Windows 8.1 Should Microsoft Keep Making Service Packs?


Honorable Member
Feb 18, 2015
So Microsoft decided to stop making service packs for Windows, which enhance features or fix certain bugs. Do you think they should continue to make them, or do you think they're not neccesary?

They are going to have to, Windows 10 would be quite a mess without it if Microsofts plans fail for it.
And in case of success there is still a need of upstreaming the OS, but perhaps its better to use revision numbers.
Maybe they will take notes from the apple and linux world, release a new disk once a few years to keep revenue and encourage late adapters.
MS is still making SP for windows....they're just calling them something different. Example windows 8 to windows 8.1, the same way that Apple does theirs.

I know it would sure be nice to have a SP2 for Windows 7 or at least a Post SP1 Rollup Package or whatever they want to call it.
Anything would be better than the 200 or so, downloads after a clean or repair install of Windows 7 SP1.

If you are talking windows 10... there is no point.
I agree 7 needs another look but cann't see Microsoft doing it this late in the life-span.

I wish they would make rollup pack with the updates. Win XP there were a a few ways to slipstream the updates and several people made monthly update packs. It was nice to have an up to date disk to resinstall without having to spend a bunch of time at Windows Update. I found tool that slipstreams Windows 7 but updates aren't simple to obtain.

I found tool that slipstreams Windows 7 but updates aren't simple to obtain.

You need a wsus server to do this and VMware or Hyper-v can both allow you to run it from a laptop with ease.

They are going to have to, Windows 10 would be quite a mess without it if Microsofts plans fail for it.
And in case of success there is still a need of upstreaming the OS, but perhaps its better to use revision numbers.
Maybe they will take notes from the apple and linux world, release a new disk once a few years to keep revenue and encourage late adapters.
