new system

  1. marcos9999

    Windows 10 New systems installed, can't find auxiliary drives

    I have just clean installed a new system. Everything is fine but the new system can't boot up my 2nd drive. It shows on device manager but does not mount. Any tips? Thanks
  2. N00b

    Windows 7 BSODs on new system

    I just had someone build my computer with a new SSD and I'm getting random BSODs during use. Any help would be appreciated. I'm an IT guy but I've never taken the time to learn how to read dmp files :( The only other problem I"ve noticed with this new build is that sometimes, when I hit the...
  3. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 freezes often at startup screen on new system

    Hi. I am having a problem with a brand new computer from day one. I ordered a new computer from a reputable manufacturer with an ASUS X99 motherboard, Samsung EVO 850 SSD hard drive, Geforce 980GTX and 16 GB of system memory. After the very first boot which was successful I am experiencing...
  4. Mike

    What Happened to Blogs?!

    It has been decided that it is best that we transfer our blog system into the forums themselves. This will allow members to view, and in some cases manage, threads they have already created, create new ones, and allow for better visibility of your messages. A conclusion was made that the blog...
  5. Y

    Windows 7 Random BSODS on new system

    So, I have a frustrating cycle of random BSODS on my brand new system. I have attached the files that are required per the rules here (hopefully I did that right), and could use some expert help. I believe I have all of my drivers updated, I have the latest BIOS from the manufacturer, and have...
  6. A

    Windows 7 0xC004008 well... damn. what now?

    I just built a new system. It had been working for a few days now... but then 'The product key you typed cannot be used to activate Windows on this computer.". But I bought this... a retail copy, even. I had this problem with my first gaming rig a couple years ago where I actually had to call MS...
  7. D

    Windows 7 Trouble bringing old email profiles to new system

    Built new puter and installed Windows 7 Pro.....backed up old system before system went south (had Vista on it)...had been using Mozilla Thunderbird........backed up profiles (including old mails, as far as I know) specifically.......both system back and profile backup on external drive on new...
  8. M

    Windows 7 New computer with problems!

    Okay so, first of all I'm new to the entire world of forums, but this time I really need some help. I bought this new computer about a month ago on a website (where I've bought a lot of things before). I chose the parts and they built it for me, so to start off here are the specs! Cooler...
  9. J

    Windows 7 System rebuild!

    Hey all, I have just had to purchase a new system as my old trusted system capitulated, well certain parts of it did! Obviously spending hard earned cash on replacing broken components on an already dated set-up would have been foolish to say the least, so I have therefore purchased a...
  10. A

    Windows 7 What OS should I get?

    Hey, my Windows 7 won't work properly (Link Removed) and no one helps me with that soo.. What OS should I get now? (When I used XP I did not get any of these errors, IT IS NOT because of old system because mine is fairly new) XP or Vista?
  11. B

    Windows 7 Blue screen

    Hello, I have just built a new system and keep getting the blue screen it comes up at random times and It comes up at least once a day, Hopefully these are the right files, cheers. Ben
  12. P

    Windows 7 Windows & wallpaper will not display

    Ok i built a new system and everything is peachy except for one thing, My wall paper wont display, I am new to 7 but not new to computers so please don't think of me as a n00b. My specs are* asus p7p55 lx motherboard 4gb G skill ram XFX Radeon HD 5770* windows build is 6.1.7600 Build 7600 32bit
  13. D

    Windows 7 WIndows 7 instlation crashes

    I've had the hardest time with this installation of 7. From blue screens to installation of programs crashing. Thats my problem right now I have windows 7 64-bit up and running. But when I try to install ANYTHING even msn the installation program crashes. Any suggestions? Or should I just...
  14. S

    Windows 7 compatibility question

    Hi, newbie here. Bare with me as I'm just a hair above computer stupid. Question is I currently am running xp, am about to upgrade to new system (64bit vista and will upgrade to win7). Is there any hope that the basic level games we currently own will work on the new systems, and if so, what...
  15. loathe

    Google Chrome OS for PCs: Look Out Windows and OS X

    Google says the OS isopen source and lightweight, allowing users super quick access to the web. They claim the OS will be virus free (the security architecture is entirely new), and run a newly-designed windowing system on top of a linux kernel that will be compatible with x86 and ARM processors...
  16. J

    Windows 7 dual boot with vista

    Hi I have a new computer system that had no OS and have installed windows 7 rc on it and it is running fine.Can I install vista on a new partion with out removing windows 7 ? thanks Jdwing