
Senior Member
Apr 15, 2011
Hey guys,

Ok, so.. My Windows 7 suddenly started acting very strange.

1. Sometimes the desktop doesnt refresh itself anymore. Example: When I copy a file from folder A to folder B, the file is in folder B but it still shows up in folder A but not B. only after a manual refresh it will be visible in folder B.

2. Some programs, when I start them, don't show up. They are running but I can't see them on my desktop, not even after a manual refresh. Example: Spybot S&D when started, shows up in my process list, but I can't see it on my desktop. This also affects VLC media player.

3. Sometimes Windows Media Player just gets stuck when I open a song (I have to close it trough task manager then). It then will be stuck and not visible if launched again untill I restart my PC.

4. If any of this happens, when I open up "My Computer" it doesnt load the details of my hard drives (how much space left etc) it just keeps loading, and when I open a hard drive it just doesn't load the files on it (I can't see them untill I restart my PC.)

5. When I shut down my PC, it keeps hanging on "Logging off" 90% of the time, 5% of the time it gets to "Shutting down" and windows will be closed, but the machine keeps running. The other 5% of the time it shut down normaly. So 95% of the time I have to hold the button to shut it down.

This problems all started happening all of a sudden, I didn't install any new software or anything, my drivers are up to date but I doubt it would be a driver problem as it started a while after I last updated my drivers.

I scanned for viruses etc and it came out clean.. I never had any reall problems with Windows 7 untill now, I also installed Windows 7 like 6 times over, after a format.

My hardware seems to be fine, the tests show no errors.. The only "problem" I sometimes have is when I start up my pc it says "Failed to overclock, press F1 to continue. I've have that problem since I got this new motherboard and processor and RAM tho, and it never caused problems.

It seems to be fine in safe mode tho. Not really sure tho 'cause it always randomly happens. Lately it happens alot tho.

I was thinking it would be a Microsoft Update that is in conflict with some software or something? But to be honest I really don't know.. I don't know how to find out either.

My hardware..

CPU: Intel i5 2500
Mobo: Asus P8P67 LE
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1333MHz CORSAIR Mainstream Enthusiast
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5770

I really, really hope, that someone can help me with this 'cause it's starting to get really annoying.

Thanks in advance guys.
Re: [langtitle=nl]Re: Windows 7 Acting VERY Strange All Of A Sudden. Please help.[/langtitle]

It appears you are having a problem with your Hard drive controller driver. You might check for an update and make sure Windows Update did not give you an Intel or storage system driver update.

You may want to go to your system manufacturer and check for a new driver. Or you might try the restore or repair install option as Mike suggests.

Maybe this Microsoft forum thread will help.

This is assuming your hard drive is not failing...
Do you have Windows Update set to update automatically, if so you might check the history to see if anything came from there.

Can you tell if your processor is being maxed out by opening Task Manager and checking performance? Also check to see if something is showing as using a lot of CPU time under the processes tab. Make sure and click "show processes from all users?

You might want to use another type of anti-virus program to check you system, but we can wait until you check Task Manger.

You might want to disable your internet connect while testing to see if it is involved.

The updates download automatically, but I am always able to check what updates it are before I install. The updates were the usual stuff, some security and stability fixes etc. My CPU usage is 0-2% wich is normal, and RAM usage is around 40% wich is also normal. The PC doesn't run slow really, games etc run fine and fast, but my explorer etc just seems to be ****ed up sometimes.

I use ESET Smart Security 4. I never had any problems with it, it's been the best AV for me. I scan daily with Spybot S&D, and I use Ccleaner and Advanced Systemcare a feew times a day.

First I would run Malwarebytes and make sure it says that your computer really is clean.

Link Removed - Invalid URL

If that is clear, can you do a system restore to before the problems started?

If so I would do that next.

Try and see if the same things happen in Safe Mode, If it doesn't then something that is loading at startup may be the culprit.

If your computer is clean of malware, and the system restore doesn't resolve the problems then I'd try a repair install of Windows 7.
It only takes about a half hour to do and won't require reinstalling any of your software.

