diablo 3


    Windows 7 0xc0000142 error

    I just bought Diablo 3 retail last night and I played for around 3 hours, then I got tired and shut it down. then this morning I went to play it again and I got this error 0xc0000142, I searched this error and any answer I found did not work. so I uninstalled the program and installed it again...
  2. De TImmertjes

    Windows 10 From mac osx --> Windows 10

    Good day. Small introduction. I'm Rien from The Netherlands. 42 years old. In a few weeks 43. Things go FAST! Excuse my english, I'm doing my best. As the title says, i'm currently moving away from mac osx and going to Windows 10. Basically for economic reasons. My macbook has died on me, I...
  3. S

    Windows 7 Bsod after changing the video card. atikmdag.sys,ntoskrnl.exe and more

    Hi, this started after i took out my MSI 5770 card and put in ASUS 7770, i just swapped nothing more, didnt think i would need to install new drivers, then this started and happens when im running a bot in diablo3. ive tried uninstalling the driver, install the newest, install the beta...
  4. H

    Windows 8 Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort0, was issued.

    Im not sure what this issue means, but I looked it up and noticed it ties in with graphics cards The problem is that my computer is having problems when playing games like Diablo 3. It'll stop loading and then reload constantly. Graphics card: Nvidia Geforce 560 TI
  5. J

    Windows 7 BSOD BCcode 3d errors. Any help would be appreciated!

    Hey guys, This has been happening since I purchased the computer back in March 2012 (it is a custom built PC). Random Blue screen errors (mostly BCcode 3d). Approx once or twice a month. Wrapped my brain, can NOT seem to figure this out. I have included a dump file. -- Additional Info --...
  6. T

    Windows 7 Laptop restarting while playing a game

    Hello everyone. I have a Dell laptop, XPS 15, my specs are on the attached file, like requested. I hope i did everything right, if not, please let me know. I used to play Diablo 3 on this laptop, highest settings possible, and it never gave me any problem. Now i quit Diablo and moved to an...
  7. B

    Windows 7 Losing my mind over this! STOP: 0x00000116 atikmpag.sys

    I'm new here so sorry if there's information I leave out. The title basically describes the issue I'm having. Every single blue screen that has happened this past week and a half have been STOP: 0x00000116 atikmpag.sys. I'm pretty sure everyone here knows the game League of Legends. Well I'm...
  8. I

    Windows 7 0x00007A and 0x0000F4 BSOD on Win 7sp1

    First off, hello all and thank you for taking your time reading this. I am a first time poster. Hx: About a month ago I changed my gfx card from a geforce 9600 GT to a geforce gtx 570 HD. I cannot remember if the problems began occurring before or after this, but it was very close to each...
  9. B

    Windows 7 Very frustrating BSOD issue!

    I'm new here so I'm sorry if this isn't the right area to post this. About a week or so ago while playing League of Legends, everything was fine, finished playing several games and I've been playing the same game for several weeks everyday with no issue at all until once I joined a new game and...
  10. PwNix

    Windows 7 Directx Problems

    Okay , Here is the story. This PC is about 1 year old now , and recently i have been having troubles with Directx I can start up a game and when i close it down to start up another game i get an error. And in order to fix this i have to reboot the whole PC. Few examples: Skyrim: Link Removed...
  11. S

    Windows 7 1/3 BSOD, 1/3 freezing +- speaker buzzing, 1/3 random reset

    Hi everyone, This is literally driving me insane and I'm in big need of help. I've had a problem where my computer will do one of the above ^ (title) over and over and over. My computer will also fail to restart (e.g. hang at the 'welcome to windows screen, and sometimes when it does restart...
  12. Edwinng1110

    Windows 7 [BSOD] Happens most when playing games like Diablo 3

    I have had this problem ever since my dad built this computer and even he has no idea what has happened. I am not a computer genius but I came across the windows helps forum so now I am deciding to give it a try. This blue screen occurs most when I am playing games or when I am trying to rate my...
  13. S

    Windows 7 Started getting BSOD today & no changes have been made to the PC. Plz help

    I have been using my PC fine until today, I never saw a BSOD before, but all of a sudden they started appearing and it got more and more frequent. I was just browsing the internet while updating Itunes library and then I went AFK, when I came back the PC had restarted. I kept browsing and then...
  14. E

    Windows 7 BSOD while gaming

    BSOD every hour even when idling Yesterday I started receiving a BSOD while I was playing Diablo3. I was having no issues with the game, everything was running fine and all of a sudden the screen froze and the sound got stuck so to speak. After a few minutes I then received a BSOD. I rebooted...
  15. D

    Windows 7 Are my Cpu Temp Way tooo high?

    alright the first one is when i'm not doing anything on the computer the second one is when i'm playing diablo 3 , and right after i finish playing there usually at 60's i opened my computer case and cleaned out as much as i can i don't have a way to get a can of compressed air today /: is it...
  16. B

    Windows 7 Failure to unpin from taskbar, related to diablo 3

    hello all. i recently installed diablo 3, and in the process of installing i somehow managed to pin a shortcut to my taskbar. this shortcut says "Battle.net Account Management". the shortcut works, and is actually a link to the battle.net login screen. HOWEVER... i cannot right click or drag on...
  17. M

    Windows 7 ntkrnlmp.exe, help very much appreciated

    ok, to start. I can not send the rammon info. rammon has caused a BSOD the last two times. What to say... Just built this rig, random BSODs. Tried all the basics I could think of. Happens during rammon and other installs. Diablo 3 install caused bsod. Happens randomly during certain games and...
  18. D

    Windows 7 Tiny issue, but irritating none the less.

    Recently played the Diablo 3 beta, put an icon of it on my taskbar, and now I can't remove it. I uninstalled it hoping that would get rid of it, but that just changed it to a "blank-page icon", and even before I uninstalled Diablo 3, when I would right-click on the icon, nothing would pop up...
  19. C

    Windows 7 No Wireless after installing Diablo 3 beta

    I downloaded the Diablo 3 beta client from the official blizzard website yesterday and ever since I started installing it I was able to connect with my wireless but not access any sites whatsoever, (for some reason aim works). I have tried connecting on the same computer with a wired connection...