
  1. dustymars

    Laptops Get Old Fast

    I have had desktops from around 1978 until my last one in 2010, an eMachine EL 1333g, that still works. I it slow and Windows 10 updates take all day and for some reason my Internet speed has decreased from 100+Mbps to around 15-Mbps. I suspect conflicts with WS software. But, I am going to...
  2. M

    Windows 7 Incorrect "not Genuine" message

    Greetings, I had been running Windows 7 on an eMachine system for a few years. I bought a new Dell system with Windows 7. I used a backup program that allowed me to move everything from the eMachine to the new Dell system without having to re-install everything. I have been running for several...
  3. WinDroid

    Windows Vista Windows Vista Basic Product Key But No CD

    I have an Acer E625 eMachine with a Vista Basic product key underneath. There is no recovery partition on the hard drive as it was formatted by the owner. I went to Acer's website but they do not even recognize my machine's serial number or SNID as printed underneath the laptop. Where can I...
  4. A

    Netflix Audio/Video Out of Sync

    Came across this issue while repairing a clients eMachine ET1810-01 last week. After the repair was done, I re-installed Netflix for her and started to play a movie to make sure it was running ok. 2 mins. in to the movie I noticed the Audio was not in sync with the Video (dialog did not match...
  5. D

    Windows 7 Error when installing Windows 7

    I'm reinstalling Windows 7 on a computer(Desktop) than originally came with it. Once I made it to the installation process, it went through "Copying files" in a snap. Then, it went to expanding files and that's when the error popped up. "Windows cannot install required files. Make sure all...
  6. Fayadh

    Windows 7 Please Help Me Stuck At Setup Is Starting Services (Different than others)

    Dear Forum users, I have an Acer Emachine pc And i just got it back from customer care as it had some svc host problem Now when i turned it on for the 1st time there was something called sysrep which said a fatal error ocurred, i ignored it but then i could not make new folders in the libraries...
  7. H

    Windows 7 Help!

    Hello everyone thanks for taking the time to read this. I ran into a problem last night. I’m going to give as much background information as I can. I bought a display model eMachine last December from a store called Nebraska Furniture mart. I take it home, change the password and created...
  8. W

    Windows 7 Need to burn backup disks for Windows 7 using an eMachine

    Very simple procedure. Visit ehow.com and type in How to make a recovery cd for an eMachine. You will need four writeable DVDs
  9. C

    Windows 7 Keep Losing User Profile

    Hello, my friend has a Emachine E627 with windows 7. Whenever her battery dies, if she starts up her computer, her windows 7 user account is gone. This does not occur when just turning off the computer normally, or when she is plugged in to a power outlet. I realize that ideally, it is not...
  10. D

    Windows 7 Blue screen stop:0x0000005c on start of install

    I am trying to on my E-machine T3516a. It copy's windows files. Then screen says starting windows. Then I get a blue screen with the error "*** STOP: 0x0000005c (0x0000010B,0x00000003,0x00000000,0x00000000) I have spent 2 hours talking to win7 technical support with no luck. Someone PLEASE...
  11. B

    Windows 7 Emachine Drivers

    I've updated from XP to Windows 7 and have found all the drivers except I cant get the internet to work. This computer is on an adaptor and any drivers offered by emachine or Intel will not get it going. The software for the adaptor is installed. It is an Emachine T2862 with an Intel...
  12. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 laptop Sleep issue? x32 7057

    if the laptop lid is closed it enters sleep on no battery when i noticed it would lockup upon resume being a black screen or the "locked" screen with cursor disabled and nothing responding with the power light green as if it resumed normally which only a reboot would resolve. 99% related to the...
  13. J

    Windows Vista No sound from speakers

    I previously had an emachine running windows xp. I now have Vista but the sound output is very faint from the emachine speakers. The volume is on max. I noticed that I am also having problems running software which was fine running on XP ie Dazzle 90 and Sage Instant Accounts v11. Looks...