Repair Install - Windows 7 Forums

You said that you reinstalled Windows several times, do you mean after these problems started?
If so then it seems like this must be some kind of hardware issue.

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I got the same type of message the other day. I think I had just done a bios update, but it seems the ability to manipulate some bios settings has been changed on my ASUS board.

Have you gone in and put everything back to the normal settings in the bios?

I have no repair point, but after the reinstall of Windows 7 it works fine for a while, but then it starts playing up again, and that's why I thought it might be a Microsoft update problem. And I ran some tests to check my hardware and they said my hardware is fine. I'm not saying you're wrong lol but i'm trying to give you as much info as I know. I've been googling about these problems the past feew days and I found some info on the problem seperate, like the desktop refreshing etc, but not all the problems at once.

Someone also told me to look at the Event Log, seems quite some errors there, but I really don't know how to work with the Event Log thingy :s

Anyway, I'll run Malwarebytes and try a Windows repair (do I loose any files on my C drive by that?) if it doesn't work. I'll get back here after.

Thank you.
Running Windows Repair won't remove any of your files.
And you won't have to reinstall your software, it will just set Windows back to it's normal configuration and replace any corrupt files, or bad registry settings.

If this does fix the problem make sure that you do create a restore point right away so you have someplace to come back to if it starts to happen again.


I have done the BIOS update a long time ago (BIOS 709 for the P8P67 LE, the new BIOS only adds F12 hotkey support in BIOS so I didn't update to that) and I didn't change the settings after, only the hard drive ones 'cause it booted up the wrong drive. I normaly don't have that message, unless I shut down my pc wrong (Example: By holding the button) so it happens ALOT the past feew weeks. It is weird tho 'cause I never overclocked my CPU, in my BIOS the settings is "Best Performance" tho, so maybe it overclocks itself a bit? I don't know.. Except for the hard drive settings and the mode from "Normal" to "Best Performance" I haven't changed anything in my BIOS settings.
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Event Viewer can be very useful. I like to look for some consistent error message regarding some utility or activity. If you double click the error message line it will give you an explanation of what is going on. See Attachments

You might also check the Action Center to see if any problems are being reported. In my case, it is reporting Crysis64 is having problems, which it is!!


  • Event 3.GIF
    81.3 KB · Views: 611
  • Event 1.GIF
    16.2 KB · Views: 537
  • Event 2.GIF
    26.4 KB · Views: 504
[langtitle=nl]Re: Windows 7 Acting VERY Strange All Of A Sudden. Please help.[/langtitle]

[lang=nl][lang=nl][lang=nl][lang=nl][lang=nl]This is giving me alot of errors (Windows was installed 2 days ago), It's in dutch so..

The general info bout the error says "Het apparaat \Device\Ide\iaStor0 heeft niet binnen de tijd voor time-out gereageerd."

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ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting[/lang][/lang][/lang]
Re: [langtitle=nl]Re: Windows 7 Acting VERY Strange All Of A Sudden. Please help.[/langtitle]

It appears you are having a problem with your Hard drive controller driver. You might check for an update and make sure Windows Update did not give you an Intel or storage system driver update.

You may want to go to your system manufacturer and check for a new driver. Or you might try the restore or repair install option as Mike suggests.

Maybe this Microsoft forum thread will help.

This is assuming your hard drive is not failing...
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Re: [langtitle=nl]Re: Windows 7 Acting VERY Strange All Of A Sudden. Please help.[/langtitle]

In the forum you linked I saw some1 mentioning his DVD drive, could that be the problem to? I had a broken DVD drive about 3 months ago, got it replaced, but tis1 seems to act weird to (breaking off in the middle of installing a game, tho that might be the hard drive problem to)

I have Intel Rapid Storage Technology installed, but the problem occured before I had that installed. And where do I check for an update? At the manufacturer of my hard drive, or my motherboard? 'Cause I have the latest motherboard updates except for BIOS (latest BIOS didn't do anything except adding support for F12 hotkey in BIOS). Intel Rapid Storage Technology drive status says "normal".

