server connection

  1. C

    Windows 10 From my windows10 pc ,cannot login to copy files using '\\ipaddress' to windows 2019 server

    When i am trying to login to windows server 2019 for file copy '(\\xxx.xx.xx.xx)' i received "Access denied" message please see the below logs and help me to correct the issue. My PC version : Windows 10 PRO with latest patch update Server version : Windows server 2019 DC (Last patch level...
  2. P

    Windows 7 Winmail stopped, cannot set up mail accounts in any program

    Hi, first of all I'd like to introduce my self on the forum, hope will find lots of good stuff and knowlegeble people that will help. I have HPG62 with 4GB, and Pentium T4500, win7 Home Premium SP1 64Bit, using standard windows firewall and Avira free antivirus. Since mid december 2016 my...
  3. J

    Windows 8 cant get incoming att dot net emails in Windows Mail, please help

    Using Windows Mail, I had no trouble for a month or two after transition from ATT to to Frontier as my ISP... then (like many others) I started getting the dreaded 0x800CCC0F error `your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection', but onlt for incoming emails... sending was no problem...
  4. Christopher Evers

    Windows Server DDNS, Networking and Me

    Okay, let me start off with a run down on the situation: At one point the security system in the building was connected to the Internet and able to be accessed remotely and now is not. The Tech, that still rules the network but never comes to the building, still has all the information for...
  5. H

    Windows 7 can connet to server use \\servername but not with \\ip address

    as you can see for the suject may problem isreather an odd one As I can conncet to server using \\servername but not with the \\ip address bascily \\ ip address only brings up one one of the shared folders percificly the one I use for user information where as \\servername bring up all the...
  6. N

    Windows 7 Problems Connecting to Win2000/2003 Servers

    This problem suddenly appeared and after I had successfully managed to connect to the servers. I recently purchased this Dell XPS 8300 with Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium and am trying to connect to a Win2000 and a Win2003 server. I can connect to other Windows 7 machines on this network without...
  7. S

    Windows 7 Trying to link up to SBS 2011 on home network

    Sorry if I'm in the wrong place but just stuck looking for help... I've got a home network with Homegroup working fine across three /four machines & printers I've just installed a small test server and loaded Windows Small Business Server 2011 (SBS2011) I've tried connecting to this server...
  8. M

    Windows 7 Counter Strike 1.6 Hang(Not Laag) just after connected with the server in Win7

    Hello, I'm using windows 7 and I have been playing CS on my laptop(using windows 7) since few months ago, the game was working smooth and fine but since last week suddenly I got some problem that whenever I tries to connect with any online server(have tried thousands of IPs) though everytime I...
  9. K

    Windows 7 Loging out

    Almost every morning I have to relogin to my server from my Win7 machine. My XP machine does not have that problem. I have seen a note saying that there was a problem, either security-wise or something else, that cause it. I really don't like having to re logon every day and it causes my back...
  10. Rambler444

    Windows 7 Cannot join Windows Server 2008R2 domain

    I have recently acquired a new computer running Windows 7 Professional that I would like to add to the network. Unfortunately, I have been unsuccessful in attempting it to join the local domain running Windows Server 2008R2. I’ve had no problems in doing this using the older Windows 2000...
  11. T

    Windows 7 domain user login fails (windows 7 with windows 2000 server)

    I have recently gotten 3 tablets with win7 preinstalled. I can connect them to our school domain which is located on a win 2000 server. The problem is that I can log in from those machines with my domain administrator credentials, but I can't get anyone else to log on. The following message is...
  12. B

    Windows 7 Counter strike Source PROBLEM

    Ok this this thread has been made probably a few times, but There Solutions did not help. My problem is that, When i click on a server, it loads fine but when i get to the screen with the MOTD and such IT just FREEZES and i have to ctrl alt delete and ya, u know the whole routine, It does it...