I am wondering if anyone else has seen this before where when you try to save a file to a hard drive (not on a network, just local HD - which is not even a Sata Raid) I get the following error"
And when I click OK, and try to save again, it allows me to save but it also tells me that the...
Here's the story.
I had Windows XP on my original 500GB disk in my computer. We will call this DISK XP.
I bought a new 1TB drive and bought Windows 7 64bit to put on it. Call this one DISK W7.
I just recently moved all my old files from DISK XP to DISK W7 so I decided I wanted to format DISK...
boot menu
boot problem
data backup
data recovery
diskerrorsdisk format
disk management
dual boot
error messages
file access
hard drive
os installation
recovery options
system disk
technical issues
windows 7
windows installation
windows support
windows xp
When I start up my computer it shows
NTFS volume label Acer C
can't run due to error in recently installed software (I haven't installed any software in a long time, I have however gotten a new Targus High Speed SD/SDHC/MMC Card Reader/writer, which the software auto installed by windows) the...
auto install
card reader
check disk
file system
flash drive
hard drive
recovery disk
software installation
system restore
usb drive
volume label
windows 7
windows issues
yesterday i tried to burn iso files to my dvd and i install the windows 7. installation went well until the message "please make sure your dvd contains driver" shown and The Windows 7 installation application can't see my harddrive...what I should do to handle the problem?
I've installed the...
Hey, I tried to search for this problem but could not find what I was looking for.
I downloaded Windows 7 64 bit from my university via the MSDN AA program. I know that I need a clean install to upgrade this PC from XP to Windows 7. I downloaded the files and made the iso which I then burned...
boot configuration
boot issue
bootable media
clean install
drive wipe
dvd drive
flash drive
install disk
iso file
msdn aa
operating system
setup problems
upgrade xp
windows 7
Ok, I've searched all over every forum I can think of and I can't find anything anywhere. I apologize if this has been answered on this site; I couldn't find it.
My C: drive has been displaying a size of around 60 gb with 40 free even though it's a 300 gb drive. I thought the issue would...
clean install
computer help
data recovery
diskerrorsdisk management
drive size
error resolution
file system
free space
hard drive
software issues
storage issue
storage management
system restore
tech support
Right.....I bought a brand new pc a week ago (delivery was already delayed by 2 weeks). It was running windows 7 home premium. Straight out of the box there were disk errors. Wouldnt load up anything. Tried everything but to no avail. As i had already had to wait 2 weeks for it to be delivered...
Hello I've run into a problem, my Disk0 is disappearing in windows 7 after I wake my computer from sleep mode. At first I thought the problem was caused by lilo (a linux bootloader for those that don't know). I disabled lilo by running bootsect for my Winodws 7 install disk. It turns out lilo...
access issues
boot start drivers
computer wakes
controller error
device not ready
diskerrorsdisk manager
disk0 disappearance
driver issues
error codes
event viewer
hard drive
service control
sleep mode
system logs
windows 7
windows support
Hello, i am having a extremely alarming problem, i can not access my external HDD!!
I had bitlocked it, which was EXTREMELY stupid, and 93% into the encryption, it decided to stop, and now it just gives me an error to keep checking the disk
i could just pause it before it had an error and...
access problems
backup solutions
best buy service
data recovery
diskerrorsdisk management
emergency support
external hdd
file recovery
hard drive repair
i/o error
raw files
storage issues
technical help
Everyday i shut down my computer properly.
Each time I start it up again, it runs check disk . It's rather annoying since it takes about 10mins to complete before my computer finishes booting up.
Is this a windows 7 bug or is my HDD showing signs of hardware failure?
Thanks in advance...
Hi please help me, I have:
Win7 Ultimate 64 Build 7100
Intel i7 920 2.67GHz
6gb RAM
Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5
The disk with this issue is a RAID0 4tb (2 HD 2tb each WD20EADS), GSATA2_1, GSATA2_0 Smart Backup JMB322 chip
Last night I turn off my computer without no problem, this morning when I turn...
black screen
chk files
corrupted files
data integrity
data loss
disk check
file management
file recovery
file system
hard drive
intel i7
missing files
raid setup
recovery process
smart backup
windows 7
Windows 7 boot.ini [Solved]
Hello users of this forum,
Im in big trouble, cause i need to access my computer but it´s not booting, when time to boot it tells me that the boot.ini is damaged.
The main problem is that i only have here a DVD with windows RT, and now im running Windows 7...
boot issues
boot record
computer access
install dvd
installation media
mbr repair
panic mode
recovery tools
repair options
rt version
system recovery
tech support
usb boot
windows 7
windows rt
windows troubleshooting
I downloaded a legal full iso- en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_X15-65922
Running the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor indicated there would be no problems with an upgrade from Vista 64 Ultimate edition.
Setup starts just fine, but halts at 18% of 'unpacking windows files'. The computer then reboots...
boot issues
error code
file not found
full iso
legal software
system error
upgrade advisor
upgrade issues
windows 7
Hi, thanks in advance for any help you may be able to offer.
My problem started with Microsoft Office, but I fear it is much worse. I get error messages whenever using a microsoft office program, saying that a file is corrupted. I can't uninstall, I can't repair, I can't reinstall. Now, I...
c drive
computer problems
corrupt programs
disk check
error messages
file system
microsoft office
software issues
system restore
windows issues
tryed installing BF2, and the installation went fine until after disk 3. After that...the contents of the EA folder just disappeared. No clue where they went. When it asked for disk 3 there was 1.8 gig in the EA folder....and then gone after 3 finished.....any clues?
Intel dual core 1.7 gh...
I want to run chkdsk because I am getting some corrupt file errors. But I can't figure out how. I have run it from the command prompt as admin. When i perform a read only test it finds many errors so I try a test that writes as well. It says it will complete the test after reboot. but when...
Hi there,
I have an MSI M677 laptop with 2GHz dual core AMD64 TL-60, 2GB ram, and GeForce 7600 agp.
I went to reinstall my Vista HomePremium last night due to frequent shutdowns and BSOD(due to an nvidia driver, but I thought that agp driver alone cannot cause that many slowdowns in the...
agp graphics
hardware issues
home premium
memory test
msi laptop
os installation
reboot loop
restore manager
system restore
windows vista
Need a bit of help here. I've been trying everything I could think of for the past 3 days but nothing is working out for me.
I'm trying to set up W7 on my laptop, which already has Vista installed as the primary OS, and Ubuntu as a second OS. I was hoping the set up W7 as my third, but I've...
Every time I try and back up my files, I get this message. I will then proceed to run every kind of HDD check available to me, as well as chkdsk. However, each test finds nothing wrong. I did have some corrupt files on the NTFS partition that were causing Vista to fail every other boot. I have...
Ok well I have this Microsoft Licensing disk that I got from my dads work, and it says on it:
Microsoft Windows Vista Business
Service Pack 1
(used for all editions of Vista)
June 2008
Windows Client: Business
And I've been trying to boot off it, but it just wont do it...