EDIT: Seems that there is a new version of Intel Rapid Storage Technology, should I install that then?

EDIT2: My DVD drive doesn't show up anymore in Speccy (a program to check what hardware you got) it just keeps "loading". Maybe my DVD drive is just broken, but would that effect everything?
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You are getting so many errors, it should be easy to check if it is the DVD. Try going into Device Manager and disabling it, or even better would be to disconnect it from your system.

In order for me to look for a driver, I need to know what type of system you have, like the motherboard if you installed it, or the computer make and model if you bought it from an OEM. You may need a chipset number..

But, I have run into problems with international devices and getting drivers for specific models.

If you have an Intel version 6 chipset, there have been some warnings about it.
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EDIT: I have the Version 6 chipset, they warned me about it in the store but they said if I put my devices on port x and port x etc then it wont be a problem so we did that.

My hardware is in my 1st post to if that's what you mean.

CPU: Intel i5 2500
Mobo: Asus P8P67 LE
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1333MHz CORSAIR Mainstream Enthusiast
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5770

And here is some other info, I don't know if you need it but can't hurt I guess..

Manufacturer ASUSTeK Computer INC.
Model P8P67 LE
Version System Version
Chipset Vendor Intel
Chipset Model Sandy Bridge
Chipset Revision 09
Southbridge Vendor Intel
Southbridge Model P67
Southbridge Revision 04

Intel Core i5 2500K
Cores 4
Threads 4
Name Intel Core i5 2500K
Code Name Sandy Bridge
Package Socket 1155 LGA
Technology 32nm
Specification Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Family 6
Extended Family 6
Model A
Extended Model 2A
Stepping 7
Revision D2
Instructions MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, Intel 64
Virtualization Supported, Disabled
Hyperthreading Supported, Disabled
Fan Speed 164 RPM
Bus Speed 87.1 MHz
Stock Core Speed 3300 MHz
Stock Bus Speed 100 MHz

Type DDR3
Size 4096 MBytes
DRAM Frequency 551.8 MHz
CAS# Latency (CL) 9 clocks
RAS# to CAS# Delay (tRCD) 9 clocks
RAS# Precharge (tRP) 9 clocks
Cycle Time (tRAS) 24 clocks
Command Rate (CR) 1T

Media Type DVD Writer
Availability Running/Full Power
Capabilities Random Access, Supports Writing, Supports Removable Media
Config Manager Error Code Device is working properly
Config Manager User Config FALSE
Drive Q:
Media Loaded FALSE
SCSI Bus 0
SCSI Logical Unit 0
SCSI Port 1
SCSI Target Id 2
Status OK

Manufacturer SAMSUNG
Business Unit/Brand Desktop
Business Unit Type Spinpoint F1 DT
Model Capacity For This Specific Drive 750GB
Heads 16
Cylinders 16383
SATA type SATA-II 3.0Gb/s
Device type Fixed
ATA Standard ATA/ATAPI-7
48-bit LBA Supported
Serial Number S13UJ1CQ305116
Interface SATA
Capacity 733GB
Real size 750.156.374.016 bytes
01 Read Error Rate 100 (100 worst) Data 0000000000
03 Spin-Up Time 077 (077) Data 0000001E78
04 Start/Stop Count 096 (096) Data 0000000DFF
05 Reallocated Sectors Count 100 (100) Data 0000000008
07 Seek Error Rate 253 (253) Data 0000000000
08 Seek Time Performance 100 (100) Data 0000000000
09 Power-On Hours (POH) 098 (098) Data 0000001E4D
0A Spin Retry Count 100 (100) Data 0000000000
0B Recalibration Retries 100 (100) Data 0000000000
0C Device Power Cycle Count 099 (099) Data 0000000493
0D Soft Read Error Rate 100 (100) Data 0000000000
B7 100 (100) Data 0000000000
B8 100 (100) Data 0000000000
BB 100 (100) Data 0000000000
BC 100 (100) Data 0000000000
BE Temperature Difference from 100 081 (055) Data 0013130013
C2 Temperature 081 (052) Data 0013130013
C3 Hardware ECC Recovered 100 (100) Data 000000DA6B
C4 Reallocation Event Count 100 (100) Data 0000000000
C5 Current Pending Sector Count 100 (100) Data 0000000000
C6 Uncorrectable Sector Count 100 (100) Data 0000000000
C7 UltraDMA CRC Error Count 100 (100) Data 0000000000
C8 Write Error Rate / Multi-Zone Error Rate 100 (099) Data 000000001F
C9 Soft Read Error Rate 253 (253) Data 0000000000
Temperature 19 °C
Temperature Range ok (less than 50 °C)
Status Good
Partition 0
Partition ID Disk #0, Partition #0
Size 100 MB
Partition 1
Partition ID Disk #0, Partition #1
Disk Letter C:
File System NTFS
Volume Serial Number 6EBE175D
Size 308GB
Used Space 125GB (41%)
Free Space 183GB (59%)
Partition 2
Partition ID Disk #0, Partition #2
Disk Letter S:
File System NTFS
Volume Serial Number F865BBD0
Size 391GB
Used Space 298GB (77%)
Free Space 93GB (23%)

