Been a weird week for me so far. I didn't have a chance to re-mess with the fans yet. That will change in about 5 hours. I'm gonna try to get my remaining 140mm. fan in my cases pivot mount, too.
This time I'm gonna change up the way I tried getting it in the first time.
The first time I was putting the fan on the inside of the pivot mount and screwing the screws from the outside (left side) was impossible as a short screwdriver is needed.
This time I'm goona try it with the fan pressed against the pivot mount and putting the screws in through the pivot mounts 2 screw holes going into the fans two top holes.
If I get it in more pictures will follow later today showing it.
It looks like it will blow air on my ram and the motherboard.
Since yesterday morning I've got my cpu overclocked to 4.6GHz for cores 1 & 2 and 4.5GHz for cores 3 & 4.
It passed a hour long stress test in RealBench afterwards, so I guess AI Suite III's 5-way optimization did a good job.
PC's been running fine with the overclock.
I've run all my game benchmarks and 3DMark with the overclock.
The only thing I had to change was in Rise of the Tomb Raider I had to turn off DX12.
That will surely change once I get the RX 480.
I heard the PowerColor Red Devil RX 480 with it's new bios can be overclocked to 1400MHz using TriXX 3.0. I forget what setting the guy got but, the ram also handled a overclock.
The guy in the video stated the fans were still quiet after the overclock.
Video link:
The only thing I don't like that PowerColor did with the card is the fact that they put the Red Devil emblem on the side of the card upside down.
Glad I have a good red permanent marker that will hide that.