
New Member
Mar 12, 2012
I am sure this has been addressed more then once. I have tired everything that I have seen on these forums.... Perhaps I am overlooking something simple.... I have gotten them to the point where I can see them on each system but when I tried to access them I get "path not valid error" Can some one please post the steps that I need to take from the beginning to fix this. The other thing is it was working before I went on vacation. I used my laptop in Florida and since I have been back I cant get on the network. I dont know what I did to get on the network the first time....

I meant the company network. I can get on the internet from both machines. I have set my windows 7 to home and not work and made sure the workgroup names match. I have rebooted both computers and restarted the router at the same time. When everything is back online it will show me the laptop on the desktop and vice versa but when I click to access it it. It gives me "not a valid path" error.
Network, meaning the Internet? OR a company network?

Are you wired or wireless?


I meant the company network. I can get on the internet from both machines. I have set my windows 7 to home and not work and made sure the workgroup names match. I have rebooted both computers and restarted the router at the same time. When everything is back online it will show me the laptop on the desktop and vice versa but when I click to access it it. It gives me "not a valid path" error.

Oh and the desktop is wired and the laptop is wireless. Like I said before It has worked before I went on vacation....