Manufacturer Western Digital
Heads 16
Cylinders 16383
SATA type SATA-II 3.0Gb/s
Device type Fixed
ATA Standard ATA8-ACS
48-bit LBA Supported
Serial Number WD-WMAVU1948606
Interface SATA
Capacity 1465GB
Real size 1.500.301.910.016 bytes
01 Read Error Rate 200 (200 worst) Data 0000000000
03 Spin-Up Time 185 (180) Data 0000001654
04 Start/Stop Count 098 (098) Data 0000000803
05 Reallocated Sectors Count 200 (200) Data 0000000000
07 Seek Error Rate 100 (253) Data 0000000000
09 Power-On Hours (POH) 095 (095) Data 0000000FD1
0A Spin Retry Count 100 (100) Data 0000000000
0B Recalibration Retries 100 (100) Data 0000000000
0C Device Power Cycle Count 100 (100) Data 000000023A
C0 Power-off Retract Count 200 (200) Data 000000007F
C1 Load/Unload Cycle Count 191 (191) Data 000000737A
C2 Temperature 126 (097) Data 0000000018
C4 Reallocation Event Count 200 (200) Data 0000000000
C5 Current Pending Sector Count 200 (200) Data 0000000000
C6 Uncorrectable Sector Count 200 (200) Data 0000000000
C7 UltraDMA CRC Error Count 200 (200) Data 0000000000
C8 Write Error Rate / Multi-Zone Error Rate 200 (200) Data 0000000000
Temperature 24 °C
Temperature Range ok (less than 50 °C)
Status Good
Partition 0
Partition ID Disk #1, Partition #0
Disk Letter F:
File System NTFS
Volume Serial Number 2ADAA061
Size 977GB
Used Space 686GB (71%)
Free Space 290GB (29%)
Partition 1
Partition ID Disk #1, Partition #1
Disk Letter R:
File System NTFS
Volume Serial Number AEE5D311
Size 421GB
Used Space 1.74GB (1%)
Free Space 419GB (99%)

