command line

  1. M

    Unix tutorial

    Hi everyone, Can anyone tell me some popular unix tutorial
  2. otacon239

    Windows 7 WOL with DD-WRT, Windows 7 and MSI Z97-G55

    Here's the situation: • I have Windows 7 SP1 running on an MSI Z97-G55 mobo with latest BIOS (updated today). • My router, a Linksys E3000, is running DD-WRT (updated today) Here are the steps I have taken to try to get it to work: 1. Static IP is set and works just fine. 2. I've added the...
  3. N

    Windows 7 Shutdown will not shutdown

    When I try to shutdown the computer using Win 7 ultimate it displays Shutdown in Progress but nothing happens even after 30 min wait. I have to shut it down using a power switch. On reboot in boots into Win 7 normally, like it was a regular shutdown. When I tried to run shutdown.exe /s /f /t 10...
  4. B

    Need help with Windows 2003 icacls

    Hello guys, At the moment I am doing a task for school. I need to make a folder that is shared and is only accessible by the specific user and the Administrator. This should in CMD. I already have the following commando' s: net user Test Welkom01 /ADD /DOMAIN net group Directie Test /add mkdir...
  5. L

    Windows 7 Batch File will not execute multiple moves

    Please Help! I have a batch file that performs the following tasks: 1) renames a counter field 2) creates two variables that will be used later to rename two separate files 3) Opens SQL*Plus and starts an Oracle Script which starts two separate stored procedures 4) Moves and renames the...
  6. B

    Windows 8 Change the volume image flags values

    Hi I am using Windows 8.1 Update and Windows ADK. Without using the ImageX command, how do I change the volume image flags values displayed with the Dism /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:"<WIM_File_Path>\<WIM_Name.wim" /Index:<Image_Index> command? Where are these values stored? Thanks Bye
  7. B

    Windows 8 Changing the name and description of the volume images

    Hi I am using Windows 8.1 Update and Windows ADK. How do I change the name and description of the volume images stored in a wim file without using the ImageX command? In other words, if I should change the name and description of 4 volume images contained in a wim file, as I should do to do...
  8. Danny Clark

    Windows 8 Really verbose linux-like bootup messages possible?

    The lack of information on the blue skewed perspective windows logo with white circle of moving dots below it window startup screen is really driving me crazy. Sometimes it takes forever and I'd like to know what the hell windows is doing. It doesn't even show progress of "chkdsk /f/r c:" Is it...
  9. R

    Windows 8 Windows 8 sleep problems.

    Symptom: I cannot toggle the sleep mode from either my keyboard shortcut or in the menu of windows 8. Both options, shutdown and restart, work perfectly fine but sleep won't work. Here is what happens when I toggle sleep: My screen shuts down but the fans still are blowing. Whenever I move my...
  10. A

    Windows 8 Problem with Windows 8.1 x86 installation.

    Hello! I'm using Windows XP 32bits(original)(in C:\) and i'm trying to install Windows 8.1 x86(original)(in D:\), but i'm trying to do without using flashdrive or dvd. So, to do that, i did what read in internet: 1- Copy the following content from your Windows 8 disc or ISO to D:\ 1.1- Boot...
  11. bishop144

    Windows 7 Move Command in Batch Files

    My colleges' computers reset themselves every night, so we are allowed to install programs and change files & settings at will, because the changes revert on shutdown. I'm trying to create a batch file I can run to copy all the files I use & install the programs I use, I haven't gotten to the...
  12. M

    Windows 7 Hiding menu item from file right click drop down through REGISTRY

    I have introduced a new drop down option "Encrypt" at right click to all file types - therefore I had to add it in the registry as : HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Encrypt Now this drop down would be visible to all type of files at their right click. But I also have files of type .crypt...
  13. Eawedat

    Windows 7 Batch File: works under cmd-Windows , NOT under MS-DOS

    I made these codes to backup files : set p=C:\Users\ for/f %%a in('dir C:\Users\ /b') do ( if not"%%a"=="Public", ( set fileDest=C:\Backup-%%a_%date:~7,2%.%date:~4,2%.%date:~10,4% If Not Exist"%fileDest%" mkdir "%fileDest%"set"fullPath=%p%%%a%" xcopy "%fullPath%"%fileDest%/e /h /y /k rem call...
  14. S

    Windows 7 Install Key Management Service (KMS) From Command Line

    How to Add volume-licensed version key? Office professional plus 2013 Result: C:\>cscript c:\windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /pik YC7DK-####-####-#####-GVGXT Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Unrecognized option: /pik Windows...
  15. jonnyzthename

    Windows 7 May have deleted vital files

    I was messing with batch files and accidentally clicked one that I shouldn't have made. Here are it's contents: attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat del c:\autoexec.bat attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini del c:\boot.ini attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr del c:\ntldr attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini del...
  16. Raoul Laoyan

    Windows 7 Messages produced by msg.exe goes away after 2 minutes

    I am desktop support for an enterprise Windows 2008 AD environment and I have been looking for a replacement for NET SEND. The msg.exe command looked promising when using the target machine's local scheduler but the message disappears after 2 minutes on the target workstation. Has anyone...
  17. P

    Windows 8 "explorer.exe /n,/e,C:\data" (shortcut) cmd does NOT work

    Under Windows 7 I setup a shortcut link in Taskbar to open WindowsExplorer with a pre-defined directory and auto-expand and mark that directory in left side tree view with the following command: %windir%\explorer.exe /n,/e,C:\data It works fine in Win 7. When I try to setup the same...
  18. E

    Windows 7 Tasklist hanging when trying to access remote computer

    I have a batch file I periodically run to sync my calendar from my desktop PC to my laptop. I last ran it several weeks ago. Went to run it the other day and it hangs on the tasklist command. The following checks to see if the calendar program is running on the laptop, if it is it uses...
  19. E

    Windows 8 Trivial little problem re: sidebar

    Hi everyone I just got a new laptop running Windows 8, and I'm not so familiar with this exact version (though I'm as familiar with Windows in general as the next person). I'm currently in the process of tweaking some details to make it more to my liking, and doing so, I made a tiny little...
  20. T

    Windows 7 Chkdsk on slow HDDs

    One of my HDDs was doing incredibly slow today what made me run chkdsk in the command line. It says that there was an error in a file with the number 337105 - so I would like to know which file on my harddrive this is. Do you know how to find out what files are concerned according to a given...