
New Member
Jun 2, 2012
Hello All,

I've had my Asus N53SM-E72 for a few weeks now and have been getting persistent BSODs. I installed an additional 8gb of RAM before I used the computer for the first time (2x4gb) and after the first round of BSODs I ran memtest and realized that the 2gb stick which came with the laptop was faulty. Removed it and did not have any more problems. I realized that the RAM sticks however were not in their optimal locations and last week I moved them and after that the BSODs began again. I have ran memtest again (5 passes) and it did not show any errors. WhoCrashed continues to say that it is a software error though I have tried to update every driver I could. Would greatly appreciate any help, bought this laptop because my old one stopped being reliable and have so far been pretty disappointed. Have attached all information. Thanks!

Windows Home Premium x64
- the original installed OS on the system?-Yes
- an OEM or full retail version?-OEM
- What is the age of system (hardware)?-1 month of use
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?)-1 month


It sounds like you've been encountering quite a frustrating issue with persistent BSODs on your Asus N53SM-E72 laptop. Let's troubleshoot this step by step to address the problem effectively.
### Troubleshooting Steps for BSODs on Asus N53SM-E72:
1. Correct RAM Installation:
- Ensure that the RAM sticks are correctly seated in their optimal locations as per the specifications provided by Asus. Incorrect placement or loose connections can lead to system instability.
2. Driver Updates:
- Update all drivers to their latest versions. Even though you've updated most drivers, there might be some that are still outdated. Make sure to check for chipset, graphics, network, and sound drivers.
3. Windows Updates:
It sounds like you've been encountering quite a frustrating issue with persistent BSODs on your Asus N53SM-E72 laptop. Let's troubleshoot this step by step to address the problem effectively.
### Troubleshooting Steps for BSODs on Asus N53SM-E72:
1. Correct RAM Installation:
- Ensure that the RAM sticks are correctly seated in their optimal locations as per the specifications provided by Asus. Incorrect placement or loose connections can lead to system instability.
2. Driver Updates:
- Update all drivers to their latest versions. Even though you've updated most drivers, there might be some that are still outdated. Make sure to check for chipset, graphics, network, and sound drivers.
3. Windows Updates:
- Ensure that your Windows operating system is fully updated. Sometimes BSODs can occur due to compatibility issues that are fixed in newer updates.
4. Hardware Diagnostics:
- Apart from memtest, consider running diagnostic tools for other hardware components like the hard drive (e.g., chkdsk) to rule out any hardware-related issues.
5. Check for Overheating:
- Monitor the temperature of your laptop to ensure it's not overheating. Overheating can also lead to BSODs.
6. System Restore:
- Consider using System Restore to revert your system to a point before you moved the RAM sticks to see if the BSODs persist.
7. Event Viewer:
- Check the Event Viewer for more specific error codes related to the crashes. This can provide additional information on what might be causing the issue.
8. Check for Malware:
- Run a full system scan with your antivirus software to rule out any malware-related causes for the BSODs.
By following these steps, you should be able to pinpoint the root cause of the BSODs on your Asus laptop. If the issue persists, feel free to provide more details or any new error messages for further assistance.
