
New Member
Jan 12, 2013
Ten days ago, I upgraded Windows 7 to Windows 8 ("What are you waiting for"-email from Microsoft).

Within 6 days, I needed to refresh Windows 8 twice because of some crashes. After the second time "refresh", and reinstalling numerous updates for Win8, I turned the computer off. Next morning, after I successfully got the my Desktop screen, a message popped up saying, that my “Outlook driver had some errors and I needed to restart computer”. After I restarted my computer, Windows went through “Scanning hard drive and repairing” process.

Suddenly, I got a message that Windows could not repair the errors and will be automatically restored to a previous state. After about 40 minutes, I got a message that Windows could not be restored to a previous state. I got an option to go Advanced Options.

Several times, I've tried and failed to refresh or reset my Windows 8. I even tried to run chkdsk in MS-DOS. It failed with a note, saying something about “could not transfer log ...50”. Sorry, I don't remember the exact words.

I tried to repair my Windows 8 by using USB Flash Drive, but got a message saying that my hard-drive is locked. Over-the-phone Microsoft technicians could not help me.

I decided to do a “clean-install” of Windows 8 on the same computer that had Win8 installed.

I got a message, saying something “Windows cannot be installed on GPT drive, only on MBR”.

I needed to reformat my hard drive – to loose everything – and only then, I was able to reinstall Windows 8.

Why I could not refresh my Windows 8?

Could anyone tell me about that GPT drive?

GPT drive is related to a UEFI. Most newer PCs use this new interface that replaces the Bios.

When you first installed Win 8, you used the Upgrade Installation which did not work properly in your case. Usually a Custom Install will fix this problem. I do not know that much about UEFI unfortunately. Hopefully the linked articles will help.

It sounds like you were having some corruption problems on your system. But Medicted60 is correct about a custom install. If you did install over Windows 7, is can lead to certain problems.

But you don't give any indication about your system as to the age. If Windows 7 had been installed using the UEFI configuration, you would have to boot the Windows 8 install media in the UEFI mode.

When you boot your install Media, you should have some type of Boot Option menu that will give you a choice of a normal or UEFI version. Do you remember seeing that option? What are you using to boot the install media, the flash drive?

Of course, since you have reconfigured the drive, I suppose it no longer matters. But the Windows 8 special security measures need a UEFI install. You can tell what you have by looking at Disk Management. If you show a EFI System partition, you have a GPT drive configuration.

Just in case, the download for Windows 8 does not create a DVD usable for UEFI . Making a flash drive works fine for either mode.

First, thank you for the answers.
To my regret, after trying numerous times to either refresh or reset my Windows 8, after going to Advanced Options, after trying to boot into safe mode, or any other of those 9 modes give, I gave up hope to recover my files. What I remember was:
1. Nothing worked.
2. I called Microsoft Tech Help and downloaded a new Windows 8 on my flash drive. The technician informed me that Microsoft would not charge their regular $90 for tech support because my OS was Windows 8.
3. After I've restarted my computer with the USB Flash Drive, I got two options to repair or install. All my efforts to repair Windows 8 failed.
4. I decided to install Windows 8. Again, I got two options - to install with all my files intact or install fresh. And again, to install Windows without erasing everything did not work.
5. I decided to do "clean install" on my corrupt Windows 8.
6. I got to the screen showing my two partitions but all options said something,
"Windows 8 must be installed on MBR disk, not on GPT disk.
7 I had only one option to delete/format my partitions and then install Windows 8.

It's so strange, that I was able to upgrade first time without any questions about MBR of GPT.

That is most likely because you upgraded your present installation, which did not work successfully. I would do the Custom Install with the format. Delete/format is most likely the only way to correct your installation. Unfortunately the new systems with UEFI are different than MBR in Bios. UEFI requires the GPT file system.

It's stuff like this why I always add a brand new hard drive to the system when I upgrade.
Always a virgin install.

I suppose it no longer matters. But the Windows 8 special security measures need a UEFI install. You can tell what you have by looking at Disk Management. If you show a EFI System partition, you have a GPT drive configuration.???

in Windows 8 you press [windows key] + [r] and type msinfo32
Screenshot (349).webp

this gives you most the things you could want to know about your system... the boot mode is uefi or msr (legacy) and temp turning off the boot lock stops most issues people have with new installs.
Screenshot (350).webp
