
New Member
Mar 12, 2009
I'm new to Vista (just got a new HP Pavilion Slimline with Vista Home Premium after using Win98 for 10 years!!). I have a couple of questions regarding security software. The computer came loaded with a 60 day trial version of Norton Internet Security with firewall, anti-virus and "Identity safe anti-phishing". I know that Vista has a firewall (I just checked and mine is not activated), and I've also read that it has it's own "identity safe" features. I read on one forum that all you really needed with Vista was a good anti-virus program. I left the windows firewall unactivated because I was worried that the 2 may conflict. I've read some things about Norton slowing the computer down and causing other problems. There are some annoying features when attempting to download. I used Boxnet to upload my files from my old computer, then downloaded them to my new Vista system and would often have to get "permission" to download and when I gave permission, it took me all the way back to the beginning of the download process...annoying, but is it a good thing? I've also heard that Norton is a PITA to uninstall. When my 60 day trial is over will it simply disappear, or will I have to jump through more hoops to uninstall? My ISP (Comcast) provides McAfee security Suite for free. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding this software?. The bottom line is, I want good security, but I don't want to to have to stop and put in my administrator password everytime I want to delete or download something. Any suggestions?

Hi Fred,

firstly, please activate your firewall as it shouldn't conflict with the norton one but if it does...... Turn the norton one off instead.
Personally I find norton far too intrusive for my liking and just stick to a free anti-virus utility like AVG 8.5. I also use Ad-Aware to take of spyware (I also turn off Defender).
As long as your pc is regularly updated then the default firewall is usually enough and I've never had any infection.

After the 60day period you'll probably get a 'nag' screen asking you to update norton, it should be a simple process to uninstall it if you don't intend to use it again. If it does become a pain to remove, you could always try a third party un-installer.
Anyway you could always post back for...
Hi Fred,

firstly, please activate your firewall as it shouldn't conflict with the norton one but if it does...... Turn the norton one off instead.
Personally I find norton far too intrusive for my liking and just stick to a free anti-virus utility like AVG 8.5. I also use Ad-Aware to take of spyware (I also turn off Defender).
As long as your pc is regularly updated then the default firewall is usually enough and I've never had any infection.

After the 60day period you'll probably get a 'nag' screen asking you to update norton, it should be a simple process to uninstall it if you don't intend to use it again. If it does become a pain to remove, you could always try a third party un-installer.
Anyway you could always post back for further help..

Oh and McAfee is worth using..
Thanks for the reply. I turned off the Norton and turned on the windows firewall, but did not check the "Block All Incoming Connections". Should that option be checked? It sounds like more unnecessary intrusion to me, but tell me what you think. Also on the Norton, I just turned off the firewall and left the "Intrusion Prevention and E-mail /Message Scanning" on. Should I turn off those options also? Doesn't Vista already scan e-mails? I had Ad-Aware on my old computer and think I'll install it on this one also. Let me know what you think. Thanks again.


Hi Fred,

sounds like you've got it sorted...
I wouldn't check the block all incoming connections box as you need some connections for internet access ect.. What you've left enabled sounds about right to me as vista does not have a default e-mail scanner.
If your going to use Ad-aware I'd turn off defender as it's a waste of resources to have two spyware scanners but it's not absolutely necessary..