drive, with your PC the way it is; something is seriously wrong with that computer.:( GSmartControl will tell you if your Seagate drive is failing, or has failed completely.:waah: If so, it's certainly time to replace that hard drive with a new one.

If GSmartControl or SEATOOLS on a 2nd computer shows hard drive failure, and you then replace the hard drive with a new one; but still get the BSODs, I'd be seriously looking at testing and possibly replacing your PSU. Can you provide us with the specs off the PSU label; Make/Model & Wattage if you are in the case removing the hard drive for testing?

Let us know how you make out.
<<<BBJ>>> :lightbulb:

Hi again Cryswar,

I forgot to mention to you that when you boot PartEDMagic from your DVD disc or USB stick, once you're in the ISO-Linux desktop (resembles the Windows desktop if you've never used Linux before), you're looking for the "DISK HEALTH" icon, and the icon is a Hard Drive, so it's right there on the desktop pretty easy to find. Just double-click that icon, and the program will pop open a window with a very easy to navigate menu. You can simply right click on "View Details" to get into the various test tabs. I suggest you look at the 2nd tab, the ATTRIBUTES tab is, and click on that one. All the good stuff is on the tab. You can maximize that screen just like on a Windows window to get it to full screen so you can look at it easier.

If for some reason you don't see the "DISK HEALTH" icon on your ISO-LINUX desktop, don't fret. Simply click on the lower-left button on the desktop, similar to clicking on the Windows white flag in W10 or the Windows rainbow orb in earlier versions (XP, Vista, Win7/8/8.1); find SYSTEM TOOLS, and click on the DISK HEALTH (GSmartControl) item on the menu; it will be near the top of the list of about 25 items. This will also open the GSmartControl program in a window on your desktop.

After you look at that, you can navigate through the tabs and find the testing tab. It will allow you to run a short (2 min.) test as well as a long test (can be from 1-12 hrs. depending on the capacity of your drive). This is analogous to the short and long tests in SEATOOLS. ;) As in SEATOOLS, if the GSmartControl short or long tests return any errors, such as a Stop-Read error; your drive has failed and must be replaced! :waah:

Hope this helps if you go this direction.:encouragement:


so no install disc. Will I need one?

Well your starting to get to limited options now and I would definitely get an iso of windows 10 at some point.

You've kinda taken it as far as you can go with the easier options and probably the simplest thing for you is to try testing the drive in a different machine.
Do you have a buddy or brother who could help test the drive? If so try testing with Seatools although to be honest if a drive is blue screening after ten minutes of chkdsk then chances are it's buggered.

In any case you really need to get a friend who's into IT to give you a hand or some advice. I've a feeling that there's more going on here than just a failing drive and ideally your machine needs to be looked over by someone with troubleshooting experience.

I don't have access to other computers to try it on, and to be honest obi-wan beardnobi, I'm not confident in my ability to do all that, I know absolutely nothing of linux. At this point I'm willing to just call it a lost drive and get a replacement, it's been 7-8 months of crap with this damn thing and if it's not gonna be fixable... yea. I'll back up what I can on USB and look to make the transition.

If I may bug y'all for a bit more advice, on HDD this time in particular - is there any actual practical difference between the Western Digital Blue and Black drives in terms of practical performance? They seem to have all the same specs, I'm not sure what the "vibration control technology" and "high resolution controller" stuff is, or how much of a difference the 2 vs 5 year warranties makes. Those two seemed like some of my best options for cheapish but decent HDDs, entirely open to alternatives though.

Also, if I do use that windows 10 build ISO you linked earlier, kemical, I can have windows 10 on the new drive too right? 'Cuz I have a legit copy (as mentioned, windows 7 upgraded to 10) but have never migrated HDDs before so I'm pretty clueless on that subject.

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is there any actual practical difference between the Western Digital Blue and Black drives in terms of practical performance?
Not much.. See this guide:
Link Removed

Also, if I do use that windows 10 build ISO you linked earlier, kemical, I can have windows 10 on the new drive too right? 'Cuz I have a legit copy (as mentioned, windows 7 upgraded to 10)
Yup, as long as you upgraded correctly then you can go ahead with a clean install. When asked for a activation key simply click 'I don't have one' ( in reality you do have an activation key but it's stored online ) and Windows will activate automatically as soon as your online.

Thank you so much! For everything.

I'll just get the Blue then and hope that finishes off my problems. If not... well, I'll burn that bridge when I come to it.

And sorry about the expletive there.

Hi Cryswar,
no worries and your very welcome.
As your machine is of some age then actual Windows 10 drivers or the lack of might be an issue. If I remember it's an HP system so check the support page at HP for win 10 drivers. (if you can't find it, post the model number and I'll have a look see)

If you have any questions about the install process like changing the boot order post and let us know.

Hi - just wanted to say thanks for all the help, the new HDD did fix everything with 0 issues since then. Thanks again and have a great day!

Hi - just wanted to say thanks for all the help, the new HDD did fix everything with 0 issues since then. Thanks again and have a great day!
Hi Cryswar,
thank you for the update! I'm glad to hear things are going well although if any issues crop up simply post back and we'll try and help.

Hi - just wanted to say thanks for all the help, the new HDD did fix everything with 0 issues since then. Thanks again and have a great day!
>>>Hi Cryswar; no problem!! So glad you got it fixed! :up: By the way, your mangling of my username "obi-wan beardnobi" was awesome! LMAO there~ I'm gonna use that down the road with your permission. :rofl:
Best of luck with the system. :encouragement:<<<

