command line

  1. GTXPlayer

    Windows 8 Run .exe with using cutom resolution with .bat/.cmd?

    I'm new to batch files and I know a few basic commands but I want to go into the more in-depth commands, such as runnin files with different attrbutes etc. There is another I want to use by i'm not sure if it's possible. So: Is it possible to run a .exe (executable) file in a custom resolution...
  2. S

    Windows 7 How to send Message on Windows 7 Computer via CMD?

    My three PC's are all in homegroup, but when i do "msg * text" the message only goes to the PC thats sends .. for example .. if from my laptop i do that cmd .. the msg only returns to me .. why my other PC's dont get the message? - they are on the same network and in homegroup whats up?
  3. P

    Windows 7 How to assign a new program to mulitple (!) extension at once?

    Ok there are many guides on how to assign ONE certain extension (e.g. .aaa) to one program myprog.exe so that a double click on a file will automatically start the program and load the file. But what I need is a similar but different way of assignment. I want completely replace...
  4. tzell

    Windows 7 CMD prompt goof? loss of all Admin powers...

    So i have a pretty good understanding of computers, i like to change my password often just to be secure. When doing so i change it via CMD prompt, because for me this is just the fastest easiest way. Well today something went horribly wrong, i have no idea what happen. All i know is i can no...
  5. P

    Windows 8 Windows takes two much space

    I have recently bought a Samsung ativ book 9 lite. Generally I'm happy with it but not at all with the bad usage of the disk space it has. It is supposed to have 128GB but: 1) It has a recover partition which takes up to 18GB (I think I should remove this one, what do you think of this?). 2)...
  6. O

    Windows 7 Dont run script IF

    I have an issue, i have just started a Windows 7 Migration Project and i was originally brought in to do GPO, now i have bene asked to do something else and i am a little stuck. Basically we still run Windows XP on most of our machines but will start migrating over to 7 soon. We run a batch...
  7. H

    Windows 7 Error: Bootmgr is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.

    Hello. I have windows 7 ultimate 32 I got problem when i downloaded Spyhunter and after i did what it asked me and restarted my pc. My computer came to a place call "grub>" . Every time i reboot my pc i came. To the same place. After some serching i did something real STUPID. when i came to...
  8. P

    Windows 7 How to set an environment variable PERMANENT from cmdline?

    If I open a CmdPrompt and type set myvar=foobar then this environment variable is set only for the time the CmdPrompt exists and is only visible INSIDE the CmdPrompt. How do I set such an environemnt variable from CmdPrompt (!) but permanently (forever) for - a certain user - whole...
  9. P

    Windows 7 How to really remove network share of a local folder?

    In the past I setup a network share for a local folder by right-clicking on that folder in WinExp click "Properties" click "Sharing" tab click "Advanced Sharing" activate checkbox "Share this folder" assigning my user account to the list of permissions removing "Everyone" access. This works...
  10. A

    Windows 7 Batch Files Issues

    Hi I have created two files and they don't work. One gives a menu and the other flashes :Installs Adobe Shockwave Player application set install=\\mgtutils01\Window7apps\Testing Apps\sw_lic_full_installer\admin_install msiexec /i %install%\sw_lic_full_installer.msi /qn! EXIT /B 0...
  11. P

    Windows 7 Find out if Hibernation is turn on or off

    How can I find out if Hibernation is currently turn on or off WITHOUT changing the on/off state? I prefer a cmdline command.
  12. A

    Windows 7 Help Request; re: Activating Windows 7

    Hello All - Trying to activate my legit copy of win7, having incredible amounts of frustration/difficulty Upon entering my product key, i get the 0x80070005 "Access is denied" error After some detective work, it appears that this problem is related to administrator/permission levels on the...
  13. T

    Windows 7 Windows 7 equivalnet to "UpdatePerUserSystemParameters"

    Hello, I have a batch file that I am using to change the various items on my computer. I put the changes in the registry and then use the following command to implement the change %SystemRoot%\System32\RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll, UpdatePerUserSystemParameters This approach worked great in...
  14. A

    Windows 7 basic scripting, usage piping, output redirections and variable in one example.

    Hi, I mostly use another OS, and need to rewrite following script into one which works in windows. OK, here's the command: curl -s -x -b ./cookies.txt -X GET Link Removed 2>&1 | tr -d '[]' | sed "s/,/\n/g" | head -n 1 | sed "s/.\(.*\)./\1/" here's what it does: loads content of...
  15. B

    Windows 7 set /p not working

    The following code doesnt set the value of a to user input..why? Can anyone help plz... set /p a ="sdff " pause echo %a% pause
  16. D

    Windows 8 Enable Telnet?

    plz how to i use telnet? when i try it says 'telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. thx
  17. H

    Windows 7 How to delete Mcafee Vaults folder

    Please do not suggest I contact Mcafee on this, I could have backed up and reinstalled Windows 7 in the time I have already wasted dealing with them. I only have one word for them and it is USELESS. I have a Mcafee vaults folder on my desktop I cannot get rid of. The folder was not installed...
  18. E

    Windows 7 Problem with Simple BAT file

    I have created a batch file to run three programs. However it doesn't run the first two just the last one. Whenever the batch file is running I see a window open and quickly close when each of the first two programs are requested to run. The window is only open for a second so I cannot see...
  19. M

    Windows 7 Input redirection does not work with DOS commands

    I was trying to get the 'CD' (change directory) DOS command to work with input redirection (left arrow), but could not do so, tho, thank goodness, I found PUSHD&POPD so I no longer need CD in my .BAT now. However, I could not get any of these commands to work either: TYPE, MORE, and especially...
  20. imanewbe

    Windows 7 Add Command line command to right click

    What I am wanting to do is when I right click on a file have an option to run a command. for example: -filebot -rename "filename" This command would execute if I clicked on the option in the right click menu