Windows 7 Taskbar is too wide


New Member
Mar 2, 2009
I dock my taskbar on the left side of my screen and up until a while ago it was fine. I started messing around with the properties though and changed "Always combine, hide labels" to "Never combine" in order to see what the difference was. The taskbar got wider in order to accommodate the extra words that got put into the taskbar. When I changed it back, however, the words were gone but the taskbar was still significantly wider.

I don't know how to bring it back to normal; can anyone help?

Have you tried docking it back to the bottom? Or restarting? Or docking back to the bottom and then restarting?

Have you tried right clicking on the taskbar > Properties > Taskbar Tab > Taskbar Appearance > check the box for "Use Small Icons" > click on "Apply."

That should get you smaller icons and a thinner taskbar.

I've gotten used to the larger icons as my eyes aren't what they used to be, so I like them.


Yes, I have tried this, but unfortunately it only makes the icons smaller vertically, not horizontally which is what I want.

The bar is about twice as wide as it normally was, and it takes up too much screen space.

Hmmm, horizontally I can fit 12 program icons in the taskbar. Are you looking for more than that ??

I mentioned in the first post that I have it docked on the left, so all the icons go vertically.

The problem is that there is "extra filler space" on the sides of the icons that I want to get rid of.

Sorry, I missed that. If I had this problem, I would try a system restore to a time before that change was made. Other than that, I don't know.


ffmegaflare can you post a screen shot of the problem so i can better help troubleshoot it for you?

I've always solved taskbar problems by hitting the F8 (other other key on different machines until I get the the screen with Safe Mode.

Choose Safe until kit fully loads, then restart normally and you taskbar should not be in the default position on the bottom. and the correct size

Now drag the bar where you want it.


This sometimes happens when you inadvertently drag the taskbar bigger and some element moves to the bottom row (bottom on my computer because I have the taskbar on the bottom) It can just be the separator indicator which is hard to see.

Make sure you don't have any elements in the second row and then try and drag it back to it's normal width.


I dock my taskbar on the left side of my screen and up until a while ago it was fine. I started messing around with the properties though and changed "Always combine, hide labels" to "Never combine" in order to see what the difference was. The taskbar got wider in order to accommodate the extra words that got put into the taskbar. When I changed it back, however, the words were gone but the taskbar was still significantly wider.

I don't know how to bring it back to normal; can anyone help?

2 suggestions :

1. assuming your taskbar is still on the left, vertically.
Right click at the taskbar > UN-check Lock the taskbar > rest you cursor at the tip of the rightside edge of the taskbar until the cursor has turned into a 2-pointer > left click and HOLD > drag the 2-pointer to YOUR left until the taskbar width becomes narrow.
It might take a few tries before it works.

2. If the above is a no-go, do a system restore. Pick a date before you "messed" around with taskbar as your restore point.
