Re the above-captioned, installed and used printer successfully on Windows XP 32-bit. Now am running above-captioned Windows version and cannot use printer, since drivers that used to work in XP do not work in Ultimate anymore.
Company had released a version for Vista, which however did not work on Ultimate, reason being it was a 32-bit driver, which obviously does not run on a 64-bit system.
Such a pity as printer which is also a scanner and photocopier has hardly ever been used, besides it is also has bluetooth and wireless connectivity as well.
For the record I tried running Ultimate as the host system, running XP through Oracle's virtual box, but still cannot get the damned thing to work, so I will eventually scrap virtual box and XP system, altogether as I'd rather have just one host system running.
I am relying on someone's help in resolving this issue by finding either a driver that I can use or else some other advise in getting my printer to work, as I am so lost without it, and need it badly.
Vowed that next time round will stick to another more common brand and will not do business ever again with Olivetti.
Look forward for any help please.
Much obliged