user account control

  1. Y

    Windows 7 Kan inte öppna eller kopiera exe filer - Win 7 HP (64bit)

    Tjaa! Jag har köpt mig en dator med Windows 7 (såklart, annars hade jag vart på ett annat forum..) och jag har en del program och spel på min externa hårddisk jag som ska föra över. Och allt går bra fram tills det kommer till exe filerna, då står det: Du måste ha behörighet...
  2. Exp HP

    Windows 7 Need to rename font file - what to do?

    For reasons I won't bore you with, I need to make the file C:\Windows\Fonts\msgothic.ttc unavailable for a while, so I want to temporarily rename it to msgothic.ttc.old. Anybody who's tried to rename an installed font file in Win7 could probably guess what happened: Then I discovered the...
  3. Mike

    VIDEO Enhance or Disable User Account Control (UAC) (Video Tutorial)

    With the introduction of Windows Vista, a new type of security feature was added to Windows called User Account Control. User Account Control prommpts the user any time a serious change may be made to the computer. If an application requires administrator privileges, or is even asked to run, a...
  4. Mike

    VIDEO Free Anti-Virus: How to Install Microsoft Security Essentials (With Video)

    If you have an anti-virus solution like Avast!, or even if you have no anti-virus solution, you may want to consider installing Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE). Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) is a free anti-virus solution provided by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, and...
  5. mardique

    Windows 7 Sound + Admin problem

    I have this computer since October '09 working with Vista. Right before christmas I updated to W7 Famillial Premium and problems started. First, sometimes after I wake up the comp from hibernation mode, I have no sound. If I restart it, the sound will come back. Also, it looks like it happends...
  6. M

    Windows 7 UAC requires username and password each time

    Hi all, Been using Win7 since beta. However, i just now installed it at work and this is the first time i'm using win7 joined to a domain. I assuming being joined to a domain is what's causing the problem. The problem being that each time the UAC prompt comes up, i dont just get a yes/no...
  7. shipscook

    Windows 7 Bypass User Account Control

    I use a backkup program in which I have setup a schedule to start every 7 days or at startup if not done. The problem is it does not work if the computer is unatended due to the User Account Control poping up to ask if you want to allow the program to make changes. Is there any way this can be...
  8. N

    Windows 7 Any downloaded program wont run :(

    Hey all, Sorry I'm new to the forum, hopefully this is the right place to put this. I've just upgraded my Dell XPS 420 to windows 7-32bit Home Premium from vista and now any time I try and install a program from the internet (even things like iTunes or Firefox) I'm running into problems...
  9. shipscook

    Windows 7 Administrator problem

    I run 2 computers on a network both using Windows 7, I am the only user of both computers. When I tried to uninstall a program on the second computer I received the message: That I have to be an Administrator to uninstall it. I had this message before when trying to use Notebook to change a...
  10. D

    Windows 7 Window 7 seems to block external scripts from running within a program

    I recently tried to run a game with some mods after installing window 7 x64.. but it keeps crashing.. at first i thought it was just because the mods aren't compatible than i tried running a trainer.. again the game crashes the second i input a command from the trainer example: hit F7 for...
  11. S

    Windows Vista 7 only allows IE and nothing else internet related

    Well ill be honest, im not the most tech savvy person around so bare with me. Ill keept it simple, i just bought windows 7 home premium, downloaded it from microsofts website. Everything seems to be working fine EXCEPT the fact that the only internet application that is being allowed to run is...
  12. P

    Windows 7 Long wait period for admin acess stuff

    So I'll be uninstalling some programs and it takes like 5 minutes for it to confirm I want to uninstall it. I'm the only admin on my computer. In Vista it came up immediately. Do I need to tell any other info?
  13. Divine

    Windows 7 User Account Control Settings Issue

    Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys could possibly help me out: I expected to be told how adjust global settings as well as program specific settings. If I click to open a program and I'm prompted and you give me the option to change when this notification appears then I want to change...
  14. whoosh

    Windows 7 Windows 7 UAC Setting Access Cut by Registry ChangeMade by Office 97

    Link Removed - Invalid URL A simple change made into Windows 7’s registry can cause the operating system to cut access for end users to the settings of the User Account Control feature. According to the Redmond company, the Office 97 has been identified as the source of the problem...
  15. A

    Windows 7 Startup problem related to User Acct. Control Setting

    Hope this hasn't been covered to death. I searched extensively and couldn't find quite the same problem. I installed Win7 x64 Ultimate over the weekend. I previously had Beta & RC as a dual boot in addition to XPx64. I'm now running Win7 alone, though I have the HDD with XPx64 set aside...
  16. whoosh

    Free Windows 7 RTM Tests

    Link Removed - Invalid URL Link Removed - Invalid URL Link Removed - Invalid URL Still unconvinced to make the jump to Windows 7? Well, Microsoft is, by all means, delivering consistent efforts to win customers over, including offering free downloads of the operating system. The latest...
  17. whoosh

    Out of the box, Win 7 less secure than Vista

    Link Removed According to a well respected security firm, Microsoft’s flagship Windows 7 operating system is less secure in its default configuration that Vista. Trend Micros CEO Raimund Genes believes that Microsoft has put usability ahead of security: “I’m not saying...
  18. R

    Windows 7 Can't turn parental control off!

    Hello mates! ;) i have a new instalation of windows 7 ultimate...everything works well except of the parental control...i cant open program files...i didnt even created an admin acc & the windows asks me for one...i can't get in as the admin...i tried to instal a fresh win7, but it asks me for...
  19. M

    Windows 7 Administrative rights problem with foobar2000

    Hi all, i've been a lurker here since the release of windows 7. I have a problem with foobar on a fresh install of windows 7 ultimate 64bit. I am the sole account owner who presumably has administrative rights since i set this up from the win7 installation. Basically i want to use foobar to...
  20. P

    Windows 7 Expression web 3

    I have installed Expression Web 3, but when I try to enter the serial number, UAC asks for program permission. When I click to allow, the busy circle runs for a second or two, then stops. The serial number is not accepted. However, when I ran EW3 as Administrator, everything went fine and the...