Windows 10 Windows 10 Insider Preview

Talk and screenshots of a new build here (namely Build 9879):

Sounds like they are listening..
Looks like they really are listening! Some great news.....

What you will find in the new build

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Experiencing some unusual hard and fast freezes with this latest Build, which seem to have occurred shortly after installing that 14MB update. Not sure if the two are related and it is not the black screen issue described in the link.

EDIT: Please disregard; the problem turned out to be a matter of coincidence. It seems that my old nVidia display adapter just happened to take this particular time and opportunity to go wonky and fail. So it had nothing to do with the OS, the new build, or the subsequent 14 Meg update. Very sorry for the false alarm.
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I have installed all of my software in Windows 10 now.

That means all of my games, Adobe software, video editing, 3D viewing programs, security software, codecs, search engines, Rocket Dock, browsers, email clients etc.

I'm not seeing much of a slowdown, maybe booting is a little slower, but still much faster than Windows 8.

Everything I click on opens almost instantly.
Opening Internet Explorer has slowed a little taking 3 seconds to open instead of 1.
Chrome has slowed a little more than that.

I've updated each time, no fresh installs.

I just made my 15th image file since I installed W10, this one is the first of the new version 9879.

I've restored 5 times so far to correct issues with sound and when I've decided to remove things I've added so I'm not accumulating a lot of errors.

I'm going to treat the real install when it happens the same way.
Restore instead of bashing around trying to fix things that are broken.

So far it seems to keep things much cleaner.

Windows 10 Consumer Preview: Here's what Windows Insiders can expect in 2015
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It was announced recently that no more Windows 10 builds would be issued to Windows Insiders this year, and that the program will resume in early 2015. That leaves over a month and a half between now and the next publicly available build, so what can we expect to see in early 2015?

Since the launch of the Windows Insider Program, Microsoft has introduced us to a new Start Menu, windowed Modern UI apps and many more awesome desktop-like features. The whole point of the Windows Technical Preview at this stage was to show Enterprises that Windows is still a viable desktop operating system, as well as receive feedback from Windows Insiders regarding the desktop as a whole.

Internally, Microsoft is considering this a success. Over 200,000 bits of feedback has been submitted by Windows Insiders, and Enterprises are happy with the direction in which Windows 10 is heading. So what's the next step for Microsoft and its development journey with Windows 10? Consumers.

The consumer side of Windows 10
The new year should see Microsoft talking more about the consumer side of Windows 10, and we're expecting to see a consumer-orientated preview which runs on desktops, tablets and phones. Windows Insiders should start receiving new builds in January/February, and these new builds will be packed with new features for every kind of device. Microsoft should introduce Windows Phone 10 too and talk about its many new features.

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What kind of features are we going to see in the Windows 10 Consumer Preview? Well considering this preview is designed for more than one form factor, we should get to play with Continuum and the brand new Start Screen. In the most recent Windows Technical Preview build, an early version of the Start Screen is enable-able, meaning Microsoft is getting close to releasing it to Windows Insiders officially.

Many are awaiting the appearance of Cortana, the Microsoft personal-assistant which currently runs on Windows Phone. It's currently unclear when Cortana is set to appear in public builds, we know that Cortana is working in internal builds of the operating system, we just don't know when Microsoft plan to release her publicly. It's possible that Microsoft will unveil her alongside the Consumer Preview, but hold off on her release until BUILD in April, but now we're treading into the speculation zone.

On the desktop side of things, WinBeta understands that an updated UI and more "modernized" icons are on the way. By the time Windows 10 is released, we should have a whole batch of new icons, with the old ones nowhere in-sight. In the most recent builds (989x), the recycle bin, and many others have been updated. Regarding the updated UI, it's currently unclear what this entails. We understand that Microsoft has been thinking about introducing some form of transparency effect to the UI in Windows 10, but considering those plans aren't concrete, we're not holding our breath just yet.

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We also understand that live-tiles on the desktop are set to make an appearance at some point during development, at the very latest sometime around BUILD. You can already create shortcuts to Modern UI apps on the desktop by simply dragging the app from the Start Menu and dropping it on your desktop. In upcoming builds, doing the same thing will result in the actual live-tile of the app being placed to the desktop, much like Gadgets used to work.

The Notification Center should see some more enhancements, as Action Center is set to make an appearance in newer builds. Of course, the Notification Center will also make an appearance within the touch-UI too. And of course, Internet Explorer 12 and Office for touch are both set to make an appearance at some point in 2015.

So, that's just a small snippet as to what's coming for Windows Insiders. Of course, all the features listed here won't show up immediately, but will be scattered across a number of upcoming builds. Also, we doubt this is everything coming in Windows 10, we imagine more features and tweaks are in the pipeline before Windows 10 RTMs in the Summer of 2015. Expect Microsoft to have an event/announcement at the beginning of 2015 detailing the many consumer-features of Windows 10, and will be expecting a heap-load of more feedback to be submitted by you, the Windows Insiders.
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Good news on the 9879 iso release:
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Link Removed We decided to make a couple of additional fixes so are holding Slow ring progression until early next week. Thanks all!

Latest tweet on MS builds:
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Winbeta has an article running recapping the weeks events and the ever changing Windows 10.
Windows 10 news recap: Desktop live tiles, NT kernel version 10.0 and more
An interesting thought in my mind. Do those of us who are running the OS, having got it through the "fast" path, now expect to get those improvements by some means, that is, through a large update, or should we change back to the "slow" path, and wait for the improved ISO?
Current speculation is that for current 9879 users (or those on the fast ring) will receive a Hotfix/update via Windows Update. Iso's should be available however and it's hoped that the release will be around the early part of this week maybe even today..
Although it's already been posted, just for clarity here is links for the 9879 iso:
Another update for Win 10 users addressing a security flaw in Flash player:
Link Removed another patch is available as of now. KB3018943 - security update for IE Flash Player
Link Removed have an article showing Cortana on the desktop. Cortana is an app from the Microsoft phone. More here:
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When i hear the name 'Cortana' I always think back to the AI Cortana that was in the game 'Halo'... I wonder if there is a connection?
This is getting to be a drama.
Many users are getting different symptoms and faults.
For example, the update you mentioned, caused me to have the need to log in to all the sites I visit. One in particular, (under discussion with the Admin there, I get a popup telling me my login is incorrect (Blah blah, what do I know, I have been visiting the site for some years without problems.) This is with IE. Chrome is not seeing the same problem.

Interesting to note that, so far, and in particular on the MS tech preview forums, the negative feedback has so far exceeded Windows 8 by a very large margin, yet the pundits are acclaiming the latest OS. What the heck!
Really? Do you have links David as I'm ashamed to say I haven't even visited their forum lol. I didn't even know there was any issues with IE as I always use Chrome 64bit Browser..

When I saw there was an update pending I instantly thought 'aaah bless em... Microsoft have released an update for the keyboard lights'. But alas no.... Now i hear it's an issue with IE and before that it was blue screens neither of these issues affected my system apart from a weird reboot (which has been fixed) and the afore mentioned keyboard lights.
This one

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It is actually rebadged as Windows 10, which I have suggested might be one of the problems.

I had an issue like this, in addition I logged into my email client, (Mozilla Thunderbird) and found that everything was gone, my address books, local folders, all of my messages, and email accounts.

It was like I had just installed it.

I also found that web sites that I was always logged into automaticly had to be done manually again, and this was in Google Chrome.

It didn't seem to affect all of the sites I log into though, it didn't affect Amazon but it did affect some forum and game site logins.

I do think that 9879 has been brought up to date, I haven't had the issue with re-booting or my sound stopping in a week or so.