Windows 7 I want to hide the recycle bin on the desktop


New Member
Jan 12, 2009
actually I want to hide everything on the desktop.
BUT using ">right click on desktop>View>Show Desktop Icons (deselect)" to do that is tedious.

So if someone can point me in the way to creating a macro or tweak my registry for these two similar but kinda different tasks I would be very thankful.


No Recycle Bin Script

Copy and paste the lines below and open in Notepad, then choose Save As, click the drop-down box and choose All Fies and then manually enter the .reg

I've got it, tested on Windows7. Save as before, run the script, then right-click on you desktop and choose refresh or hit the F5 key.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
It said it was successful but didnt do what it was supposed to.

Hello iroken22,

I just don't understand why it works on mine very easily.

Are you using the entire registry scipt:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\ClassicStaMenu]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\Explorer]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Group Policy Objects\LocalUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\Explorer]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Group Policy Objects\LocalUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\Explorer]
"**del.NoSaveSettings"=" "

I manually editing this post and placed a space betwee each HKEY_CURRENT_CURRENT_USER key, as the forum again did not show up correctly

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Worked like a champ! Win7 64-bit build 7000

I copy/pasted into Notepad, removed the space between Curre ntVerision in all places, Saved it to desktop as Recycle.Reg. Ran it, pressed F5 to refresh the desktop and Viola! It was gone!


Maybe on some builds it worked and on others it didnt. Nothing always work you have to remember that.

Nope. Still could not make it work. Anyway, I dragged out the old XP version and tried it. It worked. It is an icon, rather than a key click, so maybe not what is wanted.
Unzip the attachment and extarct the file to a folder somwhere. I used "temp" for expedience. You must then make a shortcut to the taskbar NOT the desktop, or you will lose the shortcut as well. Click to clear, unclick to restore.

Hello davhc,

Just wondering....

Did you scroll up and see my post regarding the fact that you have to make sure to hit the Enter key after each occurrence of [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons]

No offense, but the original question stated he wanted to remove the recycle Bin. You can hide all icons by simply right-clicking on the Desktop,, when the View menu appears, just uncheck the Show Desktop Icons..

I'm sure you have good knowledge of the registry, but this might help other who aren't familiar with registry Scripts.

I should have include the fact that there has to a space underneath the Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 entry before the [HKEY_CURRENT USERS entries

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Sorry. Yes did that. I have probably got to reinstall or manually clear out the items now, but no problem. I have tried the last suggestion for changing the path. I dont need it - it was just for a bit of fun.

I am aware of the method you suggest. Mine is just one click of the Taskbar icon. Yes. It had escaped me in this thread title said the OP only wants to get rid of the Bin. But that was the title of the thread.In the text Quote "actually I want to hide everything on the desktop."

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Well, I'm sorry it didn't work (expect for me and and SevenDeuce....) Thanks SevenDeuce!!

But if you need any help removing the entries, just ask.

I use a open source program called RegShot which captures all registry values add and all files added when you install a program. If interested, you can download it here:
|MG| RegShot 1.8.2

I use it to track all my installations or when making system changes.

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Hello davhc,

No offense, but the original question stated he wanted to remove the recycle Bin. You can hide all icons by simply right-clicking on the Desktop,, when the View menu appears, just uncheck the Show Desktop Icons..

I'm sure you have good knowledge of the registry, but this might help other who aren't familiar with registry Scripts.

OP here

Thanks folks
I will try this later when I get home.

Hide only the recycle bin on the desktop is very easy...

You can hide the recycle bin and you can see your gadgets in same time. :cool:

- Right click on your desktop.
- Personalize
- Change desktop icons
- Unselect Recycle bin


I've removed it by using the desktop right click>personalise>change desktop icons. I've now placed it in the Windows Explorer folder. With a right click on the Windows Explorer icon on the explorer bar then a right click on the recycle bin can I can select "Empty Recycle Bin" to get rid of the contents. Dragging & dropping the Recycle bin to the Windows Explorer icon in the explorer bar lets you do this.

I prefer this regedit as it gives you a check box option in the views tab of folder options :)

open notepad and add these lines


"Text"="Show Recycle Bin icon on the desktop"

then close and change extension from txt file to reg file and double click it to execute ,

then goto folder options\view and near the bottom will be a line "show Recycle Bin on the desktop" tick the box and apply and it stays then untick the box and it dissapears :cool:

this works with no errors for me on Win7 beta 64bit :D

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Excellent, works on 32-bit also.

I actually had this hack but when I performed a search, I didn't include text within files.

Remember to remove all spaces
Curr entVersion.....should be CurrentVersion (also in RegPath line also)
RecycleBinOnDe sktop...should be RecycleBinOnDesktop

Remember to remove all spaces
Curr entVersion.....should be CurrentVersion (also in RegPath line also)
RecycleBinOnDe sktop...should be RecycleBinOnDesktop

nicely spotted strange how the forum seems to have done that in the layout format :o

ile try edit my post :cool:

no in edit form it looks OK with no spaces then as a final post it adds the space :confused:

nicely spotted strange how the forum seems to have done that in the layout format

I hear that. Look back at my post No.7

I didn't realize it until everyone was complaining it wasn't working for them.

I've posted on some other forums and they do the same thing. It's obviously a bug in the forum software or coding.

It's been a long time since this post, but now I realize the mistake

It should be formatted like this:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\RecycleBinOnDe sktop]

"Text"="Show Recycle Bin icon on the desktop"

I forgot the line break.:redface:

Remember that the lines should contain no spaces. Look above at my previous post.

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