Windows Vista How many think this is fair?


New Member
Nov 16, 2008
So I had some extra cash to blow and decided to pick up a copy of Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 32-bit last night. $129.99 isn't too bad of a price for an upgrade copy of an OS when there's way to perform a clean install ;) , in my opinion. But I'm curious to know what all your opinions are on the fact that you have to pay even more money (though a small amount) to get the 64-bit version . I know it's not a large sum of money to get it but still, doesn't this seem kinda.. stupid? I just don't think it makes much sense that if you buy Ultimate you get both but anything below that is only 32-bit.

Maybe it's just me that thinks this way but I wanna know what you all think about it.

Actually iroken22 you can buy the programmers version of vista. I did it, it was half the price just because it's a developers version, but it's the same as the normal vista versions, i bought ultimate 64 developers edition.

The only difference is that you have a few more tools and you can activate some programs to read the system efficiency's and status real-time.
I think that all OS prices should be cut in half, and when you buy a copy it should include both 32 and 64 bit.

But that's just me.

Stop making 32bit versions, and these should be the versions and price:

Windows Vista/7 Home: $69 upgrade, $89 full install retail
Windows Vista/7 Business: $79 upgrade, $99 full install
Windows Vista/7 Ultimate: $99 upgrade, $129 full install <-- Just like Leopard
Home Family 3 pack: $149
Ultimate Family 3 pack: $179

Stop making 32bit versions, and these should be the versions and price:

Windows Vista/7 Home: $69 upgrade, $89 full install retail
Windows Vista/7 Business: $79 upgrade, $99 full install
Windows Vista/7 Ultimate: $99 upgrade, $129 full install <-- Just like Leopard
Home Family 3 pack: $149
Ultimate Family 3 pack: $179

Very well put!


Quote from Matt
Stop making 32bit versions, and these should be the versions and price:

Windows Vista/7 Home: $69 upgrade, $89 full install retail
Windows Vista/7 Business: $79 upgrade, $99 full install
Windows Vista/7 Ultimate: $99 upgrade, $129 full install <-- Just like Leopard
Home Family 3 pack: $149
Ultimate Family 3 pack: $179
I completely agree with everything you have put before us. I also believe that Microsoft should stick to two versions of the operating system one for beginners and one for experts.

Actually iroken22 you can buy the programmers version of vista. I did it, it was half the price just because it's a developers version, but it's the same as the normal vista versions, i bought ultimate 64 developers edition.

The only difference is that you have a few more tools and you can activate some programs to read the system efficiency's and status real-time.

Actually iroken22 you can buy the programmers version of vista. I did it, it was half the price just because it's a developers version, but it's the same as the normal vista versions, i bought ultimate 64 developers edition.

The only difference is that you have a few more tools and you can activate some programs to read the system efficiency's and status real-time.

I know that already I have the developers version as well. I am just saying that I really liked what they did with XP making a home and a professional version. It was either you only need the computer to do a couple things so u got the home version or you needed the computer to do many things and you got the professional version. It was as simple as that. Most people I talk to agree with this fact that Microsoft needs to cut down on the number of versions.

I think they should either cut down on the number of versions offered or at the very least they should label them better. The current labeling system is complete garbage in my opinion. The "average" pc user spends way to much time researching the version before he/she actually buys one (or doesn't spend time doing this thinking that if it says "Home" on it then it will do all the stuff he/she could/would want it to do only to be disapointed when they install it and realize they needed the Business version instead.). And that is not right...

I completely agree with iroken22 in that there should only be a Home and Professional version. Things were much easier in those days as far as which version of the OS do I buy?


I think they should either cut down on the number of versions offered or at the very least they should label them better. The current labeling system is complete garbage in my opinion. The "average" pc user spends way to much time researching the version before he/she actually buys one (or doesn't spend time doing this thinking that if it says "Home" on it then it will do all the stuff he/she could/would want it to do only to be disapointed when they install it and realize they needed the Business version instead.). And that is not right...

I completely agree with iroken22 in that there should only be a Home and Professional version. Things were much easier in those days as far as which version of the OS do I buy?

I agree with the fact that you spend more time researching each version and choosing which version is best for you than you actually do buying the computer your using it on. I mean come on. If anything at all make the operating system customizable for everyone where you can choose what you want installed and base the price on what the you want and not what the company gives you.

Drop 32-bit and straight to 64-bit? That's a good concept - one I'd fully support - though there is far too much software which refuses to work. Still, there are workarounds (think 32-bit IE on Vista x64 for Flash)

The drop from to 32 bit to just 64 bit will happen but I still think it's a ways off yet... unfortunately.. ;)

So I had some extra cash to blow and decided to pick up a copy of Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 32-bit last night. $129.99 isn't too bad of a price for an upgrade copy of an OS

Actually you overpaid, You can get Vista Home Premium non upgrade at for $99.99 oh yeah and that is for a 64bit version.

We might be "Ways off" there yet but the trends are clear. Already you can see how this is begining to pan out with the "Easy install this" or E-Z that. Even some Linux distributions require now only a few mouse clicks to install perfectly .

Of course the downside is that when anything does go wrong in any of these "Dumbed Down for the Masses" stuff is that it's almost impossible to fix as you can't get into it, no diagnostics, no "debug mode" etc etc.However it's clear that in the future you will pay for CONTENT rather than the OS itself -- might not happen yet for a few years but its coming. This is where the corporations will make their money.

That HORRIBLE Windows LIVE system is a foretaste of what is likely to be the future -- Need EXCEL or Microsoft Word -- you use Windows LIVE and get a monthly bill based on consumption of services.

Look at Broadband providers now -- More and more they offer faster and faster speeds with FREE ROUTERS etc etc --but when you read the small print your usage is capped --otherwise you pay more --and a few GB doesn't go very far once you start messing around with Video Streaming etc (especially HI -Definition 1080p Video).

We are probably the last lot of people who still have to install OS'es etc etc.
In a few years we will be regarded as using "Dinosaur Technology".

I will regret this but something new will come along to challenge us -- as a Photographer I'm not sorry to see the demise of "The Wet Darkroom" when you had to spend a lot of time mixing stinky dangerous chemicals in cold unlit spaces etc etc.

Digital DSLR's mean you can concentrate on the Photography without worrying about will your film get destroyed / lost in the Lab etc.

So while I've had a lot of fun out of the old systems maybe the future is in providing CONTENT rather than the means to deliver it.

At one time we were using these -- I'm not sorry these days are gone so it's not all bad.



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I still really don't understand the need for the different versions. There be 3 Home, Business, & Lite. Home & Business should be strictly 64 bit this was people cannot complain about crappy proformance when they install the OS on a 5-6 year old computer they will have to buy new hardware with a dual core.

The lite edition would remain 32 bit for netbooks, tablets, etc.


I dont agree with th prices either, between the price of the computer and accesories,its all a bit much for the pocket book.I got my computer and accesories for $404.00.

It costs NZ$450 for a copy of Vista Ultimate here, XP by comparison is NZ$230. Thats heaps.
I agree the easiest way they could do it for everybody is ship two versions, Home and Professional that both have x86 and x64 included. Surely they cant go on for ever making the x86 versions?

I completely agree with everything you have put before us. I also believe that Microsoft should stick to two versions of the operating system one for beginners and one for experts.


That's the point I have been trying to make for a while., and you put it in a very simple sentence.

Sorry, at my age I guess early Alzheimer's is kicking in. Truthfully, I'm not kidding.
