My Metro apps just open in a full window and close again. They are still available on the side, but will not open. I have been doing a
little playing, so I may have messed up some system files. I remember seeing the Windbg program want to install .Net 4.5, but not sure it is related.
Other ones had quit earlier, like solitaire. I was thinking they are time limited and will shutdown after so much use. The Weather one was working, but now, it has shut down also.
But it looks like they have changed some of the printer info locations. You can see them in the Device Manager. There are Print queues and Printers entries, an a WSD Print Provider that my Epson All-in-one uses. But mine does show up in Devices and Printers, but it is not shutdown, just sleeps so the wireless is always active.
I am getting a little frustrated trying to get an OS to work when I do not know for sure it even should work a certain way. Even such a thing as signing in with a Microsoft ID or a Local ID may have implications I do not understand.
I am also getting Microsoft licensing error messages. I think I am in line for another clean install...
And Joe, I suppose it could be some combinations of apps, but I never even tried to use it on a new install and the errors were there. Something to try, I suppose.