Manufacturer SAMSUNG
Business Unit/Brand Desktop
Model Capacity For This Specific Drive 320GB
Heads 16
Cylinders 16383
Device type Fixed
ATA Standard ATA/ATAPI-7
48-bit LBA Supported
Serial Number S0K1J1BLB02036
Interface PATA
Capacity 313GB
Real size 320.072.933.376 bytes
01 Read Error Rate 253 (082 worst) Data 0000000000
03 Spin-Up Time 100 (100) Data 00000020C0
04 Start/Stop Count 096 (096) Data 00000010B4
05 Reallocated Sectors Count 253 (253) Data 0000000000
07 Seek Error Rate 253 (253) Data 0000000000
08 Seek Time Performance 253 (253) Data 0000000000
09 Power-On Hours (POH) 100 (100) Data 0000003C85
0A Spin Retry Count 253 (253) Data 0000000000
0B Recalibration Retries 253 (253) Data 0000000000
0C Device Power Cycle Count 098 (098) Data 00000008C2
BE Temperature Difference from 100 080 (054) Data 0000000014
C2 Temperature 178 (100) Data 0000000014
C3 Hardware ECC Recovered 100 (100) Data 000000502A
C4 Reallocation Event Count 253 (253) Data 0000000000
C5 Current Pending Sector Count 253 (099) Data 0000000000
C6 Uncorrectable Sector Count 253 (253) Data 0000000000
C7 UltraDMA CRC Error Count 200 (200) Data 0000000000
C8 Write Error Rate / Multi-Zone Error Rate 253 (100) Data 0000000000
C9 Soft Read Error Rate 253 (100) Data 0000000000
Temperature 20 °C
Temperature Range ok (less than 50 °C)
Status Good
Partition 0
Partition ID Disk #2, Partition #0
Disk Letter M:
File System NTFS
Volume Serial Number 849C1B14
Size 146GB
Used Space 53GB (37%)
Free Space 93GB (63%)
Partition 1
Partition ID Disk #2, Partition #1
Disk Letter I:
File System NTFS
Volume Serial Number F0B1F779
Size 152GB
Used Space 12.8GB (9%)
Free Space 139GB (91%)
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The chipset driver from Intel ( is newer than ASUS ( If that is the one you are referring to, yes go ahead and update.

The SATA driver seems to be the same on on the Intel Site and ASUS (

I would update the chipset first then reinstall the SATA drivers.

If the Series 6 problem does not bother you then hopefully the drivers will help. Some of the sites I found researching the problem seemed to suggest there had been a recall....

Just in case you haven't seen it, this Intel site discusses the problem.

Good luck with the upgrade, at least you should be able to tell quickly if it helps..
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Yeah I know they called the mobo's back. When I went to pick it up there was a girl from Intel and she talked to me about it, but she said there wouldnt be any reall problems. There was a CHANCE that port x and port x would loose 5% performance over a period of 3 years. So I don't know if that would be the problem or not.. I just updated the chipset driver, I really hope that fixes it.. I can't listen to a song or watch a movie, it's so annoying. I have to reboot my PC like 20 times a day :s

I found this btw. Derek Seaman's Blog: Windows 7 Intel SATA/AHCI Lockups but for me the LPMDSTATE isn't even there :s

Thanks for sticking with me. I know it must suck lol, especialy 'cause I can't help much but I found nothing so far that could fix it..

EDIT: Hmm, still not fixed .. Maybe I should try to install Windows again and then update Chipset drivers first, tho I doubt it'll fix anything

EDIT 2: I found this . When you check his event log, I have the 1st part of it to, also the second with ID 51, BUT, for me the source is "cdrom" so is that my DVD drive? Maybe daemon tools? I have some hope again now lol..
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The only other thing I could think of prior to doing a reinstall is to try changing the ports for the drive. You could disconnect it first to see if the errors go away.

Can't really say about the reference you found.

If you can't get it working, I would do the repair install. If you still get errors, return the motherboard.

Let us know...

I just upgraded the DVD drive firmware, if that doesn't fix it I'll disconnect it. If that still doesn't fix it I'll try another port and re install Windows or the repair. And if that doesn't work either I'll just return the motherboard..
Ok I upgraded the firmware of my DVD drive, and the problem seems to be fixed.. I haven't had any problems so far, and Event Log is pretty empty. PC shuts down in about 2-3 seconds wich amazed me lol, but..

Now my DVD drive is gone.. When I restarted Windows after the upgrade it said the DVD drive was installed successfully, but it doesn't show up in My Computer or Device Manager, not in BIOS either.

Is it totally broken now?

EDIT: I fixed it I think, somehow a cable got out of the DVD drive.. It shows up again now, I just hope that other problem won't return lol.
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