
  1. InChoirer

    Start sync link is now no longer highlighted in WMP

    In my Windows 10 WMP, my Start sync link is no longer highlighted when I have my phone connected to my personal computer. I'm trying to download songs from my computer into my phone, which I have done dozens of time, but now the Start sync link won't highlight so that I can click it. So, does...
  2. N

    Windows 10 What the hell? Sounds usually slowed down to 10-20% of normal!

    For most of the last several days, my computer's sound output (using nVidia GeForce GTX 750) has been slowed down by 80 or 90%! How can that possibly happen? Usually a reboot doesn't fix the problem. Even when I run the audio troubleshooter, the sound frequencies remain absurdly low. At one...
  3. R

    Windows 7 Window Media Player 12 limited to 50 folders?

    Windows 7 Pro, 64-bit Drive C:, 394 GB free Drive D:, 333 GB free Windows Media Player, v12.0.7601.24499 I have a problem adding more than 50 folders to WMP. Each folder is either an audio book or a music album. * Each audio book exists in its own folder on Drive D:. An audio book consists...
  4. R

    WMP Volume issues

    I listen to my CD's every morning, but have a volume issue. My wife sleeps in the next room, so I have to keep the volume way down. On some of my CD's that means setting the volume at 14 on my PC . On most, it means setting the volume at 2. Not much wiggle room at 2 and even that is too loud...
  5. V

    Windows 7 Uninstalling stuff on Win 7...

    On my XP Pro it is possible to actually uninstall junk (both apps I install and the bloatware M$ pre-installed). How about with Win 7? Been doing a flurry of Google research trying to get familiar with this OS, before my PC arrives from eBay. So far as I can tell, with Win 7 the word 'uninstall'...
  6. trog69

    How do I install downloaded music to WMP?

    Hi. I just purchased an album from the artist's website. After DLing and extracting the files, I cannot find Windows Media Player anywhere in the files, nor can I seem to drag and drop the folder successfully. I was told to find the "File" drop down and then to find "Add to WMP" option but...
  7. A

    Windows 10 Music Library

    Hi, Im unsure where this post would come under so Im sorry if its in the wrong category. I have recently upgraded to Win 10 from 7 and would like to arrange my music library the same way as it was in Win 7. I want it in tiles (where all the artists are in tiles and when you click on the...
  8. A

    Windows 10 cannot get cd's to load in groove music

    I cannot load my cd's into my computer in windows 10. I tried the groove app with one drive and i can't get anything to work. I used to be able to (in windows xp) to stick the cd's in and windows media player would automatically rip the cd in. Now I can't even do that, my WMP has no rip...
  9. Orphydian

    Windows 8 [WMP] How to see the album art over the Now playing list?

    How to see the album art over the Now playing list? Link Removed Now I only have this Link Removed
  10. Orphydian

    Windows 8 [WMP] Album art interchnages between albums

    Link Removed Link Removed So some of my library albums didnt have album art or they have an wrong or low quality one. Ive folowed the official instructions on how to add /chnage custom album art (that copy and paste job from your pc or internet pictures). It went well for most of the parts...
  11. J

    Windows 7 WMP wont play my wmv drm protected file?

    Hi, I have a file which i have downloaded which is drm protected, which is fine because the place i got it is legal and does come with the drm usage rights stuff. When i open it in wmp 12 though it says receiving the license and asks me to log in which i do, i then get a prompt sayingive logged...
  12. brkkab

    Windows 10 I ditched Windows 10 TP 10049

    I ditched Windows 10 TP 10049 lasr night for good. It's really beginning to appear to me that Microsoft has lost it's focus, since 2015 got here. The 2 builds of Windows 10 have both had bug's that really shouldn't be there. Mail, Calendar & People haven't worked on either without the end user...
  13. S

    Windows 8 Change the default audio-CD (double click in This PC) player

    Okay, since there are many questions on this topic, none exactly the same as mine, I'd like to make myself perfectly clear. I know about Default Programs, and I know about Autoplay settings in the Control Panel. What I want to achieve is use Media Player Classic (comes with the K-Lite codec...
  14. J

    Windows 7 All Media Players Skip All Songs/Vids In a Playlist

    All Media Players Skip All Songs/Vids In a Playlist I have an Alienware/Dell PC x51r2 . I was using Win8, and am now using Win7. This has happened in both versions of Windows, in all of my players (classic, vlc). The only exception was Winamp, which did not skip audio but would not play vidya...
  15. G

    Windows 7 WMP stopped being able to play back Encrypted WMV files

    Title basically says it all: WMP on my machine decided to stop playing my collection of DRM protected WMV files. And since WMP is the only player that can play back these files, my video collection has become basically useless. And yes, all the files were purchased legally. Figure I'd post...
  16. paradive

    Windows 8 WMP playlist woes

    i have a playlist that WMP isn't recognizing in the Playlists window. if i locate it manually and click on it, it'll start playing it fine, but since it doesn't appear in the Playlists view, i can't edit it. any ideas (other than deleting and recreating the library)?
  17. Vamp898

    Windows 8 [SOLVED] WMP not reading MP3 Tags

    Hello There, this evening i upgraded my Windows 7 i used for Gaming to Windows 8.1 It only had 5-6 Games installed and rarely was on the Internet, so i thought the upgrade would go fast and easy. But since the upgrade (all updates in Windows 8.1 are already done), WMP does not read any MP3...
  18. James Thompson

    Windows 7 MP3 Meta-Data Is In File, But Not Showing up

    Hi I am having an issue I use Windows 7 and I use WMP to listen to my music. Recently I noticed that sometimes when I download music in a Zip Drive or just a straight File Download that the Album, Artist, Year, All Meta-Data appears to be missing. If I add it to my library in WMP, I can edit...
  19. Spudgunner

    Windows 7 DRM License acquisition problem (relicensing)

    I can no longer play my DRM protected music files in WMP. Each time I attempt to play a file, the Media Usage Rights Acquisition popup program fails to load the relicensing.od2.com website. The DRM is working, because I downloaded a protected test file that played fine. I tried reinstalling...
  20. P

    Windows 7 Upgrade WMP Security Components

    Hello every one. I am running a Win 7 Pro X64 machine. I have Media Player 12 installed. Trying to download and install digital copies of movies to my PC. I keep getting the error that I need to upgrade the windows media player security components. I follow the upgrade windows and screens...