user account control

  1. Jim Gilcher

    Windows 10 need to get administrator permission to save to my documents

    Installed windows 10 a couple days ago I get a notice that I can 't save to my documents without admi permission. I am administrator It will allow to save to another folder (picures) How can I allow to save to documents
  2. C

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 administrative user has no rights

    I bought an HP laptop for my daughter for the holidays. Once she started using it the computer was giving us issues, so we sent it back to HP for repairs. Turned out it had a bad power supply or something. Anyhow, I didn't have any issues with it until today when my daughter can't play her...
  3. N

    Windows 10 Permission windows 10

    While trying to remove old windows files to free up space PC wants admin permission I click ok then as its calculating/gathering files PC wants system permission I click try again and wind up with the same response
  4. N

    Windows 8 Photos will not open in w8.1

    Hi, I had to reinstall with my flash stick w8.1 & now all fotos do not open saying I do not have the correct permission. I am the administrator. Could it be because I chose not to create an MS account? I do not think that I signed for MS acc. before. ....thanx ....nick __________________ Asus...
  5. W

    Windows Vista The ScRegSetValueExW call failed for FailureCommand with the following error: Access is denied.

    Getting an error No idea of what it means - windows update seems to be functioing as expected - showing No important updates, recent check at 10:07 today, and optionl update for Security Essentials published today: Event @ 02/06/2015 12:30:06 - System - Provider [ Name] Service Control Manager [...
  6. R

    Windows 7 Suddenly programs in windows 7 ask for administrator permissions

    Recently a bunch of programs in windows 7 keep have been asking for administrator permissions. I have an administrator account, and have the programs set to run as administrator. My user account control is set to only notify when a program makes changes, but it has always been this way. Why did...
  7. deadbeatffs

    Windows 8 Remote Code Execution via SSH, driver installation.

    Hello, I am a QA engineer and my use case of the problem is inability to pass a build validation test: I connect to a Windows 8.1 through SSH connection and start a batch file that automates the installation of the software on Windows 8.1. virtual machine. The thing is: during the installation...
  8. D

    Need to run Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit but don't have administrator pw

    I purchased a computer that was used some years ago from a friends computer guy. It runs XP. I picked up a virus a week ago & called the computer guy but he's retired :( So, trying to resolve the issue myself I started searching for a resolution my self on the internet & came across a site...
  9. G

    Windows 7 running Mahjong Titans only runs using "as administrator"

    I have Win 7 SP1 on a Lenovo Y580. The problem I am having is that I can only run some games, such as Mahjong Titans if I right click the Mahjong Icon and select Run as Administrator. My account is an administrator account. Any suggestions?
  10. Eurotrash

    Windows 8 Use Metro apps with UAC off?

    Hello, I've been looking into this for some time but I was never able to find a clear answer. Is there a way to enable Metro apps when UAC is disabled?
  11. metulburr

    Windows 8 how to elevate a command via cmd.exe

    I am trying to elevate a command given (in this case just another cmd.exe) if the user is not admin. However i get the error: C:\Users\metul_000>runas /user:administrator cmd.exe Enter the password for administrator: Attempting to start cmd.exe as user "WINDOWS8\administrator" ... RUNAS ERROR...
  12. Aung Thu

    Windows 7 Can't use " run as administrator".

    I can't open any software with "run as administrator". My laptop is Hp with win 7. If I open a program, at User Account Control window box YES tab does not active and only NO tab active. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. TSOShadow

    Windows 7 Your only an admin the 2nd time.

    Link Removed So I recently been unable to uninstall some malware that got onto my computer and it seems I can't run installers with a simple double click or rightclick+run as admin any more... It all throws up various errors related to admin permissions. I've found what does work shift+right...
  14. C

    Windows 7 Can't disable sleep, or password on wakeup

    I have Windonws 7 Professional running on several virtual desktops (VMWare View). The virtual desktops go to sleep after a few minutes, and require a password on wakeup. I've read a number of threads that deal with either disabling password on wakeup, or preventing the OS from going to sleep...
  15. Enhance or Disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows 7

    Enhance or Disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows 7

    A demonstration on how to enhance or completely disable User Account Control notifications in Microsoft Windows 7.
  16. T

    Windows 7 Programs won't launch or stay minimized

    I am running Windows 7 SP 1 on an AMD Phenom system. I have problems launching Forticlient, which my company uses to access the VPN. This happened a while ago. The system admin gave me a later version, which worked, but then it developed the same problem. When I click the program, I get the...
  17. News

    You cannot change User Account Control (UAC) settings on Windows 7

  18. B

    Windows 7 How to Fix Permission Issues in Homegroup File Sharing Between Windows 8 and Windows 7

    I have a homegroup network consisting of a win 8 computer (A) anda win 7 computer (B) I share a printer and all files on both computers, thereare times when I want to alter files on (A) from (B) or visa versa but I getthe message that I need permissions, how do I get those permissions? Thanks, Bob
  19. S

    Windows 8 Can't Modify Networked HDD Need Help Please

    Just got a new pc that has W8, came from XP. I have a popcorn hour NMT with an internal HDD that I have networked and was working fine with my old pc. The drive is mapped and is visible in windows explorer and I can even upload files to it with Filezilla. When I try to modify a file through w...
  20. News

    Programs may be unable to access some network locations after you turn on User Account Control in Wi
