Computer slowness is usually caused by one of these things:
1.) Virus/Malware attack
2.) Windows corruption from uninstalled programs or from failed updates
3.) Partial or failing hard drive
4.) Failing or Intermittently failing RAM memory sticks.
Try scanning for viruses with whatever AV program you have installed on your computer. Remove all viruses found. Next, visit
malwarebytes.org and download the free antispyware MALWAREBYTES; scan and remove all spyware viruses found. Reboot, login into W7 and shutdown. If the shutdown time is drastically reduced and looks better you had a virus or spyware virus which has been removed an and you are good to go!
If the shutdown slowness continues, you should run windows repairs which you can google, and find the well-documented solutions under windows forums, or seven forums. This can sometimes produce a repair as well.
If the problem still persists you should definitely test your hardware. Or if you have no experience or time to do this, you might consider paying a licensed professional Tech to do for you at your local repair shop. Should you venture into DIY, you can take a look at my free
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE available here for step-by-step easy to follow instructions:
Windows 10 - Unclickable Task Bar
Keep in mind that if your computer came pre-loaded with W7 from the factory (or older), your computer is or will be 8 years old this year. Modern desktop PC hard drives are only designed to last 3 years no more!
Laptop hard drives last no longer than 2 years!
Statistically, if you've never replaced the hard drive in your computer and it's going to be 8 years old; you are way overdue. If you've owned this computer since it was new-in-box and have never replaced it, or paid someone to do so, again, you are way overdue.
Checking your RAM memory sticks is also required (as mentioned in my Troubleshooting Guide), as failing RAM stick symptoms closely resemble hard drive failures.
Best of luck. If you get stuck or have more questions, do not hesitate to ask. We are here 24x7x365.